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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. Ordered one, sent payment. Now, I just need to find an Alto. Angloz seems to be out, I can't find it on their website. I'll try hlj I guess.
  2. Still got 4.5 hrs or so in my current time zone. IBTL to stick some Macross Toy content into this message: I plan on getting my 1/60 VF-1J Super Hikaru this year, and maybe a loose 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru since I have some strike parts and spare 1S cockpit/head/wing. I plan on taking the super parts and pilot from the 1J and sticking it on my 1S, then turning a 1A into a 1S with the 1S strike parts from Focker's set. I'm debating getting the Max 1S and maybe a Max 1A TV if Yamato releases it. I'm definately getting the 1D though.
  3. Nice HK there squidd! Been debating on the 45 or 45C myself. My wife got me an EOTECH scope for my rifle (she cheaped out, I got her a 2008 Buick) The kids got me Grief. My brother got me a Storm Trooper hoodie from Ecko wear. This thing is awesome! I'm such a dork!
  4. Going to put my Hikaru 1J fast packs and pilot on my 1S Focker to make a TV Version Super VF-1S Hikaru.
  5. just to be sure, these come packed in fighter mode, correct? here's hoping so, cuz I don't plan on ever transforming mine. My YF-21 and YF-19 have been in fighter mode out of the box and I hardly transform my 1/48s anymore.
  6. meh alto's boobies (nice, not gross, nothing larger than a 38D) -fixed
  7. SOLD! I am now skipping the idea of buying the 1/72 Alto model and commissioning someone to build it for me in fighter mode only. I will buy the 1/60 DX and leave it in fighter mode.
  8. local gamestop by me was giving $60 for 360 trade ins. $40 if you want cash.
  9. Yeah, I was weighing the pros and cons of buying the model kit and commissioning someone to build it, but then I thought, it wouldn't look right, the only other 1/72 I have is a custom YF-19 by Kurt, everything else is in 1/60, so I might as well just buy the 1/60 and leave it in fighter mode. It'll probably cost the same after commissioning someone.
  10. After a thread hits so many pages, it slows down the board, so it goes into megathread heaven. I'm still debating getting the Alto DX or waiting for Bandai to release a Alto fighter mode only model, seeing as I have only been displaying stuff in fighter mode, I don't really need the full transforming toy/kit.
  11. Haha, just watched this and that was the first thing my son and I both said, give her a gun!!! So Leon tosses her his gun and he pulls a backup gun out to finish, might as well give her the backup gun in the first place, you know she can use it. And where was Leon keeping all his extra magazines?!?!?!? I want to know so I can do that. I usually only carry two extra mags when I carry concealed. Also, what was the point of having Angela in a dress at the end???? And another thing about those SWAT guys. WTF???? I'm just going to rush in and pick this guy up that's lying on the ground? Ummm...no. Spraying and Praying?? No, I only have so many magazines on me, I better make it last. All in all, I did like the movie. It held my interest that my son and I watched it late at night and didn't get to sleep till 3am. It's a school night too, I'm a bad father.
  12. I just got the single DVD edition, nothing else on it but the movie.
  13. I'll check it out, I still have an old save where they are mad at me and i can't do dialogue, but it will do scripted dialogue, so i will try to do that and see what happens. My next time through, I'm just going to maintain neutral karma, save before an achievement, and get my neutral and evil karma achievements at the same time and only do the quests i missed the first time through. === ok, you can still play the main quest with the BoS mad at you. When Sarah asks if you're ready, you have to say yes, so the main quest dialogue will continue, then it plays normal after that. time to start over
  14. crap, was going to try and finish the game today, after finishing agatha's quest, i went back to the citadel to finish the main quest, but everyone is hostile towards me??? I reloaded, went back in with NO companions, and they're still hostile. I'd hate to have to reload to just after getting out of Raven Rock because I went and did a bunch of quests after that, but if I have to, I have to. this sucks! --- ok, i guess maybe it was agatha's music playing in the background making people insane??? I changed radio stations, slept and went back in to the citadel and everyone was fine. now i am done with good karma, will replay next with neutral karma
  15. crap, i was going to borrow someone's Halo 3 to copy to HDD because mine is a bit scratched. Oh well. Guess I won't be doing that. HDMI cables for less than $10 at monoprice.com
  16. I thought all newer 360s have the HDMI port now? I was at GS a few weeks ago and they had a used Elite HD (120GB) that I bought for $65, then I was wondering what to do with my old 20 gb Halo 360 HD, so I bought an Arcade system (the cheapest one) for my son (since I sold his old system back in the spring because of bad grades), so he can use the Halo HD, and the Arcade system came with an HDMI port.
  17. I did my best to base my avatar off myself. I'm trying to finish up Fallout 3 as a good player, then I'll play it sporadically as an evil character. I just loaded COD5 and COD4 onto my hard drive. I still have not opened up Gears2 or Dead Space yet. I'll get around to them eventually. I'll install those onto the HD later, thankfully, I have the Elite HD. I'd run out of room if I still had the 20gb HD.
  18. a coworker has Verizon and we just unlocked him phone (yes, hack), but it was pretty simple, we followed instructions we got online and the software was found online as well. it was a seem edit or something.
  19. I've been mixing up different songs from Dragonforce's fourth album.
  20. yeah, i know i'm a bit harsh on the power supply, i just can't seem to get registered on the Dell Community to ask questions. I've had no problems with either of my Dells, they're tough and they work great. If you're having no problems with the 8800, then I guess I'll spring for a 9800 for him since they're running around the same cost as the 3870. one of these I guess: XFX EVGA MSI here, found an old pic (don't really feel like going digging the XPS out of the desk again until I'm ready to swap cards)
  21. looking to upgrade the video card in my computer before I give it to my son for school/college. it's only got a 375W power supply, so I wasn't really looking to do that big of an upgrade. (yeah, Dell power supplies suck) it's currently got a GeForce 7900 GS with 256MB Ram. (this is what it came with in 2007) I was looking at replacing it with this Radeon 3870 I don't think it'll overtax the power supply. The computer is: Dell XPS410 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo 2GB Ram Vista Home Premium 500 gb HD (Raid 0?) 2 DVD burners nothing else attached. There's plenty of room in the case as the only card inserted in there now is the 7900GS. His montior will actually be my old 32" Sharp LCD hooked up by HDMI hopefully. If not, he can have the 22" Dell LCD and I'll buy myself another monitor. Will he notice any improvements with the 3870 card, or should I just leave him with the 7900 GS. The 7900GS was good enough for me when I played Oblivion and Crysis (medium settings only), but since I built my own computer with two 9800GTX SLI'd, I'm pretty much spoiled. I don't want to replace the power supply since I still have some warranty left in the stupid thing (work made me buy it since they paid for half of the system) If anything happens, I can swap out the video cards before the tech gets here)
  22. I'm picking up my copy of COD5 tomorrow. I'll start playing Friday. I'll probably wait for Left 4 Dead until it comes down in price. I still haven't opened up Gears of War 2 yet. I changed my gamertag from Sarge051 to Chowser51
  23. Did you find the two ghouls in the tunnel? One of them asks you to find Sugar Bombs for him. In their area is a room with some radioactive canisters. There is a manhole cover in there that you can take down, then follow the arrows to find the Family.
  24. My coworker bought Fallout 3 for his 360 and even on my aging Nvidia 7900GS (256mb), it looks better on the PC and I don't have all the settings set at max either. I have an 8600GS on my laptop and that looks even better. Haven't seen the PS3 version to compare yet. For these type of games, I prefer the keyboard/mouse set up. For games like Gears and COD, I'd prefer the 360 controller. Also the cost of video cards have come down. I was planning on getting a cheap 9800 to replace the 7900, but why bother, the 7900 is running things fine.
  25. For games that aren't multiplayer (like Fallout 3), I'll buy it on PC to save $10 as well.
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