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Everything posted by RDClip

  1. I got Hikaru
  2. if it gets made, you can be sure of it.
  3. based on the price of the VF-19, i doubt i would be willing to pay so much for such a small figure let alone another VF-1.
  4. maybe a collection of shorts (5-10min) that just go through the parts the series skipped (Roy's funeral, Max and Millia deciding to marry, Kakizaki last thoughts of the steak that got away etc.)
  5. I've learn to keep quiet about not liking EVA, its fans are rabid. Generally i found the series to be pretentious and the characters to be unlikable(not boring or unrealistic just generally unlikable) and my interactions with some of its rabid fanbase didn't do much for my feeling on the show(i found it funny how nuts they went when the original ending aired) IMO, RahXephon used the same general formula (with several differences) but was much more enjoyable.
  6. Oh you have too much faith that only good original movies make money in the box office. Many bad, generic, boring movies have made huge gross profits. Really though i think WB bought the rights to RT so they could make your run-of-the-mill summer sci-fi movie, but have a little history to back it up. Even if RT doesn't have any mainstream recognition, they could market the hell out of it and create a belief that it was one of the ground breaking cartoons of the 80's(since their primary market will be kids that weren't alive then) That being said, i too doubt it will get made. Look at the Evangelion live action movie. That has to be one of the hottest franchises for American anime fans, but the movie is still in development hell. (and i heard about that movie like 6 years ago) The same probably goes for many other anime LAM. It all kinda depends if they can make an anime movie boom like they did with comic book movies.
  7. VFTF1, i think you should look on the bright side of the LAM. If it gets made, the screenwriters and moviemakers will most likely change the story so dramatically that people will no loner associate RT with Macross. VF-1 design : gone; SDF-1 desgn : gone; Protoculture (probably) : gone. So i'd bet the story will be: Big ship crashes, bad guy aliens want to get ship back and attack (booby trap will be removed from story), good guy humans fight back with transforming robots. I'm not sure if they will incorporate the power of music or culture shock. I doubt it since making the Zents not evil and just misguided seems too complicated for a TF-type movie.
  8. I think you should stick to RT fanfiction
  9. I'm currently going though Orguss and right now (about ep25) I'm not that impressed. The story doesn't really grab me and the mechas look kinda too bulbous to me. Nice to see them rip off character designs from Macross though
  10. I wouldn't say intake covers are as important as the heatshield, considering a heatshield is an important aesthetic part of batteroid mode (and fighter mode without it) but you can just leave the intake covers on permanently(since the intakes are closed in space anyway) But, i would be truly impressed if they could integrate opening and closing intake covers.
  11. NO Stupid RT protoculture is not Macross Protoculture. While in RT, PC is either food, a plant, or fuel; PC in Macross is the first civilization in the galaxy and progenitor of humanity and the zentraedi.
  12. I just got my first V2 1/60 and i was wondering what the hinge joint on the little fins on the front of the legs are for?
  13. Is there anyone who intentionally collects defective toys?
  14. Since i discovered how Kawamori designed the leg transformation I kinda find the term 'perfect transformation' kind of erroneous because it doesn't quite mimic the originally designed transformation. Kinda makes it hard for toy companies to design it perfectly with swing bars. The V1 1/60's are actually more accurate transformation wise
  15. If i really just need to watch a ninja movie, i'll watch Shinobi. No need to settle for mediocrity, due to lack of quantity.
  16. Did you learn nothing from the ewoks in Return of the Jedi? I'm not really interested in this, but hopefully Cameron finishes his Battle Angel Alita movie next. I just hope he hasn't lost his skill in movie making from a 12 year hiatus.
  17. Yep, Macross is so dying. Its not like it just finished a hit TV show a couple of years ago, has many top selling albums, has just released a theatrical movie, or has a crap tonne of products on the market. Nope, it totally looks like its on its last legs. I lament with such sorrow for my poor dying franchise.
  18. Yep, you're a genius... We should be so thankful you will put your genius mind to save Macross.
  19. Yep, lets use space age plastics in TOYS
  20. Since you are complaining about the series and the new movie, you are in the wrong section. I'd like this to not sound mean, but based on your comments in your other topics, you hardly know much about Macross or toys to provide any profound opinions on the matter. If you don't like current Macross toys, fine complain in the dedicated threads just like everyone else does at least then you won't sound so vague about everything because it will be about a specific toy. Don't waste time and space making new topics. And for your own benefit, learn to write a coherent sentence.
  21. Wrong section and please stop making nonsensical topics just to complain.
  22. Kinda shows the attempt to make Robotech anything but anime, but still rip off the style, character designs and mannerisms of anime. I don't really watch American cartoons, but RT:TSC CG still doesn't look good compared to network sci-fi series, video games or even some non-hollywood movies. If it was made like 10 or 15 years ago i would be impressed, but now the CG could compare to a series like beast wars (or whatever that terrible sequel to it was called) or a video game from the late 90s/mid 2000s.
  23. poor Guld, having to pilot a surfboard.
  24. I think he was referencing 'War and Peace' being so damn long. As for the main topic. I can't really understand why, if the OP never had a problem with any toy valks, why he would have so much conviction (albeit, poorly worded and thought out) about changing the materials. Really when on thinks about it Yamato had had more successes than failures in the durability department. The V1 1/60s, 1/48, and Mac+ valks have generally been problem free and they at least made an effort to fix some of the problems with the Mac0 and V2 1/60 valks(although it did take a while) The only company that you can really criticize for constantly making shoddy breaking-prone toys is Toynami. Oh and FYI, never ever put the title of your topic in all CAPS, it kinda devalues anything you have to say.(and when i hear it in my head i imagine someone screaming it )
  25. The cockpit really adds to the look of the model. I made one with the paper canopy i found it was the weakest part of the old design. I just finished a paper 1/72 MkII Monster, that was a long build, 27 pages.
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