thought about it...cost too much.
Maybe in addition to the lightsabers, I'll put my Phaser on my belt and tell people, don't move or I'll stun you.
my dept is actually looking into getting a couple of airsoft pistols next year for training. they didn't like my suggestion of getting actual FX simulation guns from Glock (cost the same as the real gun) so they decided to go cheap. (it's not in the budget, but we can spend thousands to convert our full-auto M16s into Semi-Auto only ?why? and all the bosses can get new furniture and wallpaper in their offices). ah, politics...
Can someone tell me why my superiors would want to convert our fully-automatic rifle to semi-auto only? There is a selector switch where we can have it in semi-auto only and IF we feel the need to switch to full-auto, we can? I just spent a week at Tactical Rifle/Urban Assault training and we did EVERYTHING in full-auto. I was scheduled to go to sub-gun class next week, but due to POLITICS (that d@mn Chowser can't keep his mouth shut), that was canceled...