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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. Count me in for one set! woohoo!
  2. I'm already ready to fork down the $$$ for a set of Super M&Ms!
  3. ok, does anyone know how the GBP Armor connects to the 1/60, ala the 1/55 style or does it connect with the fast pack connections, meaning those of us that want to use it with the original 1/60s are out of luck? I'm assuming it will connect like the 1/55 where all pieces just snap on and not use the fast pack connections since they are selling it seperately.
  4. alright, I can have my VF-1S in GBP now These are going to be compatible with older 1/60s, correct?
  5. Do what I did, I bought a PS1 for $25 used and the mod disk for it was $20, so for less than $50, I can play my imports on the PS1.
  6. wow, that's alot for morphers! 2 Morphers
  7. Cool collection! Welcome to MW! I can't seem to get your Mospeada collection to show, is it up yet? thanks.
  8. Chowser

    Whoo boy...

    the one time I shipped to Canada, I sent the entire thing marked GIFT, changed the paypal invoice to read GIFT and had VOID in a watermark in the background and then regular mailed the real invoice seperately. The guy got it, and it was of course, opened and rummaged through by customs, but he never got charged.
  9. I also have version 2 and have had no problems, it boots up every time. how are you switching the discs? are you using the slide card or the flip-top? if you're getting that message, I think you are tripping the eject button which tells the PS2 to start over and look for a US disc.
  10. Can someone please translate all the controls and put them here: duh, edited: i used to tutorial to figure out the controls. duh... have been playing for 30 minutes now and it is AWESOME! oh yea, I'm in the US and I am using the Swap Magic disc and it works fine (I have the flip-top mod) so far, the ACTION REPLAY doesn't work, i'll have to try Gameshark 2. well, my gameshark 2 v.2 doesn't work either. any suggestions? so far I haven't had any problems since they give me lots and lots of missiles.
  11. 29 going on 19 (mentally) wow, there's alot of us 29 year olders around here...
  12. no, i told them i would wait for restock if it will be at the sale price, if it won't be at the sale price, then they can cancel my order. my next email said, order canceled.
  13. well, they wouldn't sell it to me at the sale price with restock. i asked them if they were planning on restocking, i would wait for it at that price, if they can't give it to me, then cancel my order. i got an email the next day stating canceled. oh well
  14. Good luck my friend, we are here if you need us.
  15. Chowser


    Gimme Gimme Gimme! I want this too!
  16. Chowser


    I'd definitely put my money down on the 1/48 Super M&M (hey Kevin, sign me up)
  17. ah well, guess you should consider yourself lucky, i ordered mine at 1:30 a.m. EST. dang. guess no miria for me. gotta settle for my chunky monkey.
  18. do you remember what time you ordered?
  19. Wha..? When did you order it? I ordered it on the 21st.
  20. well, just got an email that they are out of stock on Miria. Only Max is left.... ah well....
  22. wow, i've been thinking about picking up a Milia to match my Max, here I go! $60 shipped! wow!
  23. Are you planning on making a specific set for the Super VF-1J (and maybe Max/Milia 1Js and GBP if/when they come out) in the future?
  24. Graham, 34????!! Wow, that's OLD! (ducks and runs for cover) my less than age 30 self just sent payment to NCS for it, don't know if they are going to get it in this week or not. Anyone have ideas on when places in the US will get their deliveries? I'm only 29!!! but I've got ailments of a 40-50 year old
  25. thought about it...cost too much. Maybe in addition to the lightsabers, I'll put my Phaser on my belt and tell people, don't move or I'll stun you. ----- my dept is actually looking into getting a couple of airsoft pistols next year for training. they didn't like my suggestion of getting actual FX simulation guns from Glock (cost the same as the real gun) so they decided to go cheap. (it's not in the budget, but we can spend thousands to convert our full-auto M16s into Semi-Auto only ?why? and all the bosses can get new furniture and wallpaper in their offices). ah, politics... Can someone tell me why my superiors would want to convert our fully-automatic rifle to semi-auto only? There is a selector switch where we can have it in semi-auto only and IF we feel the need to switch to full-auto, we can? I just spent a week at Tactical Rifle/Urban Assault training and we did EVERYTHING in full-auto. I was scheduled to go to sub-gun class next week, but due to POLITICS (that d@mn Chowser can't keep his mouth shut), that was canceled...
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