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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. what ever that means. Still too much... what's the price in USD? i think it's Taiwan Dollars into Canadian Dollars, so far, I checked most of the auctions, and that conversion is looking right. so $33,000 Taiwan Dollars = $1256 Canadian Dollars = $969 US Dollars
  2. haha, i just asked him a question, i wonder if he will post the response. edit- he said that is how he bought them.
  3. when you sell something on ebay, they charge you a small fee for listing the items. extra options (more pics, reserve price, buy it now, etc) cost more $$$. Then after you sell the item, there is a final value fee of so much + a percent of your final cost. for example, i just sold an item on ebay, here are my fees: Aug-11-04 10:32:39 PDT LASERMAX 1141 Internal Laser for Glock 17 / 22 / 31 3693660715 Insertion Fee $2.40 Aug-11-04 10:32:39 PDT LASERMAX 1141 Internal Laser for Glock 17 / 22 / 31 3693660715 Buy It Now Listing Fee $0.05 Aug-11-04 10:32:39 PDT LASERMAX 1141 Internal Laser for Glock 17 / 22 / 31 3693660715 Reserve Price Listing Fee $2.00 Aug-11-04 11:45:39 PDT LASERMAX 1141 Internal Laser for Glock 17 / 22 / 31 Final price: $185.00 (Auction) 3693660715 Final Value Fee $5.71 So it cost me $2.40 to list it, another $0.05 to put a buy it now price, $2.00 to set a reserve at $149, and someone used BIN, and I got charged another $5.71 final value fee. so basically, I made $185 - my listing fees of $10.16, minus my shipping (I offered free shipping if someone used BIN, i didn't factor in cost of box, tape, etc. i just reuse stuff) of $7.35 = $167.49. So I got $167.49 for the lasermax I bought last year for $279+shipping. I'd say, someone got a good deal. But then I bought a used Lasermax for a Glock 23 for $159 + shipping, so I basically traded the 22 Laser for a 23 Laser which was my goal in the first place.
  4. yea, I second that! We never get the cool stuff here in the states. I'm still waiting for my Macross credit cards!
  5. well, got mine today with some other stuff from VE. Thanks Kev! Well, I have not tried to transform this thing yet. Does everyone else's head sit crooked in fighter mode? I just noticed that when I was sticking Rick in as the pilot. So far, from what I can tell, I don't see any paint problems on mine yet. The landing gears do suck, can't seem to get the rear ones out all the way, if they came out further, it would probably lift the chest off the ground....
  6. I'm still hoping Yamato will eventually release a Max VF-1S. It's just a simple repaint. That and the VF-1A Max TV I am waiting forever for someone to release. For those looking for the other VF-1Ss, I just found these on ebay by TISINC. ouch! Roy 2nd Edition $215 Roy (unknown edition) $225!!!! Hikaru $140
  7. I just turned 30 last Thursday, so I fall into the Gen.X. category. The only reason I was selling off some of my stuff was to raise some cash to remodel the stinking bathrooms. (2 Whirlpool Jacuzzi tubs aren't cheap even with a discount). Also, I was really running out of space. I generally only collect a few things now. I still have the 1/48 Super Hikaru VF-1J and Hikaru VF-1S. Most of my 1/60s. some 1/55s. some destroids, etc. But I just find that I can't really spend as much on Macross goodies as I'd like. I have another $600 sword coming in a few months, and HK is asking $800+ for the new P2000SK. 10% of my check goes into the Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund, and I have $400 a month going into mutual funds for retirement. I've also got a few acres of land that I'm waiting for some developer to come knocking Also, I'm diversifying my anime collecting to include more than just Macross, so it's getting harder to spend everything on just Macross. Now, the only Macross thing I think I will be waiting for, is a better (not the 1/100) VF-0S, and if they ever, ever release the YF-19FP resculpt.
  8. those are the ones that I have i am going to stay away from Trijicons and PT night sights, I just made the recommendation for us to switch to Meprolights when we do replace the current sights. It's my birthday and my wife just told me she preordered the HK P2000SK for me through my buddy (the gun runner, as I call him) at dealer cost! Woohoo, what better present for your husband than a new gun! Now, I just have to wait for HK to release it!!!
  9. ummm.....
  10. I've had the Mepro lights on my Glock 19 for just under a year with no fading. My Trijicons on my HK have been on threeyears and looks like they are starting to dim. The PT night sights on my duty weapon (just under 2 years) are so dim, it's useless. I keep asking them if I can get rid of them and put Mepro lights on, but they said no since i am switching to a glock 23, but it's been in the safe for about 2 years and it's sights are going to be dim as well. Stay away from PT Night sights. My partner's had Mepro lights on his backup for 4 years now and they are still going strong. I'm sticking with Mepro light now, they're cheaper than Trijicons too.
  11. yeah, jeez is right. that wasn't the first one i saw go for over $100, that's like the 5th one.
  12. that blows! i've got $$$ sitting around to pay for it, hope nothing else comes up that catches my eye... just kidding!
  13. not exactly pic related, but i'm getting rid of my lasermax and m3x tac light that was on my Glock 22 in my Macross and Trigun for sale thread. also, on my Glock 19 (2nd gen, the pic above), these are the things I did to it: maritime cups Meprolight night sights 3.5 # connector (for lighter trigger pull) extended slide release lever Hogue Grip (does this count?) Plug for the hole in the bottom ---- Right now, I am trying to get my dept. to purchase the FSS-G mod for it so I can make full use of my 33 rd mags. But I've had no luck, I should've had the old chief sign the letter (he was chief for 50 years, and he was from the OLD days, he signed anything )
  14. shoot me your email in PM, and I will dig out my instructions and scan them later tonight and email them to you. I have a good idea of where the box is at, and hopefully the instructions are in them.
  15. ahaha, one of my Sgt.s said something similar when we were transitioning to the Glocks, he said, "It's like looking over the side of a garbage can." I will say this, we've had less problems and better groupings when we switched to the Glocks. And the Glock is by far the easiest gun I've had to maintain, with the HK USPs coming in next. The S&W 4046s sucked, it had so many little parts to lose. Here's my old duty gun (just got issued a 23). It's the Glock 22 with M3X tac light, lasermax, extended slide stop, and a +2 baseplate (for 17+1 capacity).
  16. I bought a Glock 19 years ago, here's a pic. It has Mepro Light night sights, an extended slide release, and that's all I did to it. I was going to get rid of this, but I can't sell it because I bought all my hi-cap mags with a letter from my Chief that says I will not sell the mags, so I'm basically stuck with this gun, so it's become my home defense/plinking gun. Oh, all my Glocks had Hogue grips on them because I cannot stand the normal Glock grip. I just sold two of my Glocks (the 33s) to co-workers so I can buy the HK P2000SK when it comes out later this year. I prefer my HK USP Compact over the Glock, but I lost the vote when we were switching away from our POS S&W 4046s and switched to the Glock 22. I actually put an extended release on my duty weapon. But, we train everyone not to use that to drop the slide. We have people rack the slide during reload. It's something about losing fine motor skills when under pressure and racking the slide is a gross motor skill. Then again, pushing the mag release is a fine motor skill. So that throws that out the window, but that's how we currently train.
  17. SPOILER CARTOON - YES. MANGA - Don't know, haven't gotten that far yet.
  18. here's a site that tries to explain it a little bit. Vash's Past oh, i just got these for my car yesterday all the Macross stuff was taken!!!!
  19. wow, that's exactly what i just built last month! Heh... didn't know it was still in style. Then again, I upgrade twice a year (fall is usally video card time, spring is mobo/proc etc...) with peripherals in between.... heh, it was cheap, i paid approx. $150 for the setup which included a 120 gb HD, a 4X DVD+-R, and some funky case with lights in it (which I don't see because I shove the tower into it's appropriate hole in my desk). My last system was a P3-1GHz, and it couldn't play KOTR which my wife got me last XMAS, so I shopped around and got enough parts to build it. Now that I can play KOTR, I should really get back to it before my wife sees me playing another NEW game...
  20. wow, that's exactly what i just built last month!
  21. Chowser


    c'mon Yamato, gimme a VF-1A repaint, Max TV!!!!!!! it would be so easy!
  22. my brother gave me a VCD with all 20 eps a few weeks ago, don't know how he did it, must've ripped them from cartoon network or something.
  23. I started with Aikido, they had some basic sword instruction in it, but I've since found an instructor in Eishin Ryu Iaijutsu. I've also been part of the Kendo club at college. if you can find an instructor, no matter what race, and do a background, you should be ok. my first instructor was japanese, but has since had a heart attack and retired, but recommended my current instructor who is an American (he's white). here's a pic of my current favorite toys: My Last Legend Tsunami 306 Katana and Tsunami 300 Wakizashi. (please ignore my little girl's tablecloth) also, back to guns, my buddy said he should be getting some HK P2000 and P2000SK guns in later this summer. I'm debating getting the P2000SK, but I might wait for it to come out in .357 SIG before I buy. I might just get it in .40S&W and wait for a barrel to come out in .357SIG.
  24. i don't know. this was also in the box. so i assume their bandai, or at least the vf1j stuff is bandai. and here's a close up of the gbps i bought these in march of 2003 according to the post mark on the box
  25. ok, cleaning out my closet and found this box. i never got around to opening it, don't even remember when I bought it. what are these? parts are falling off, some antennas are broken, etc. all loose figures. whoopsie, resizing pic.
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