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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. Xenogears was my all-time fave from Square. I haven't started Xenogears yet, let's see if they can keep up with Square. I'm trying FFX-International now. still, FF7 was where the very first RPG I ever played, it was the reason I bought a PS. Oh, why does Xenogears cost $$$ even used at the stores? I was going to pick one up for my lil' sister.
  2. and then it's, "let's split his gear"
  3. ack, ok, just spent about 2.5 hours on this, I have gotten a few people to lose their arms, but that's about it and I guess only when I come at them fast and hard and slice down. It's also nice that stormtroopers will show cauterization marks where you slice'm. Hey Vostok, I didn't know they had scorch marks from blasters, thanks for letting me know, I'll have to dig out the blaster and try it sometime, with my force level low, I can stand in front of an enemy with my lightsaber on all day and do NO damage. with the force level set high, it will kill them when I run into them. I still haven't beheaded/betorsoed/belegged (are those even words?) anyone yet. Ok, time to watch some anime and get away from the computer.
  4. you can have both, here's mine in 1/60 guise
  5. Those are incredibly lame!! So I get hit on the head with a lightsaber and all that happens is.... I get schorch marks?!?! WTF? yeah, i know, i'm just standing there, you can hear the saber making noise, but the bad guy is still shooting at me, haven't had time to try it, had an fop meeting/drinking party now that i'm home and have all night with nothing else to do, i'll play it for awhile and get back to ya on the dismemberment.
  6. Chowser


    preordered mine from VE with no fast packs, I've got an extra set of fast packs right now that aren't doing anything so I will stick them on Hikaru's 1J while waiting for the GBP. ya know what, I wonder if I can stick the other strike cannon on my VF-1S?
  7. ok, maybe i don't have an option turned on, or maybe i need to change a setting, i think in JO, it was g_saberrealisticcombat 20 that let me lop of arms, legs, torsos, etc. also, does the saber do damage when I just stand there with something in front of me? i've tried running into people, and they shoot back, so I just slice'em. Guess, I will try it right now and just stand there and hope i don't die. well, i guess i can turn on god mode to test that i try to not cheat until after i finish it the first time through
  8. i don't think that's mark hamill, he didn't do the voice for Jedi Outcast, I think it was Billy Dee who did the voice for Lando in JO, but I haven't progressed too far in the game yet, I just finished Bakura.
  9. this game ROCKS! I got it yesterday and have been playing it for hours. anyone get dismemberment to work?? I've only seen a hand or two chopped off, nothing like from Jedi Outcast, do I need to level up my force powers some more?
  10. dont know if this should be here or in the games forums, but here goes has anyone gotten Jedi Academy yet? After you finish the sandcrawler mission, there is a cut-scene at the academy where Rosh is talking to someone just before Jaden walks in. The person he is talking to sounds a lot like Jimmy Flinders the guy who did the voice for Max Sterling in Robotech. can anyone confirm this? he even has the same line, I wouldn't worry too much blah blah blah i know it's late and i know i'm hearing things just can't quit playing...ah well, time for bed, think i'll take the day off work and play some more
  11. Chowser

    Newbie Question

    if you want a 1/48, might as well plunk down for the Hikaru 1S coming soon. And when the YF19 FP gets released, buy that too!
  12. SAL is Surface Air Lift. If the plane is full, the mail doesn't go out and has to wait for the next available. Once, it took me 5 weeks to get something that was sent SAL from Hong Kong. Now, I chose EMS if I am ordering from overseas.
  13. those are all takatoys, i've used his stickers on my 1/60s, my 1/55s, and am planning on getting some for the 1/48 i've got a set of anasazi's for my 1/60 strike, but haven't had time to try them out yet.
  14. last i checked, it was pushed earler to Oct. 23.
  15. Ack! The only thing on the list that I play is Return To Castle Wolfenstein. I still play Mechwarrior 4 and Jedi Outcast almost daily. I just finished the Jedi Academy demo and so far I like it, I'll see what the full game/online version is like when it gets here today. . . hopefully (it says shipped on 09/15) so it shouldn't take more than 2 or 3 days to get to me
  16. don't know, been trying to figure that out, here are the stream links: mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros01_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros02_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros03_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros04_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros05_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros06_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros07_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros08_300k.wmv mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros09_300k.wmv anyone know how one can d/l these instead of streaming? so far, all the websites that I can find just link to these stream only links.
  17. Buy 2 more 1/48s with fast packs and display one in each mode
  18. Wow! My wife surprised me with a set of FP yesterday! I had forgotten to preorder but she went out and ordered it and it came yesterday! These fast packs are amazing! You're right, these things are incomplete without the fast packs on.
  19. don't forget the arrows on the head shameless plug http://www.menet.umn.edu/~ngo/pchow_vf-1s_max.html
  20. I think the FP will be the same and the hands will hopefully be included with the 1J. I'm saving up for this puppy and another set of fast packs now!
  21. i got my green metallic one at gamestop for $15. i the regular ones from valk-exchange.
  22. Chowser

    1/48 VF-1 Decals?

    Here's takatoys website http://hometown.aol.com/amabrich/myhomepage/sale.html looks good, think i'll order some more
  23. YES!!! A bunch of my coworkers and I already took the day off, we already have the day planned. We are going to start early in the morning. My partner is buying both Extended DVD versions. Watch Fellowship of the Ring, drink beer, Watch The Two Towers, drink more beer, grab some fast food on the drive to the theater then Watch The Return of the King, then go back to his house and drink more beer!
  24. well, so far, all 5 worked for me just now. it's 7:26am EST here's the link for #5 mms://stream.odn.ne.jp/media042/Macros05_300k.wmv -- i don't know if it matters or not, but I have broadband so I think the _300k means its for DSL and up connection speeds. Dial-up might take forever.
  25. Cool, now I can finish up my import and wait for the US release to understand the story.
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