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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. my point exactly. who ya gonna believe? me or the dead guy?
  2. haha, that's what i tell people, always tell the cops, "I thought he was going for a weapon, I was in fear of my life and for the lives of my family." Doesn't hurt to say, "I don't remember clearly, but I think he said "I'll kill you!" or something when he was reaching into his jacket When you're in a high stress situation, you're memory goes. I've watched an in-car camera video of myself and don't recall doing any of the things I did that was on the video.
  3. well, i sold my 1/48+FP to make room for my hopefully soon to be reissued 1/48, but here's a pic of my favorite 1/60. and here's the link for more pics. http://www.geocities.com/chowser_1/index.html
  4. they are reissuing the VF1A and VF1S with the updates they made to the Max.
  5. actual product will vary - means diecast content will be zero! man, $80 for this thing that's the size of a superposeable? I guess I will be buying only the blue one to match up with the tread. we'll see if Toynami has learned anything from the past year or so.
  6. i wonder how much he's gonna lose in seller fee's, buying it himself hahahaha.
  7. The current SWAP MAGIC boot disc for CD works on my backup CD PS2 games. You've got the copy the CD/DVDs a certain way. There's a website out there that tells you what to use. can't find it now. haven't done it in a while, but I use Record Max
  8. ok, i just tried my swap magic discs as if i didn't buy the cover mod. it does not work, the swap magic requires some type of trick (i.e. the flip-top cover or the slide card). With the swap magic, you need to be able to change the disc without hitting the eject button.
  9. yep, those are the swap disks I have, you still need to buy the no solder thing with it. they sell the swap disks seperately for people that destroyed their originals. the thing about the swap disks, you will not be able to play PS1 imports with it. It is made for PS2 only games. At least with the method I am using. I have a modded PS1 for that.
  10. oh, forgot to say, with my boot disks, I have the PS2 cover which replaces the entire outer cover. I think there's new stuff out now where you don't have to replace the cover. I wonder if they made USB type mod chips yet. I haven't really researched it since i got the PS2 cover cheap. I'm not sure what would happen if you went online and they detected a modded system, I don't plan on doing any online stuff with the PS2 yet, I've been using the PC, if I decide to start doing online stuff with the PS2, I'm gonna wait till next year and buy the next iteration of the PS2 with the built-in remote stuff and whatever else they were planning on doing to it. hopefully it comes in a silverish color to match the rest of my stuff
  11. I haven't had problems with it. I've had it for 3 months now. If you can wait, I'll let you know if/when I get my game, I'll let you know if it works.
  12. what's a slide card? i've got the PS2 Cover with the boot disk system, it's worked fine for my imports to date (well, just the one I have right now, I play my PS1 imports on my PS1). I just finished FFX International with no problems. Just preordered my copy of Macross. woohoo! hope it gets here before november
  13. ?? well, I'll say this...my HK USP Compact and Glock 22 have actually struck several people several times with no damage to the gun (and no damage to me) and has taken the fight out of the subject. wait, I'll take that back, the baseplate of the magazine on the HK actually broke on one person. dang PCP...
  14. do what I plan on doing, buy a Hikaru 1S when it comes out and repaint it in Jetfire colors
  15. I agree with Graham about the .45 Glock cartridge, why bother? The instructor had one at the armorer's school I just went to, and I'd pick the regular .45ACP over the .45 Glock. Then again, I'm a .357SIG man, so I wouldn't pick either one. He wouldn't let us shoot it even though we were near a range. He just brought it for show and tell. He didn't really answer any questions I had about the cartridge(well, I guess my first question shouldn't have been, so all I gotta do to the cruciform is this and I can make my own poor man's full-auto conversion? He refused to answer and kept giving me dirty looks throughout the day) I don't think Glock is going to sell many G37s. Let's see, the 10mm didn't do so well, the .400 CORBON, I haven't heard in a long time, what other calibers didn't make it... I'm surprised the .357SIG made it. People were calling me nuts years ago when I kept trying to get my dept. to switch over to it, now, lot's of PDs are switching to it. anyone shoot S&W's new BIG revolver? I picked it up at the gun store, but it was way too big, but the cartridge looks devastating!
  16. I had a Taurus PT92 for a while (sold it with my Beretta 92 a long time ago, guns were just too big for my hands), but I like the Taurus over the Beretta. Same gun basically, but I liked Taurus' safety/decocker system. And like you said, their warranty is the best.
  17. Slightly OT: How do you like that replica, Chowser? Are they worth the $$$? I like it. It's actually larger than I thought it would be. It's just smaller than the FX Sabers. It's pretty well made, it's got some heft to it. I should've bought an Obi-Wan ATOC replica before they sold out because it's more round. You can't really hold this thing and use it as a weapon (if it were real that is...) It's got too many bumps in it. But it looks great on a costume. I am going to wear it on my belt when I go to work on Halloween and I am going to bring two of the FX sabers with me. If you want, go to master replica's website (they charge too much usually, i usually find them on ebay), but they are having a trial program, free for 30 days, and it's cheaper than what they are asking on their website. The Luke ESB Replica is $199 after 4 payments of whatever. and if you don't like it, return it w/i 30 days and don't pay. When I back someone up on a traffic stop, I am going to whip these out and start walking toward the car
  18. favorite real: I want this bad.. FN P90, I also like the HK36K and the MP5 (HK makes some fine weapons, and our SWAT team has mostly HK products) favorite fantasy: twin lightsabers! one for each hand! What I have currently: Glock 19 - w/3 31 rnd, 3 15rd, 2 10rd, 1 19rd mag - waiting for paperwork on the full-auto mod, looks unlikely though...i might have a better chance of requesting the Glock 18 through my dept. Glock 22 - w/5 15 rd mags with Streamlight M3 and Lasermax laser HK USP 357 Compact - w/5 12rd mags 2 Glock 33 - w/4 9 rd mags HK USP Tactical -w/5 mags+ kac suppressor (pending sale still! dang paperwork, i never should've bought this, i never shoot it) Benelli M1 Super 90 12ga shotgun w/surefire flashlight and short barrel-the ultimate home defense gun! Highlander Katana (Duncan version from Marto) several knock off katanas + wakizashi (I'm selling these, anyone interested?) Master Replicas: Luke ESB Lightsaber prop replica Anakin AOTC FX Luke ROTJ FX Vader FX
  19. Bandai 1/55s? This is what I still have left: 1 Hikaru 1A 1 CF 1A 1 Hikaru 1J 1 Focker 1S 1 Hikaru Super 1S 1 Max 1J 2 Milia 1J
  20. 3x72,2x48,9x60
  21. Chowser

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I for one am going to get it in 1/60 and hopefully 1/48. I'm tempted to buy one of Rob's recast for the 1/55 but I can't paint, so....
  22. it was Game of Death, yeah, and when I first saw her in the outfit, the first thing that popped in my miind was bruce lee. why do we have to wait till Feb. to see the next part!! argh, can't wait. Hopefully, the last fight will be another awesome sword fight. anyone know what Uma's character name is supposed to be? all that BLEEPING makes me wanna know
  23. 1. No word, but since they have the mold for the 1J head, why not make some more in different colors? here's hoping
  24. I agree with UN. That's the price I'm thinking about putting mine up for so I can get a reissue. Mine is in pretty decent shape, I think I've only transformed it to battroid once, now it's it Gerwalk mode with Fast Packs on. I was planning on asking $160 shipped with Fast Packs. But I'm still waiting to see if the reissues are confirmed with added improvements.
  25. i think it's http://www.robsthingies.com
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