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Everything posted by RDClip

  1. Good luck to anyone who tries to stitch together that timeline.
  2. Gundam mini-putt?
  3. I always found the legs to be odd looking. I can't really put my finger on it but the 78's legs always bothered me.
  4. It also shares the name with the sequel book to The Exorcist, what would become the movie Exorcist 3.
  5. My computer was dead last week, so i was shut off from most of my anime collection. But, i pulled out my DVDs of Excel Saga and had some zany laughs. Man, this show is so funny; undoubtedly the funniest anime series i've ever seen. I also downloaded (since i finally fixed my pc a couple of days ago) the new Inuyasha episodes. I totally went through a nostalgia trip watching it, since i was really into it when i was in high school. I'm glad they finally decided to finish the series, the way they ended the series the first time was very disappointing. I only wish more unfinished anime series would have their conclusions animated.
  6. lol this is my first time looking at this thread. Lets see: Stiff CGI that would fit in an old PS2 game...check Stupid cliche plot...check ripping off other peoples designs...check really boring character designs...check stiff, amateurish 2D animation...check People, this fits the bill perfectly for HG next anime acquisition. Robotech: The Other Untold Story...with Shadows Instead of ripping off Macross this company should just throw a bunch of money at John Woo and Chow Yun Fat and make an animated version of A Better Tomorrow.
  7. I wouldn't say that is entirely true. I'd say the rational people that hated the movie hate movies that make up for poorly written stories with fancy CG. I didn't care how good Revenge of the Sith looked when it had such a terrible script that was equally poorly acted (and i like Ewan McGregor in most his movies) I myself sort of disliked the movie(its good the first viewing with such a simple plot designed to get a simple emotional response), but didn't hate it. Moreso, i felt it let down itself with such a weak story. I hated Titanic for how overrated it became (and evidently drove Cameron kinda crazy enough to spend the next decade making underwater documentaries) And just to be clear, i usually like Cameron's films; Aliens and The Terminator are two of my all time favourite films.
  8. You made my day with that quote.
  9. Just got back from a 3D showing and it liked it. Just liked it, i wouldn't say it was the greatest ever or even in my top 50 movies. Certainly not worth the 'highest grossing movie of all time' record it will get. Kinda reminded me of that old animated movie 'Furngully" pretty basic premise of dozens of other movies (Last Samurai, Dances with Wolves, etc) Heck, i was even very much reminded of Macross Zero I felt that the main character was quite unoriginal and could be described as a 'Mary Sue' type character. And did anyone else feel they introduced or w/e its called and then just ignored it for the rest of the story. It was the driving force behind the human's agenda, but all they could dedicate to it was a few lines of dialogue.
  10. they didn't ever defeat the Anti-UN movement, really. Terrorists still existed in the Macross universe upto and including the macross VF-X video game, i don't know much about it though.
  11. Nope. watch the first episode of the series. The ship crashes in 1999 and the series takes place in 2009 and Mac0 takes place in 2008. The anti-UN never makes peace with the UN. and don't use RT terms here, pls.
  12. I'd put the VF-17 with the VF-11 since it is the special forces valk for that generation. And the VF-171 with the VF-19, because it was commissioned as a replacement for the more expensive VF-19 (though i would guess the 19 is still the better plane.)
  13. I have the revoltech saber and this version looks so much better. The thing i really hate about the revoltech is the big obvious joint in the lower torso, it ruins the entire look of the figure.
  14. something like the mechanical chain base? that would be awesome.
  15. ground crews and more pilots would be nice for diorama building (maybe a TV Roy pilot) How about a set of heads to cover the variants. (be good for customizers)
  16. Yep, if dougie wants to call MacF porn for undetailed nudity, he might as well make the same claim against Sailor Moon since they were underage and 'naked' during transformation or any manner of anime with similar pubicless and nippleless nudity. If you really want it simplified for you, it isn't pornography if it isn't presented in a sexual manner. If this guy believes what he is saying, he is completely off his nutt. There is a clear and obvious difference between nudity and pornography, or is he one of the people that considers works of art like Michelangelo's David obscene (Simpsons episode )
  17. Something i am wondering about. Does Toynami have exclusive rights when it comes to RT toys? I ask because if so and the LAM comes out, will Toynami be the ones making the toys for it?
  18. I really like the HCM, other than the tailfins sticking out so much in battroid mode. They generally look better than the MPC.
  19. Technically i didn't spend anything. I sold some old toys and bought some new toys with the proceeds.
  20. Which is one of the worst things about the movie. It was not written with new viewers in mind. If you had not seen RT before, you might be wondering, "Who is this Hunter guy and why should i care about him?" and other such questions. It's funny how HG expects to get new fans without making their big comeback movie accessible to the casual viewer. and PS. WHY SETO?!?!?! WHY DO ALL THE ROBOCRAZIES FOLLOW YOU AROUND?!?!?! It's like you killed their dogs, burned their houses down and stole their women and they are out for your head.
  21. I've never really minded the Tornado pack. I do think that the VF-25 Armoured pack(the general design, not the toy) is too bulky.
  22. Macross isn't moving toward looking like Gundam. You notice that valkyries are still first and foremost airplanes that turn into robots, thus the plane part is the most important. Gundam will always be the other way around in that the transforming Gundams will always prioritize the robot mode over its other mode (usually making the jet mode look like crap)
  23. I just started watching this series and so far i'm pretty impressed by it. I really like the comedy and the over-the-top-iness of it (my favourite moment so far was the first time they tried to combine the Gurren and Lagann by jamming it atop the Gurren) I was quite surprised with the ending of ep8. Though i was expecting it, not that early though.
  24. When i first heard the name 'Alto', i thought of the saxophone and the sax is a manly instrument. After all, Bill Clinton does play it (not sure if it was a alto though)
  25. on the previous page, getter1 posted the link, last link.
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