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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. Chowser

    1/60 Gbp

    finally got around to sticking it on my max 1s. thanks, kev.
  2. hey, got my gbp armor from kevin in 2 days from CA to OH. He shipped Sat., they got here Monday.
  3. You are right, I do remember not having that problem with my DYRL fast packs before I traded them for TV arm armor. Oh well, I keep'em in battloid mode usually anyway
  4. i pretty much gave up trying to keep the arms up with the armor on. i also gave up trying to get my gunpod to fit on the armor as well.
  5. she's nice too. Clark can have them both, right? mmmmmm....
  6. Chowser

    Hello MW

    I believe Yamato has stopped production of the VF-1S, so you should start looking for one. The 1st edition had the same problems as the first VF-1A. also, the VF-1S had a crooked skull on the tailfin. The rerelease has fixed the skull logo and it has the updates that started with the Max. The nosecone, the better flaps.
  7. the fast packs aren't evil, the missiles are! here's the problem I always have, as soon as I pick it up, the missiles fall off! bombs away!
  8. rise again from the dead, oh weapons thread! ---- well, the P7 was a bust. seems like it was purposely destroyed before it ended up in our care. and then the years of neglect in a humid room... oh well. we've got alot of seniors in our city that've been turning old guns in when they move, i've told everyone, don't take the gun yet, run the serial # to make sure it's not listed as stolen, and give them my card, i'll come look at it and give'em $50 or so if i want it so it doesn't end up getting destroyed. let's see if i can find some neat guns this way. a lady just turned in her dead husband's semi-auto beretta shotgun because she doesn't want it in the house. man, i would've given her money for that. i'm waiting for the HK P2000 sub compact to come out in .357 SIG. that'll be my next gun purchase. on a different note, I finally got around to doing some tameshigiri with my Last Legend katana. Boy, this thing cuts like a lightsaber! Super sharp right from the factory. so far, i've only done single mats, but i'll progress to double mats soon and see what it does. It's the Last Legend 306 Tsunami. My matching wakizashi is on the way. I'll post pics when I get them side by side. well, not exactly matching, the katana is folded, while the wakizashi is just forged. Since I don't plan on doing anything with the wak, i opted for the cheaper model. it's just going to sit on my desk. I also use Gunbroker alot. I've stopped lately because of the paypal thing. Also, there's really no one watching what people are selling on gunbroker. just becareful what you bid on. i've been looking for hi-cap mags for my brother, and i've seen alot of ILLEGAL imported mags that are being advertised as pre-ban. how are they illegal? well, the gun they were made for came out after the Clinton ban, so the mags are obviously imports. I tried to explain that to my brother because he was going to get them. hopefully, the clinton ban will be gone soon.
  9. the top shows TV arm armor, the bottom shows DYRL arm armor
  10. lovely pics, you make me not want to sell mine, but i gotta pay for the wakizashi somehow....
  11. i just threw in the last disc from the robotech discs (sorry, haven't gotten around to picking up the Mospeada discs yet) and there are shots where the alpha has two gunpods, one under each wing.
  12. i always check off the box other and write in human on the census jk, i normally check the Asian/Pacific Islander box. my family is from Burma. so would that make me Burmese? or is the country still called Myanmar nowadays? on the rare occassions that i write someone a traffic ticket, sometimes i have a hard time figuring out what to put in the race box. one time, i just could not figure it out, so i walk back up to the guy and ask what race is he? his mother was half black, half hispanic, his father was half-white, half-chinese, so what does that make him? i told him, well, i am putting you down as white because you look white. he was okay with that. now, my son is half-chinese (burmese, whatever) and the other half is half-white, half-black. my daughter is half-chinese half-white. what would i check off for my son and daughter on the census??? that's why I joke all the time about checking the human box. i too am an abc, i don't get offended if someone calls me chinese, asian, oriental. whatever, i only generally get racial slurs directed at me when i am arresting someone, so it just rolls off, cause in the end, hey, i'm going home and he's going to jail
  13. who knows what is going on, i just want a decently subbed M0 R1 release
  14. Chowser

    1/48 lineup

    here's the only 1/48s I own, a reissue Focker and Hikaru 1J. Focker's got the tv fast packs on with a clear fast pack set, and Hikaru's got Miria's fast packs installed. i really don't like the way the clear fast packs look, so i am probably going to switch it back, too bad I've got 3 more clear fast packs coming in the mail (I was going to buy the M&M set, but I'm kinda tired of the VF-1 line now. got all the 1/60s and most of the 1/55 reissues already). if Yamato ever released a 1A Max-TV in 1/48, then I would probably buy that one so I would have a 1A, 1J, and 1S. wow UN Spacy, nice photo, I really need to sit down and learn how to use my camera. the flash annoys me.
  15. see page 7 of this thread, Myersjesse and I posted some pics of our fast pack parts.
  16. here
  17. wtf? are these now sold out everywhere too or what? Fokker MPC Even crazier
  18. it is, i have it on my reissue VF-1J
  19. b-a-d-o-n-k-a-d-o-n-k try here Urban Dictionary nice figures, don't know if i can justify the cost. maybe if they made an M&M figure set for that price.
  20. that's the one. when i get in tonight, i'm going to thoroughly look it over, and i might happen to deem it junk and just have our chief sign it over to me for research purposes. they owe me big time anyway, i just got passed over for promotion because i was not minority enough. or not the right minority...being one in a city of over 12000...well, ok, there's at least a dozen illegals we've been trying to catch...but, that's another story.
  21. it's got 2 13 rounds mags i think i might have found another backup gun, might be time to sell the twins (Glock 33s) one of the guys i work with is an HK dealer (that's how I get my HKs cheap), so I'm gonna see if he can get parts cheap, this thing is really in bad shape. when I get in to work tonight, i'm gonna see if it still functions. I didn't have time to really look at it while i was cataloging the rest of the crap.
  22. i'm was just glad that the trailers we had flyers go into were empty....that was my main concern about the rounds that missed. don't need anymore lawsuits. a couple of the others guys actually hit her a few times before i showed up and she was still humming along on whatever she was on. it's scary what some people can do when they're determined. on a lighter note, i was just told i could take all our old confiscated guns and trade them in to our dealer so we can offset the cost of the Glock simunition guns. There is some weird stuff that's been collecting dust in our basement! I think I'm keeping the HK Flare Gun and I'm gonna see if the city will sell me the old P7, it could use some work, but it's neat gun. Gotta find out where/who these guns came from and see where the cases are at, but some of this stuff's been in here before we had a computerized inventory system (circa Oct. 2003 when I made it, sheesh, we're still doing carbon copied paper reports) and the old paperwork's all yellowed and unreadable. But then again, if the owners really wanted their stuff back, they would've made a point to show up in the last 40 years or so. I hate to think of what guns were/are stored at the old Chief's house....back when he was THE Chief of one other officer and they shared a car, gun, radio (don't know why they had a radio, who else were they gonna call?) things were different in those days, so I hear. Someone told me that there are conversion kits for Glocks that are cheaper than the Simunition gun. All it is is the slide half and all we need are spare frames and we've got plenty of spare guns since the city won't hire people to replace those that have left, so that might be a better option. Anyone have any experience with these conversion-kits?
  23. please forgive me for not adding much to this, (it's 4am and i'm a little drunk). My Valk has a beam sabre! (Hikaru stole it from Heero)
  24. wow, just shot our SWAT teams new UMPs, and man, those are sweet! I have a question about either KWA or HFC airguns. here are two links KWA and HFC anyone have any experiences with either of either of these companies? My commander is giving me $800 to purchase some training weapons. I was going to purchase Glock Simunition guns, but $800 can't even buy me two at dept. purchase price. and I was really trying to buy 4 guns for use in training. I basically want something that functions like our duty weapon (Glock 22) and I would rather have my people train with guns like their own and I want people getting hit so it's a little more realistic. The last shooting we had, everyone got lucky that the lady was so drunk that she kept hitting our cars and not us. Well, she wasn't that drunk, she was able to reload her shotgun. After reviewing the tapes from our cars, i noticed two of our officers just standing there out in the open and taking shots (and missing) and i really need to get these old timers retrained. (we fired a total of 17 shots, and she only got hit 9 times, that's bad! i only fired 3 times, and the coroner pulled out 3 black talons, so i know i didn't miss, hydrashoks and winchester's new ranger talon didn't expand at all, that sucks.) but 8 stray shots in a congested trailer park, that's NOT GOOD. 7 officers, 9 hits, 17 rounds fired, that's just horrible. we need more time for training.
  25. ditto! they're cool! will get pics up when i get a chance. --- here's the clear parts next to non-clear parts d'oh, just noticed i got the arm armors reversed on the 1J. gotta go fix it. need sleep....
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