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Everything posted by RDClip

  1. I just found a fansub group that is doing SPT Layzner. Watched the first 2 eps and it is a really cool show. I especially like the mecha designs.
  2. So it goes from a post about the new release of the Macross F movie to MEMO accusing all anime fans of being pedos... Yep seems like the trend of any RT forum discussion.
  3. I doubt Kawamori cares about HG, RT, or anything in America when it comes to Macross. Like I've said before, Macross does just fine even though they are confined to only Japan. Anime still makes more money in Japan than in the rest of the world.
  4. Wow, i just had a big scare. So i wanted to play some MGS3, so i put the disc in. After a little bit of playing i decided i was done for the day, but when i tried to eject the disc it wouldn't come out. but the worst part was a nasty clicking noise when the disc was trying to come out. Thankfully it eventually came out fine after holding the eject button for a while. But, that gave me one hell of a fright. I have the old big and heavy PS3 which is now out of the warranty and i did not want to spend money to get it repaired. Anyway i hope that doesn't happen again.
  5. You guys have to see this: Donnie Yen is making a sequel to the Bruce Lee classic 'Fist of Fury' aka 'The Chinese Connection' and Jet Li's 'Fist of Legend' Looks like it will feature some WWII battle scenes and *Drum Roll* Donnie in the Kato outfit. I'm super excited cause he will be doing the action choreography as well. In other related news a remake of 'One Armed Swordsman' is in the works starring Donnie too. I recently watched Tsui Hark's version made in the 90's and man was it bad, hopefully this new one will be good. The rest of this year and the next will be good for Kung Fu action. If anyone is looking for a good vintage film, may I suggest 'Lady Snowblood'. I recently dug this up from my collection after not seeing it for years and I was reminded how awesome it is. A really cool revenge flick with a pretty good story to boot. If you are a fan of the Kill Bill movies, you need to see this, basically the complete inspiration for Lucy Lu's character and subplot. I really have to check out 'Lone Wolf and Cub' i understand that it is written by the same guy as 'Lady Snowblood'
  6. So i just saw the two Red Cliff movies, and all i can say is the great John Woo is back. After nearly 2 decade of making crap in America John Woo finally goes back east to make great movies. This movie is awesome for those who are either fans of Woo or fans of historical epics. Great battle scenes, great cinematography, great music, and great acting. Tony Leung once again gives a powerhouse performance. I especially liked the emphasis on strategy and battle tactics that Leung's army used to defeat a much larger force. The only way this movie could've been better is if Donnie Yen was in it. I'm really hoping John Woo has given up on Hollywood and makes movies exclusively in China and Hong Kong. I also recently saw a Jet Li historical movie called Warlords. I liked it, it put more emphasis on the politics in the imperial chinese military. I don't know if it is just me or does it seem that a lot of big budget chinese historical epics are being made recently?
  7. Even though most people dismiss it, i think Predator 2 was better than this movie. I guess it really comes down to the premise of 2 being more realistic and the fact that 2 added things to the mythology, but nothing really dumb. Taking random warriors and dropping them off on a 'hunting preserve' planet kinda ruins the whole honor/fair-play rule that the predators previously showed. (Am i the only one who is kinda offended that this movie presents some Yakuza gangster as a samurai warrior. Since he's japanese he must know how to wield a sword, right?) When it comes to the casting of Brody (who i do like as an actor) I get the vibe of another movie trying to be different casting an actor outside of expectations. I suppose in real life soldiers are rarely buff powerhouses like Arnold, but that was part of the charm of Predator, it was an over-the-top 80's action movie. This movie certainly went over the top on everything else, why not try to recapture the charm of 80's action heroes too? I'm really hating all these sequels, prequels, and reboots of movies i grew up on. Oh cheesus, i hope they don't touch Robocop, the thrid movie already put the franchise on life-support. And yet i'm still hoping Ridley Scott can make something i like with his Alien prequel.
  8. Yes except the Harry Potter books is one of the highest selling book series in history, while RT is a little remembered 80's cartoon from a company that has no influence and little in the way of brand recognition. One has to ask if the RT movie is such a major priority to WB that they can give some nobodies a say in one of their productions. That would be like WB giving a first time unknown director final cut on a big budget movie.
  9. I'm surprised how long it has taken for this movie to get from cinema to DVD, is this typical for movies in Japan? American movies are usually in stores within a few months.
  10. Oh great a side story about a character they cut from Shadow Chronicles, lol. That's less interesting than a side story about Yot-Chan. And now it seems that they will be pulling the "It's what Carl would have wanted" card on everything now. Why doesn't Tommy and HG deify him and make the church robocrazy, it'll be like scientology except without the money or influence.
  11. Toynami seems to do okay when it comes to cheap bargain bin products. When they have to do expensive collectors pieces, they are laughably incompetent.
  12. Toynami is more to blame for making such terrible quality products. Toynami seems to be following the HG business model of pure incompetence. But i still find it funny how Toynami tries to sweeten their bad products by slapping a 'limited' label on it. A piece of junk made in limited quantity is still a piece of junk. I sometimes see MPCs on ebay for like $200+ (Roy and Rick) and i wonder if anyone in their right mind would pay that much for a mediocre product when they can get a Yamato for much less.
  13. It's pretty typical for Chinese films that take place during the British Empire era. To be fair, the Brits did treat the Chinese pretty badly.
  14. How much of DYRL was Tatsunoko involved in? Do they own any of the outside-of-japan rights to it? I've heard that no one knows who owns the distribution rights to it, but shouldn't there be records for that sort of thing?
  15. So i saw Ip Man 2 last week and in short i found the first movie to be much better. Without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I'll comment. Why was Simon Yam in this movie? He served no purpose what so ever, unlike the last movie where he was pivotal to the plot. Anyone else feel the Rocky IV vibe from about 1/2 though on. And i can't really take some boxer as a serious contender against Ip Man after he handed 10 guys their asses in the first movie and consistently beats martial arts masters who have studied it all their lives.
  16. one of the mysterious powers of protoculture
  17. The original Macross was made for kids in Japan, you know. Heck almost all TV anime in the 80's was made for kids. The adult anime was just in Movie form (then later in OVAs) until like the mid-90s.
  18. Just got the blue ray for it.
  19. HAHAHA, Will Wheaton? The guy who has been in more bad direct to video sci-fi movies than Mark Descasus? The guy who played a character that everyone hates from star trek? And here i thought it was pathetic that the were excited about Mark Hamil being in SC. Maybe if RT fans are lucky, when the WB movie falls through, Uwe Boll will pick up the license and make a LAM starring Will Wheaton.
  20. I was wondering why there is a thread for a nation-wide motel chain
  21. So? Southern Cross and Mospeada really aren't that great. If a show isn't good then it should be allowed to fall into obscurity, not be shackled to a good show.
  22. So i was wondering. Since Tatsunoko has the worldwide merchandising and distribution rights, does that mean that they and HG collect all the revenue and BW and Studio Nue don't see a dime of those outside-of-japan profits?
  23. lol creator So if i take some random collection of manga white out the speech bubbles, add, own dialogue to connect them and give it some half-assed named, i can credit myself as a comic book creator? coolo Unfortunately for him, Mr. Macek's legacy is how a person can become an icon by stealing other people's work and taking all the credit. And as far as the whole "How should Macross fans view Robotech?" I view RT as the thing that did turn a lot of people to Macross, however even if RT never existed, Macross still would've been popular. Considering that RT doesn't exist in Japan and the Macross franchise has been doing fine ever since it has been isolated in Japan post-Mac+, I think western anime fans would've eventually caught on to Macross. I never saw nor heard of RT before i got into Macross. I found Macross via the internet with a torrent of DYRL. So, i don't think it is a bad attitude to pretend RT doesn't exist, because (for Macross, anyway) it just plain doesn't matter, completely inconsequential.
  24. Protoculture is everything, and it is nothing The beginning and the end love and hate life and death sweet and savory 2% and soy It is whatever the writers are thinking at the time And Thus spoke the prophet Thomas Yune
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