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Everything posted by RDClip

  1. Hey Getter1, have you every come across a VF-2SS papercraft? I'm looking for one, but i can't find it.
  2. going on 2 weeks waiting for my VF-25F DX and Regult revoltech from BBTS, I guess i shouldn't have gotten the cheapest shipping offered.
  3. well going by the general design philosophy of MacII, 'The more big cannons, the better.' They sure went crazy with loading everything up with big cannons.
  4. its kinda funny if RT fans are referring to Macross fans as a cult, considering we probably outnumber them 10-1 worldwide.
  5. So, RT is an unintentional lesson why we should get rid of our dependence on fossil fuels? So the floating robot torsos are the good guys, who use renewable sources of fuel.
  6. The thing that really annoys me about MacII is the fact that the series is supposed to take place like 80 years after DYRL, but they are using a VF-2? Am i to understand that in 80 years they've only developed one new VF? Say what you will about the VF-2 looking like a reasonable evolution from the VF-1, but after 80 years that arguement kinda falls flat. Do any jet fighters we use now look like planes from the 30's? And they are reusing Zentraedi ships to build their battleships rather than any new designs? Seems like the engineers in the MacrossII universe are a little lazy. (I would've maybe be more lenient on it had they set it in a more reasonable timeframe)
  7. I think the music was supposed to be strange and otherworldly. The general concept of the series revolves around music with how the Mu control their mecha(not sure if that is the right word here) and Ayato literally 'Tuning' the world. I don't think a standard rock/pop soundtrack would've have worked.
  8. I hate it, too. It's not exactly the most thought out design.(How do you one-up(or four up) the old SDF-Macross, you build a ship with four cannons instead of one, lol)
  9. Well, they can't believe the line art, but everything animated must be true. Otherwise, how else could they canonize the VF-1R or the lasers shooting out of the sides of the nosecone. Of course it couldn't just be that Macross (or RT in their minds) was running on a shoestring budget and made animation mistakes.
  10. It was a MkII monster. Ep, 32 around 16:20
  11. cool down MWers, i highly doubt this guy is serious, else i feel sorry for him. Anyway, just want to give my personal experience with robotech.com. So a few weeks ago i decided to go over to their site to see how the other side live. I went to the macross section and within the top 10 topic, one was the aforementioned gay-bashing thread against MacrossF and another was an ignorant, xenophobic rant about the Minmei's music and how the translations didn't make sense to the poster. Both of these topics had several pages and were a few days (at least old). Now i've been a member on many online forums and this kind of stuff maybe (though not very likely) go by on a private fan site, but for an official site to keep ignorant, discriminatory threads open is is completely irresponsible.
  12. I was just listening to some anime music and have a great urge to rewatch RahXephon, one of my favourite animes of all time. And thus, i must do my part to gain awareness for this underappreciated series. A lot of people call it a EVA clone, i'm not quite sure if that is accurate. It does use the same formula of super-robot/monster of the week meets deep characters and plot. However, I always found it more enjoyable and generally has more likable charcters. I also found the love story to be interesting in how it played out. Not to mention having one of the best OP songs of all time. That being said, i really disliked the movie version of the series. It was about 90% reused footage to tell a greatly altered plot, which really ground my gears. So, if you've never seen RahXephon, get your hands on a copy of it and watch it, NOW!.
  13. the story kinda sucked, but the animation was top-notch.
  14. looks like the little blobby pilot is holding a green shaft (or guitar) to his chest.
  15. LOL, that would be the last straw?
  16. I doubt HG has the resources, financially or creatively, to make a TV series. i can't imagine, with it's quality, TSC cost that much to make and HG expects to get the money to make a TV series. Not just that, they need a network to air it, sponsors, marketing, etc. And they can't really expect to have proper merchandising with an exclusive contract with a small-time incompetent company like Toynami (though HG and Toynami are two peas in a pod when it comes to incompetence) I think the real reason they aren't going ahead with any TV show is they have absolutely no idea how to get it off the ground.
  17. Was there ever any info about that Macross Galaxy fighter that sent the distress call at the end of ep 5?
  18. Its quite common for studios to buy a property and just sit on it for years. Theres an interesting story of some studio buying the rights to the Fantasic 4 live action movie some time in the 80's and not doing anything with it. In around '92 their license was about to expire unless they made a movie from it, so they made some crap low budget movie just to keep the property. So, it could just be WB and Toby just bought the rights to the RT LAM just so they could own it and maybe do something with it in a undecided future date.
  19. I wonder if they are ever going to just make a toy fan jet with a reasonable non-exclusive production run. Lol, they can make a repaint for every character (booya max and millia fanjets, lol)
  20. this is a good question for our members in japan. How many japanese anime blu-rays have english subs on them? i can't imagine it would be that many.
  21. It may not work, i'm just saying if i had to try to sell an RT movie to the masses, that's how i would do it. Really i don't know how many casual movie-goers would actually put time into looking up info on RT to see how false the illusion is, i doubt many people are that stingy for a $10 movie ticket. And if they didn't buy the RT license for its name recognition, why did they buy it? (and, lol, 10 million? i doubt that very much. i doubt that HG is even worth half that much)
  22. I do think EVA did a good job of taking the monster of the week formula and adding a more mature element to it. But, i still can't agree with some people who say EVA was the most influential anime of the last 30 years. I had a discussion once with someone who argued that because of EVA alone, anime became darker and more realistic. I think culture in general was moving more towards a more mature place in the mid-late 90's when EVA came out (and even before it there were OVA's that were mature) But, i don't know if i am one to criticize fans for holding their show up so high. I do profess i think Macross was the most influential mecha series next to MS Gundam
  23. The thing is, WB (through smart marketing) can create the illusion that RT was much greater than it was. If done properly and with enough tenacity, they can make people believe it was a great ground-breaking show. You can twist history easily through the media.
  24. I think (IMO) that it tried too hard to be 'deep' everything symbolizes something, every character having some kind of crippling emotional issues, etc. (don't ask me for specifics, i haven't seen the show in years) I just don't find it to be very accessible when to understand what really happened, you need to go to a EVA fansite and get a lecture on philosophy and religious history. Sorry, i can't think of any other things i would say are similar to EVA in being pretentious in its particular way. I can say the last 2 Matrix movies got a little pretentious with the constant bogging down the story with the discussions on choice. Or maybe it's just me. I don't need a TV show or a movie to be deep, i'd rather it be fun and enjoyable. If i wanted to think about philosophy i would read one of my textbooks.
  25. I would like to see their exhaustive trackball training
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