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Everything posted by RDClip

  1. I can understand that. After all, considering that anime is a niche market, the fans willing to spend $100+ on one piece of merchandise is still a smaller market within it.
  2. As i recall, they tried to add some crap high school story to it. I was surprised that they could out-do the badness of the first AvP, but nothing is impossible in the movies. I've also heard rumours of Scott considering doing a sequel/prequel to Blade Runner. But, i sure am looking forward to the sequel to Gladiator, The Emperor Strikes Back...From the Grave.
  3. Uxi, i think you're overestimating the American anime market. Anime here is still very much a niche market and mecha is a small niche inside of that niche. BW is doing great in Japan. American (or even worldwide) revenue can't even come close to the money being made in Japan alone. So, its probably a case of BW not wanting to spend the money on an unsure venture when they are doing fine in a sure market (Japan) And plus bringing over the entire Macross franchise would cost a fortune. Distribution deals, hiring VAs and translators, advertisements, and most of all the music rights would put any interested party so far back that it would be certainly very difficult to make it back. While I'm sure Macross Frontier could do well here, i doubt Macross7 could. Mac7 is very long and isn't your standard mecha series. Just think about how many macross FANS dislike it. And while it could be nice to have Macross merchandise on sale worldwide. It probably wouldn't be that much cheaper. They still need to import them all (they will still be coming from Asia) and not only that they will need to pay HG fees to use the name 'Macross'. And I'd bet HG will try to gouge BW for as much as they can. It's not like you can't get Macross products over here. If your lucky you can find some nice sales on-line (i got a yammy 1/60 from HLJ for $60 shipped around xmas) and high quality torrents exist for every Macross production. So we, outside of Japan aren't missing out on anything. Lastly, if you really think it is an acceptable compromise to re-package the Macross franchise as Robotech7, Robotech0, and Robotech: Frontier, i have to object. All business matters aside, I like that i can say that i respect the Macross franchise. But, to have Macross being 'whored' out (because that is what it would be to turn them into RT) isn't something I or many other fans can accept.
  4. I vote Blade Runner. It basically created the cyber punk look. And who can forget Roy Batty's death speech I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams... glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those... moments will be lost... in time... like... tears... in rain. Time to die."
  5. I don't know why anyone would be proud (let alone pay) to have Mark Hamil in anything. He's a guy that got incredibly lucky to be cast in Star Wars, but has done nothing since except star in a bunch of terrible B movies and do some voice work (which people only really remember the Joker and Green Goblin) I really feel sorry for actor's like this and the poor fans that idolize them. Funny thing is that his character in SC was a complete throwaway character that served no purpose other than to die. And they probably paid him more than they did for any other actor in the cast.
  6. Generally speaking, i love Ridley Scott movies. He's one of the best visual directors around today. He basically created the 'cyber punk' look in Blade Runner, gave us the super-gritty used universe look of Alien, and Gladiator was just plain awe-inspiring. The Alien franchise has been going downhill since the 4th film to the lowest of the low in the recent AvP sequel. I really do hope Mr. Scott can resurrect the franchise and bring it back to the quality of the first 3 films (and while he's at it, retcon the AvP movies out of existence) It would also be pretty interesting, that if this movie is about the space jockey, to do it without human characters altogether. The first AvP film would've been so much better without the human characters completely (I couldn't help, but laugh at the absurd scene where the Predator makes a spear and shield out of the alien corpse for the girl...so stupid)
  7. I always found the basic layout of the '25 very similar to the YF-19 at least in fighter mode. Everything is basically in the same place with the head, legs, arms, and shield placement.
  8. Just watched the Golgo13 movie. It was much more depressing and darker than most anime I've seen lately, but i really liked it. I'm starting to watch more of the 80's stuff now and it's interesting how much sex and violence they started to put in anime (mostly OVAs) Anyone know if the sequel OVA and the TV series is any good?
  9. Now it doesn't work
  10. I don't know if i would trust Yamato to make a VF-4. It is a very slender design with a fairly complex transformation with many moving parts. With the durability problems that yamato has been having of late, i could see a VF-4 toy being problematic.
  11. Yeah, the newest re-release doesn't even come with the millia pilot figure, right? That kinda sucks. Lucky for me i got a first release one and bought the CM/Yamato millia figure set to go with it. I really wish Bandai would release a 1/60 DX version of the Q-Rea.
  12. i find it hard to compare due to the huge size difference
  13. The site still works for me.
  14. As i recall it, Global was made the head of the UN gov't and Bretai was made head of the military.
  15. I've never seen the appeal of listening to interviews with american VAs or voice directors. Its not like they really did anything creatively or were necessary even. I would be much happier if the practice re-dubbing anime never was adopted; anime would be much cheaper. Anyway, getting back to the topic. I have to wonder if deep down in Carl's heart, he really believes all the bile he spews about his career. He can talk all he wants that he is a great creator or w/e but, in the end, he made his career off the hard work and creations of other people. It's like being a professional fanfic writer.
  16. Carl should really run for office, he really got the bending (and breaking) the truth and shameless self-promotion down. I always find soo damn absurd when he claims the Macross "exploitations" to be derived from RT. Yep, i totally see how Mac+ is based on RT. Or how Macross totally rips off RT's thing of never introducing new planes or hiring non-singers to sing. Really when the creator is acting like and saying things like that, you really can's call dougbendo and MEMO the lunatic fringe. Seems like lying and acting like douchbags is the official stance.
  17. Watched Jin-Roh: the Wolf Brigade tonight. I didn't really like it the first time i saw it because i was expecting a more actiony movie. But this time i was able to appreciate it much more for the depth of the story and all the symbolism in it. I'm glad I ordered the revoltech for the Kerberos protect gear.
  18. www.papermodelers.com has the plans I just finished mine (though it doesn't have the clear canopy or cockpit like the one in this thread) and it was a pretty easy build. You just have to score your own folding lines because this one doesn't have them like some other papercraft designs. And make sure when building it to be careful where you set the wings. I set them too high, so the thrusters aren't even now.
  19. Just finished Bubblegum Crisis 2040 TV series. I know a lot of people hated it, but i liked it just fine. I only watched the first 3 episodes of the original OVA a long time ago. So, i think i'll finish that next.
  20. I think the DX VF-25 is better than the bad rep it's gotten here. It's a decent toy (it probably should've been cheaper) The only really big complaint about it is that in fighter mode, the legs don't fit into the backplate the way it is supposed to.
  21. Are they still showing the movie in cinemas?
  22. It's so absurd that anyone would ever try to group RT with Gundam. One is the biggest friggen mecha franchise of all time (in quantity and probaby money spent on and money made from) and the other is a frankenstein series that experienced moderate success in the mid '80s. Guess which one is which. Anyone wanna predict where RT will be in another 25 years? I say the LAM falls through and HG eventually tries to dump the series. By this point the franchise isn't worth crap, so the resident RT crazies buy the franchise and run it out of their basement. They have no money and the fanbase is all but gone. The best they can do is produce fanfic-quality novels and comics. All the while Macross produces an additional 2 TV series, 4 OVAs, and 3 movies and has introduced dozens of new valkyrie designs. Thus, making millions in revenue and bringing in thousands of new fans. Eventually, acquiring their trademarks and licenses in the rest of the world.
  23. I just ordered the Kerberos Panzer Cops revoltech. Not necessarily because i'm a fan of Jin-Roh or ever seen any of the other Oshii live-action movies, but the Kerberos armour is so cool looking. Only payed like $21, too so pretty good deal.
  24. since this is a thread for podcasts, i have a question. I've just started listening to Destroy all Podcasts' Macross shows and really enjoyed them. Anyone have any other podcasts that cover a lot of Macross?
  25. But the RT fans have their vastly superior MPC collection from the greatest toy company in the world Toynami. I have to wonder if when HG was looking for a company to make toys for them, they were looking for a company whose incompetence equaled their own.
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