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Everything posted by vlenhoff

  1. I ordered two from Kevin @ V-E, and I'm thinking about ordering on emore for my low-vis. It's good they're late, because my wallet got a serious hit last month. I also bought one of those tooth brushes that brush at 37,000rpm(Ibelieve), and that set me back even more. Now brushing is fun and educational I really want three sets, Lets see if Kevin do a Credit program for long term MW members Vic!
  2. vlenhoff

    Meeting with yamato

    Nooooo! I also wanted to know about M&M, and M+ in 1/48 scale.... Ohhh well... This new forums kick @$$! Thanks Shawn and Graham! Vic!
  3. My low-vis Has paint smudges on the right side of the cockpit, and the antenae on the back pack has a stress mark right off the box. Also, my friend's 1S 1/48 has that beauty mark on the right side of the head. Vic.
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