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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. I've got two 1/48s, but i still like my 1/60s, here's my 1/60 Skull Squadron and my Max-1S is dying for GBP armor! my Max-1A-TV took a dive and crashed...stupid cats
  2. you think that's high, look at this one hope someone isn't thinking it's the large gakken version Matchbox Cyclone
  3. are there any final specs on the GBP armor? i.e. how many pieces is in the set and will it come with a TV Hikaru pilot????
  4. Chowser

    Painting VFs

    try here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5549 and here http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showtop...2&hl=panel+line I started with a black pen, but i am now using a gray one. http://www.gundamstoreandmore.com/gunmargungra.html you can also use a pencil to start to practice with.
  5. the regular included Robotech names with Roy's VF-1S VF-1Js (Rick, Max, Miriya) and a CF VF-1A the limited Macross editions included Japanese names Roy's VF-1S Max's VF-1A (TV Color) Kazikaki's VF-1A (TV Color) i think it also included Hikaru's VF-1J and Milia's VF-1J. basically, Max and Kazikaki's were the main ones most people wanted. then came the Super VFs superposeables with Roy's, Max's, Miriya's, CF, and YF-1R. Now they are coming out with DYRL colored superposeable.
  6. Chowser

    1:48 TV hands recast

    one set please
  7. it's supposed to be 1/12 scale, anyone know the scale for the McFarlane bike? I bought the McFarlane bike and Kaneda figure for my son, and was just wondering if this one from Bandai will be super detailed and will the Kaneda figure be articulated or not.
  8. anyone know anything about this? http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?BAN922945
  9. i voted no also. think i'm a little burned out on vf-1s. i've already preordered the 1/60 GBP armor, debating the Q-Rau right now. i'll get the vf-0 and then quit for awhile. i was planning on buying the M&Ms, but right now, that's almost $400! Now I'm stuck with 2 extra clear Fast Pack sets that I was going to get for the M&Ms. Trying to decide what to do with my tax refund. gotta buy new gutters and storm doors for the house though...
  10. wonder if i get a blue and red one, will my Toynami 1/55 M&M pilots fit in there????
  11. do what I do, all my stuff is either in the curio cabinet (which locks) or in my office, I just stuck a lock on the door so the little one can't get in there, neither can the cats, I've found all my stuff knocked off before.
  12. I'm kinda mixed, but if it makes for a better looking mode, then I'll probably get used to the idea, all I really do is display them anyway, I only change modes once every two weeks if I have the time since Minmei is now 16 months and is finally walking around getting into things. I've been trying to get her to say Valkyrie. I just wish (please don't flame me here ) that Yamato would just settle on one scale, maybe 1/60 since they have alot of 1/60s, and start everything in 1/60 and make the 1/48s if it's feasible (not knocking the 1/48s, I love my 1/48s), but I would like all my fighters to line up in scale, as it is now, on one shelf, i've got 1/144, 1/72, 1/60, 1/55, 1/48 and 1/35 fighters all lined up. So 1/60 is in my opinion, a nice compromise scale, not too big, not too small. whoops, forgot to say, I will be getting the VF-0S of course, gotta have my M0 fix!
  13. gotta check, but i think the 1/60 M&Ms came with TV style pilots, didn't it?
  14. Well, I'll say this much, I won't be buying it early and be burned like alot of people who bought TDK's first Robotech game (preorder for $50-$80!) now, you can get the game for $20 (not collector's edition). I might wait to see if it comes out on PC since I prefer using the PC for FPS games.
  15. pic 2
  16. pic 1
  17. here's a quick scan from my Game Informer Magazine, sorry for the quickness, gotta go take the baby to the baby sitter's now. if this is in the wrong forum, mods, please do what you feel necessary, you have the power ok, i redid the scans, still looks grainy, probably cuz it's from a magazine or my scanner is still not working correctly. it hasn't done clear scans in months. i'm too cheap to buy a new one. i'll put the other pics in other posts, i'll resize them too.
  18. argh, already preordered the 1/60 gbp, i am trying not to preorder the q-rau and the 1/48 M&Ms... all this MACROSS these past few years is great! but not great on the wallet! gotta hold out for the yf-19fp... gotta resist i was so tempted by VE's dinged box sale to get a Hikaru 1S, but now the M&Ms are coming.... must resist... gotta put a new roof on the house this spring... must resist... they do look awesome! must resist... If Yamato releases a VF-1A TV Max in 1/48, then I will immediately preorder that, but as for the current stuff, must resist... gotta get that yf-19fp must resist... running out of room for valks... maybe i can redo a room in the basement? must resist...
  19. it's Big Boss, look at some of the trailers, Snake is missing an eye, as was Big Boss. And the date sets it in Big Boss' time, I also saw an ad from Konami where the letters B I G B O S S were in flames. i'll see if I can find the magazine, hope i didn't throw it out already.
  20. ugh! i went and watched last night's episode to see how bad it was, and it was BAD! Even my son (he's 12) said it sucked!
  21. yes, can we add our own? and is there a source out there that tells us what happened in the years after the novel END GAME and the beginning of the Dark Age novels?
  22. hands? don't know, maybe Yamato just made big hands for it so the normal ones don't look too puny when you put the armor on, but i think it was mentioned before that something slips onto the shoulders with the armor. i'm dying to get one for my each of my non-fp 1/60s.
  23. I don't think Yamato is letting anyone order parts. aren't both going for the same price usually? (the reissue 1A and Hikaru 1S)
  24. YES! It sucked for my wallet! My office is turning into a Macross shrine! woohoo! Happy New Year Everyone!
  25. The Ice Pirates! and what was that weird one where these people were jumping through time, that's right, Time Bandits! or if you're talking about Graham's category.... ...
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