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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. well, it looks like the server is too busy, here's the first four movies mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros01_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros02_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros03_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros04_300k.wmv i'm getting the 404 for the 5th. ah well, guess i'll have to wait for middle of the night JAPAN time (it's 5:33am for me right now)
  2. I had the boot of Trigun for awhile, i didn't the US realease was out, but after I saw it at Best Buy, I bought it. For me, it's the legitimate US release, and the quality, IMO, is much better. I tried selling the boot, but no one wanted it. Prices aren't that bad in the US. I just picked up the GundamW set for my son, that thing cost $149! But that's for 10 DVDs, so that's not too bad.
  3. is this where you guys are finding the info on gamefaqs? http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/data/24496.html if that is the page, it was like that years ago. it hasn't changed. it's been say TBA for awhile.
  4. Wall mounted shelves like they have in stores? That'd be neat, just find a store going out of business and make them an offer on the stands My buddy was throwing out two entertainment centers, so I grabbed them up and now I've got one filled with Macross stuff, and the other with Star Wars/Gundam/Transformers/Star Trek stuff. The curio cabinet has my mint Macross stuff in it.
  5. only one way to find out, check on ebay, yahoo auctions, etc. I'm sure someone is trying to sell one somewhere. the good ol' shadowhawk from battletech days...
  6. when did IGN do it? GameFAQs list is old data. it still says 1999. I highly doubt they would redo the text and bring it out. Look for Sega's new game coming out. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ct=ST&f=6&t=281
  7. wow, never knew about the slide card, i've got my ps2 modded with the PS2 Cover using the swap magic discs and it works great. my buddy had the knife method, but i didn't want to do that, i stood in line for 4 hours way back when to get my PS2, so it's one of the originals, so no more warranty. i didn't mine opening it up. had to clean the dust out anyway But this is one game I will be importing! I just wished for once that they would design all the games using the english language. I know most/all the people in Japan can read/write english. I just started my japanese class last night, it's going to be a long year...
  8. I just use Testor's brush thinner. I can't find any other brand. A shop by me carries Tamiya paints, but no thinner. I dip a qtip in it and just lightly rub off the paint. That's how I got rid of the 013 and stuck an 001 sticker on it for the VF1S. On the 1A, I was able to use it to clean the wings off and there was no difference in the plastic on the wing. I also used it to remove the black off the nosecone. With the other parts, I had to clean the pieces off completely. If I rub hard enough, I eventually get down to the silver?/diecast on nonplastic parts.
  9. I'd like to eventually see a 1/60 Glaug. Back in the day, when playing Mechwarrior, the Marauder was my mech of choice!
  10. thanks all, that was the second custom i made (destroyed) The first was a Max-1S (all I had to do was repaint the arrows on the 1S head and put the right numbered stickers in place.) (here's the battroid view - http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1061687733.jpg ) more pics in my valks folder at http://f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/phillipchow@...w@sbcglobal.net for the Max-1A, i broke the tab that holds the nosecone in place, my cat stole the heatshield and probably ate it (i don't sift through the litter box, i have one of those automated ones), i put the leg lights in backwards and painting was done with a gundam marker it looks ok from a distance. now that i know i can remove the yamato paint with paint thinner, i am slowing stripping paint off a Focker 1S and trying to learn how to use an airbrush to do the painting better. the gundam marker just looks bad and i am horrible with a brush. If i get this one right, I'm gonna pick up a 1/48 Max to repaint.
  11. I think he meant the one I'm waiting for as well, a TV-Max VF-1A. something like this (digicam is down, so this small pic is all i have, heatshield is somewhere...darn cat)
  12. * ahem * to be the only male on board an entire female ship. I've switch sides other than that, I don't know. movie plot twister.
  13. My main source for new releases is from VE. Other than that, I'll try and pick some up here on MW or on Ebay. I've bought from other on-line places as well. I've never bought anything in person. No local stores.
  14. definitely getting a weathered version !!! that will be my first real prop replica. These are definitely smaller in circumference than the FX editions, right? I mean, holding an FX is not at all instinctive since it is so chunky.
  15. For $3K, I want to be able to get in it and use it as a costume! on a side note, I'm still trying to convince my Chief that our entire department should switch over to Stormtrooper armor!
  16. I just saw on their website that they now have Luke's ROTJ and Vader's FX Lightsabers up. Anyone hear anything about these two? Are they basically the same thing as the Anakin FX with new handles/colors?
  17. Look at this and tell me you don't want one
  18. here's some slow-mo screen caps. the flash of light and the bloody hole
  19. definitely doesn't look like a forearm missile. it does look like he shoots, if you play it in slow mo, there is a flash of light then it looks like there's blood leaking out of a hole after Max pulls away. here's my Max, he's got the gunpod in the right spot
  20. well, I only have a 1S 1/48, I figured since I have every other Focker 1S, I might as well be complete. I was planning on getting a 1/48 Max for the improvements, but I am going to wait for the 1J Hikaru as my last 1/48 VF-1. I just can't afford to have the same thing sitting next to each other. I'm looking at my collection now and I am VF-1'd out, I just moved stuff around to rearrange and I count 21 VF-1s, from Bandai/Yamato/Toynami, that's not even counting the Banprestos or model kits I'm not done putting together yet. But I must have ol' pointy chin in 1/48 when it's released. All I really want for the VF-1 now is GBP armor. * grammar getting worse...no sleep.... or is that grammer getting worser *
  21. I have the FX boots for Trigun and Kenshin and they sound fine. It's actually the english dub stuff they've been showing on Cartoon Network. When the US Version of Trigun finally came out, I went and bought that too. Vids look a little better (seeing as how the series is not crammed onto 3 DVDs).
  22. thanks, i'll straighten them out a little. i haven't even opened #3, 4, 5 or B yet. I just like the boxes
  23. Chowser

    Meeting with yamato

    You're not the only one, has any company ever come out with this other than in model kit form? I've already trashed one Yamato 1/60 trying to make a custom, I'm in the process of trashing yet another one If I get this one right, I'll try it on a 1/48... I'm definitely picking up a couple of YF-19s and then I will start collecting donations to collect the M0 line.
  24. dang it! wrong pic! sorry for the big one! here's the small correct one
  25. here's mine! you had the same idea i did for Rick. I used the red fast packs too!
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