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Everything posted by RDClip

  1. Thanks for the heads up Kyp, i was a little worried, but now i'm more confident in the VF-0 I should be buying mine next week
  2. So its gonna turn out he's a kid whose mad at his dad? I wonder why he doesnt cut his hair? Also wonder if that charm around his neck (i think it is a charm rather than a necklace or dogtag) have some significance?
  3. I thought DYRL came out the same year or earlier than robocrap?
  4. I wonder if these new 1/60 will eventually lead to a reissue of the q-rau or maybe a q-rau in TV colors.
  5. I find it kinda odd that Alto wouldnt be in it too. We all know that Michael(sp?) is the #1 in the school. But from what i gather, Alto was #2 (maybe just because he's too impulsive and emotional?) So why wouldnt he be recruited too. Kinda got the same feeling too about Ozuma and the misa-type girl (Lt. Glass, i think)
  6. Still better than 'ASS-1' I always giggle a little bit when they mention it in the series or M0.
  7. I dunno I hope they release the TV hero valks first (still need a Hikaru VF-1J in my collection)
  8. So it has happened... I'M IN LOVE (as much as a man can love a anime series without being a weirdo ) Very few anime episodes have blown me away like this, Macross being at least 2 of those experiences. First when i caught Mac+ on late night TV back in '97 and second time (being my official entrance into Macross Fandom) was 3 years ago when, on a whim, I downloaded DYRL. Even though it was only 26 mins, i felt like i just watched an epic movie. Anyway, just a few things i wanted to comment on: Characters: Even though they may not be the most original, i am liking them, with no obvious annoying or 1D characters. I like how they put a twist on Alto's bishounin look. Sheryl seems pretty interesting and grown up. I thought Ranka was going to be annoying, but i'm taking a liking to her. Too soon to say anything on the side characters, though. Animation: Oh My Fricken God!!! It was so beautiful. Looks more like a movie or OVA rather than a TV episode. I was skeptical of the use of CG, but it was seamlessly blended. Anyone notice the nice little attention to detail? i love it when animation pays close attention. I really liked how the VFs didnt just explode, but they disintigrated then exploded. Mecha: Calling it 'Awsome' does not do it justice. they were damn spectacular. (just think of the toys...so many different accessories )
  9. So many new toys ... Guess i picked a good time to start collecting. (i know i was cheap with getting 1/48s for a reason) Any idea of release date Mr. G-man?
  10. With the news of the new perfect transforming VF-1, I've been liking to get one of these. (2 1/60 roys side by side) So, i have a simple question for members who own one of these. Did this release get rid of the major QC issues from the first release? (just wanna make sure that my 200$ toy isn't gonna fall apart )
  11. This 'no UN Spacy' thing could turn out to be pretty interesting. Seems that the colonies may have become more independent since M7. Would be a little cliche, but it could end up being Macross Frontier Fleet VS UN Spacy.
  12. Its looking really nice so far, i'm especially impressed with the hands and the gunpod (two of the less pleasing points on my old 1/72) A question for all you SV-51 owners: whats the build quality on those stands? (assuming that this will have the same one)
  13. The Millia Q-Rau was one of my first macross toys and i still consider it one of my favorites. You cant really expect it to do anything amazing posability-wise (it didnt do any crazy poses in the movie anyway) but if you can attach it to a stand (dunno if it connects to the Yamato one) you can probably get some nice anime-accurate poses. The going rate for the millia (on ebay) is usually somewhere between 60-80. Max is way higher. As for the CM set, they really compliment the Q-Rau. But it seems on all of them the paint seems faded on the upper boot area, i thought i got a lemon but based on the picture it seems they are all like that (just an observation)
  14. I believe i found a link on the Wikipedia Macross article.
  15. Yeah forgot about that one... But point still stands. (Oh, would a delta wing work on a VF-25?)
  16. I hope we get more than just different head sculpts and amount of lasers. I really would like to see variation in the VF-25 like there was for the VF-1 in DYRL? (different wings, FAST packs, cockpits and heads)
  17. Gamlin being my favorite character in M7, i may be a bit biased, but he really got shafted throughout the series. Gamlin most likely was truly in love with Mylene, but i really doubt she felt that strongly about him. He shouldve gone with someone his own age (he's probably 3-5years older than Mylene) because Mylene was still a kid (14) She had a little high school crush on the cool boy that treated her badly instead of paying attention to the one that actually cared for her. We can pretty much be sure that Basara didnt have any feelings for her, and if he did he would be terrible in a relationship anyway. So, most likely scenarios would be Mylene hooks up with Gamlin when she grows up and matures Or Gamlin moves on and gets together with a grown woman.
  18. Has it been confirmed that it's going to have a 26 ep run? I was hoping for a longer count. 26 seems to be the standard season in anime nowadays (with a few exceptions) and series seems to be very specifically planned for that amount of episodes. But, sometimes 26 just leaves you wanting more. On the other hand there are series' that run way too long. But, if MacF is planned for 26, i doubt they would deviate from it.
  19. Agreed, most Macross mains are a bit on the wimpy side of looks. Least wimpy would probably be Isamu. But i have no problem with a Bishounin leads in anime, i'm used to it. The only character design that kinda irritates me is Ranka (Lanka?) She looks a little too young...younger than Mylene. I really hate the whole lolicon character design for lead females.
  20. I'm sorry, but that dream died for me when i moved from the old 1/60s to 1/48. Now a few of my thoughts... I think that battroid-ish hand thing is prolly some kind of training device for learning prcision movements. As we see in the trailer, the protagonist is holding a paper airplane with a similar looking hand. My thoughts were that he was training precise movement with the arm via folding the airplane (anyone remember the scene in patlabor where Noa was making a cat's cradle with her ingram?) I got the impression that the VF-17-ish fighter was the standard issue valk of the era as opposed to a special forces VF. We see much more of it than the VF-25 and it some of them get beat up pretty bad. Just reminded me of the VF-11s in M7. Just because the bad guys look like bugs, doesnt really mean that we wont have some relatable bad guys. They could very well go the route of BSG and Space: AaB and have organic craft that are piloted by humanoids. Or they could be sort of like organic robots remotely controlled by some someone far away.
  21. I'm really liking this toy (something told me i had to order that YF-19 last week). It looks miles better than my 1/72; we have good proportions, big feet (anyone who has a 1/72 YF-21 knows how tiny the feet are on it) good looking hands (i hate the hands on the 1/72 so much) and appears to have some neat little gimmics (intake covers so far). Hopefully we'll be provided with some nice High-Res photos of the product soon for more drooling over and analysis of. (wink, wink )
  22. I so predicted that (although it was pretty obvious ) But any news is good that this point.
  23. I have been a major anime fan for over 7 years now. I have seen dozens and dozens of series, some really good ones and some terribly bad ones. M7 wasn't terrible, but it wasn't that great either. It had potential. The series could have been much better, but there is a lot going against it. Many parts of it felt (for me) recycled and repeated (in the majority of episodes there would be the same scene of basara flying out to a skirmish and singing the same way with the same camera shots, with slight variations) The episode count was too long and just became boring and repetitive. The villains weren't that great as villains, most were either too cartoony or just plain annoying. And the most important problem was the main character seemed to be very difficult to relate to. But it does have some good parts about it. The story and history add a lot of depth to the Macross universe. We had some very good story telling and character development with Gamalin and Mylene. And we got some cool new valk designs
  24. Ouch Sounds worst than the MPC.
  25. So, i've been looking at getting a 1/48 Roy, but i can only find movie versions. Did Yamato never release a TV version?
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