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Everything posted by RDClip

  1. but they look damn good in fighter mode still at what they are worth now, a nice fighter mode figure for like $20 (they're probably worth that much now)
  2. Interesting... Since the revy battroid vf-1 wasn't exactly lineart accurate. i wonder what this will look like.
  3. I kinda agree about enough with the emigration fleets for now, but i'd like to see what's going on with earth. Chronologically, flashback was the last time a macross story take place on earth (i dont really consider the last episode of plus 'really' being about earth). See whats happening with the UN gov't. I'd like to have it explained why the NUNS forces have had a decrease in quality since M7. Perhaps the emigration project is slowly bankrupting the capital, thus leading to a decrease in military spending.
  4. Yeah...that's awesome might as well give the battroid sunglasses cause its so cool and...awesome
  5. I am quite surprised that the VF-2SS is leading in this poll. I personally think it's butt-ugly and the SAP packs make it look even dumber, but w/e. I really hope Yamato goes ahead and makes a VF-17, it has the toughest battroid mode in any valk desgn. Heck even the battroid mode looked good in the cheap Bandai toy from the '90s (the fighter mode on that toy looked like garbage though)
  6. I don't consider MacII part of the Macross franchise, so i eliminated them for my consideration. As much as Macross7 has grown on me, i still can't like Basara. I still think he is a narcissistic ego-maniac that has no consideration for other peoples opinions or beliefs. For female, i picked Sarah, just because i didn't feel much of a connection with the character.
  7. Seems that your example just show that Hikaru is a better decision maker at that point. During SW1, Max was the pilot with the most raw talent, but Hikaru was more mature and less reckless. It's pretty clear in M7, that with 35 years of experience no one is a match for Max, most likely even Hikaru (wherever he disappeared to).
  8. I'm willing to bet that the VF-17 will be made. Just as VF5SS posted above, Yamato is releasing Mac7 toys, so a VF-17 fits there. Also, MacF was quite popular even with viewers not familiar with Macross and since VF-17 -> VF-171, Yamato has a pseudo-backdoor into the MacF merchandising (obviously they cant release a VF-171 or a paint scheme similar to it, the VF-17 is close enough) Because as i've heard Bandai has no plans for a DX VF-171 And I've always thought the VF-4's transformation was way too complicated. I'd think a toy version would be quite fragile.
  9. ??? Someone needs to check out M3's entry on the VF-4
  10. I would like to say the VF-4, but i'm gonna go with the VF-17. I onced consider buying one of the bandai releases, but considering the toy only looked good in battroid mode, i decided against it.
  11. I like to take the official stance and pretend that MacII never existed. The exact same thing happened to the old Metal Gear franchise. Anyone here that is a big Metal Gear fan will have heard about Snake's Revenge, a terrible sequel to the original MG that was produced without the involvement of Hideo Kojima. Now Snake's Revenge is treated as it never existed. It's funny, when big companies try to make a sequel just for the money and name value and exclude the original creator, it always sucks. Everyone just ask yourselves, if Macross II didn't have the macross name attached to it, would you consider it a good anime? I say no, i can at least say that the other Macross productions have at least been good and watchable.
  12. Maybe a Yamato VF-17???
  13. I didn't like Mac II at all. i found it to be a boring cliche, predictable sci-fi anime with 2d characters and an uninteresting plot. And WTF does the SDF-01 have macross cannons in its legs???
  14. I really hope we can see some actual involvement from these guys in a future Macross production, maybe as the major antagonists. We all know their origins, but i'd like to know what their motives are for fighting the Zentradi since the extinction the the PC. Yes a fight for survival may make sense, but it's kinda lacking in interest for me. Maybe they worship the Protodevlin as Gods and bla bla whatever goes with that.
  15. I can't see that happening. Without valks, macross isn't macross. It is a action mecha franchise after all.
  16. ...Me lol Anyway good to see my rant has lead to a long thread. I still stand by my theory that M7 was Kawamori screwing with the macross franchise or the mecha anime genre as a whole (there is a bit of this in MacF with alto's bishonen-ness being a point of ridicule or characters being somewhat based on SDF:M characters with similar plot points turned on thier head). Not to say that it was an intentionally bad series, it does have many merits that can be overlooked at first viewing.
  17. I can understand that. However, we aren't the demographic that they are trying to sell Macross to. Its directed at teenaged Japanese boys. So fanservice, loli characters and pop music have to be a given. (I figured that out when i found that i related to very few anime characters since i'm not a teenager anymore) I'm just saying it isnt realistic to expect Macross to turn into Ergo Proxy or GitS because Macross has always been in the realm of colorful events and characters, not realism and grittiness.
  18. I haven't really been keeping up with toy news for the last year or so due to being dirt broke, but i have a question about the new VF-22 by Yamato. I was under the impression that Yamato couldn't do any of the Macross7 toys because Bandai owned the rights to the designs. Did this recently change? Will we see more Macross7 Yamato toys in the future?
  19. So the first time i saw m7 a few years ago, i thought it was so stupid. The whole thing was filled with cheesy cliches and predictable events. Then recently i finally noticed what i was missing the whole time. Macross7 is a parody series. Its so obvious when you think about it. Basara is an self-righteous narcissist that flys into battle to stop the fighting by singing. This is obviously a parody of Gundam and other mecha series where the protagonist discovers himself and decides to use his leet piloting skills(which like basara, come with no prior training) to stop the violence. Mylene is an annoying 14 year old who lives by herself, drives, and has an adult job(for the sake of this arguement, i'm saying that being in a band is 'adult'). This is a parody of all the annoying teenage characters of anime that try to act like adults even though they are still children. And then theres the bad guys who randomly attack them and try to steal their 'spiritia' aka energy. There's probably other anime series that have a similar story, but i liken it to the 1st season of Sailor Moon. I heard that the original SDF Macross series was initially supposed to parody space opera anime of the time like gundam and Yamato. We all know SDF:M turned out to be a serious show, so who knows this may have been an influence on how M7 turned out. I also recall the rumor that Kawamori wanted to make Macross+ as completely unrelated to the Macross franchise under a different name, but Bandai Visual forced him to make it a Macross. As well, he was obligated to make a TV series in the deal and M7 was the result. I'm just speculating here, but perhaps the whole of M7 is a little jab at the entire anime industry by Kawamori. So i find that it is better to watch Macross7 and not to take it seriously. P.s. If this was always obvious to everyone, i apologize for my daftness.
  20. You DARE question the MILFness of Millia.
  21. As per my wondering, why they would try to force morality on humanity, when they themselves were a warring destructive people.
  22. Not sure if i agree with 'darker and gritty' in Macross. Why does everything have to be gritty and depressing nowadays? Anyway, i'd like to see some of these in Macross: Maybe a female pilot main character Some big insight into protoculture What the hell happened to Sara Nome And finally, can we get a love triangle that actually has a resolution at the end of the series?
  23. I haven't been here in a year and there's still reposts of this same poll. Good to see some things never change. Anyway, the answer is obvious. Max was and is still the best. Some of the stuff he pulled off in combat can never be duplicated by any other Macross pilot to date. Take for example, the M7 episode where they assault the enemy planet (operation: starlight or something) Everyone is having a tough time and Gamlin is even shot down. Then Bam, here comes Max in his VF-22 like a bat outta hell, breaks in, plants the bomb, and cheeses it out of there.(my favourite moment from M7) and P.S. Why no Gamlin in the poll??? sure he wasnt that great, but comon...
  24. So i have a question, either due to having a low attention span or a bad memory. What was the Vajra's connection to the Protoculture? I don't remember, it being stated that they created the Vajra, but they do resemble the birdhuman. 2nd is more of a general wondering. Why would the Protoculture, a race in the midst of a civil war of galactic proportion and that created super powerful techno-organic weapons, place a device like the birdhuman on earth to make sure humans don't fight? plot hole or were protoculture just a race of self-righteous hypocrites?
  25. Wow, its been a long time since i posted here. Anyway, i didnt visit this site for the last few months so i guess i watched MacF without any outside influence. While i can see why there would be some flaws in the series to criticize, i think most anime fans can agree that it was at the very least a good series. Granted i've only watched a few new anime, i can say that MacF is the best anime of this year for me (sorry Code Gease, your ending kinda sucked). And Macross fans should be damn happy just from the impact that this series has made. It brought macross back into view for Anime fans, thus: more toys, merchandise, and the most important thing: possible interest in a new Macross movie/ova/series(hopefully). P.S. At the very least we can all agree it was better than Macross 7
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