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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. wow! looks nice! I don't see any place for swing bars, so it looks like it's going to transform like the 1/48 VFs.
  2. USPS: 50-50, my regular mail carrier is good with my packages. she'll pull up in my driveway and beep her horn to make sure i'm home, if i don't come out, she won't deliver, she'll try again the next day, if i'm not in, she'll leave it with my neighbor who is usually home. at the post office, mostly get bad results, i've started just paying for postage online and dropping packages off. they even can't get that right. i had a prepaid package with EMS ready to go to Japan. went to the post office, and dude couldn't get anything to work right, nor the lady next to him, i told them, everything's paid for, just scan that barcode and stamp all the customs forms. blah, blah, blah, 15 minutes later, a manager comes out and does exactly what i told them to do. UPS: my UPS driver is good, if I am not home, she will leave a note, usually, she tries to deliver by 12pm because she knows that i leave at 12:30 to go to work, if she can't get it to me by 12, she'll stop back at 5 when she knows my son is back from school. when i'm on night shift, she won't deliver till 3pm because she knows i don't get up till around 2ish. , yes, the mail lady and UPS lady knows my shifts, usually in January, they ask what shift I'm on because they know i get alot of packages they always treat my packages with care (every christmas, i give them a few courtesy cards for the upcoming year) FedEx: Well, only problem i have with fedex is, they always just drop the packages off on my porch, no knock, no sig, etc. i.e. I got my Luke ANH EE left on my doorstep with not a knock, i just happened to look out the window when I heard a THUMP and noticed the fedex guy going back to his truck. DHL: well, don't know, had only one package delivered by them, and i was asleep and found it INSIDE my back door. (my neighbor and his friends were gutting my bathroom at the time, so i assume the DHL guy left it with them seeing as how he was always coming over for coffee with them while they were working on my bathroom).
  3. i used a combination of Yamato, Takatoys, and Anasazi's sticker sheets
  4. still, for $400, I don't need the HD cables since I haven't bought an HDTV yet, will my regular S-Video cables from my regular Xbox work with the 360? But I don't think I'll pay $400 to play Halo 3. Of course, my son would like to get it just to play Halo 3. I told him to wait until it actually comes out and maybe MS will lower the price by then. If I did buy it, I would have to buy the full package, I just wish wireless was built-in.
  5. Prices announced Xbox 360 all i can say is, ouch, i won't be in line. can't justify $400 for the system, then have to add $99 for wireless networking, I'll just run another stinking cable for $12. or I can buy the core system for $299, then add a HD for $99, etc. sheesh. guess i will just not bother.
  6. finally got around to stickering 3 of these. (not canon of course), I'm going to do a sticker up a VS-1S Focker in TV version with TV Super FPs and Hikaru pilot next. also just commissioned Kurt to do a Max 1A TV, will post pics when he's done
  7. i was watching those, that guy is currently the high bidder on the auction. no feedback either way yet with the one that ended july 30.
  8. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/thundercats.html this site has some flash animation done with the audio
  9. ok, i've got another headless 1/48 Yamata VF-1S Focker that is practically new, no stickers attached, transformed once (i.e. to get the head) Now, if I part this out, are there enough people that want most of the parts so I'm not left with bits and pieces? felt kinda silly with two headless valks sitting around... i am planning on doing what Haterist did awhile back where he parted a few valks. If people are game, then I'll ask his permission to hijack/clone his thread and do it. Let me know. ---10-22---sold
  10. well, I'm not. I figured I'd be in line like I was for PS2, but, nah, I'm getting pretty bored with the PS2 and the Xbox. Couldn't really get into Halo 2 last night or Socom II. At least Socom III is coming out for PS2, but I think Halo 3 is Xbox 360 only. Oh well. When they get down to $199 each, that's when I'll purchase each system. Running out of time nowadays to actually play games.
  11. Ice Pirates...
  12. wow Matt, those look nice, the only mini I have is the AOTC Obi-Wan to match my Larbel EL Obi-Wan plasmablade. I just ordered Vader's EP. 5 FX version. I just wish MR would make an Elite version of the FX using some harder blade material so we can actually duel with sound
  13. allright, it's been eunicised (sp?) looks better, have to remove the nosecone. definitely want to get recasts of the hands.
  14. I guess some people will be buying extras and repainting them in red and green. Toynami might just milk the molds and make green and red ones.
  15. what he said the MR ESB Solo blaster is coming out though.
  16. what happened to Kristanna Loken? she looked good in T3.
  17. cant believe i forgot to add myself latitude 41.484 41° 29' longitude -81.766 -81° 45' Cleveland, ohio
  18. What kinda bootleg SDF is this?
  19. look at what i dug out of the closet. a mini-motorized maladroid. VOLCAN - The maladroids newest weapon. small, swift and able to travel on the earths surface. cute appereance belies their vicious nature. at the top left, it's got a tatsunoko productions sticker!
  20. I really do hope it's the Beta and Cyclones myself. Multi-color Betas!!! Even more way for Toynami to make $$$ anyways, payment sent for shadow.
  21. yoda's would be a good size for the off-hand use for those interested in duel-wielding their sabers...also katana and wakizashi....hmmmm, a daisho of lightsabers! I'm there!
  22. I don't like that either, I would say if someone posts something for sale in make me an offer, then everyone should just post their offer so everyone else knows that someone actually offered so much and not be wondering if this is like an ebay scam with seller's friends/fake accounts bidding up the price. Also, if someone doesnt want to use ebay because of the fees, monkey's got a cheaper auction site. I've mainly been staying away from ebay for selling because of their fees and I just set my prices and if no one wants it, someone usually makes an offer and we haggle at it. Also, if someone does do the making an offer through pm, then once you are told you have it, I would post it in the thread that sale was finalized, payment sent, etc. just to prevent multiple people from paying the same person for the same items... Oke guys, greatings. bye now!
  23. me personally, I was looking into a Parks Fusion, it looks like it has the most rounded non-obstructed hilt. trying to do stuff with all the knobs/and switches in the way makes it hard for me since all my training is done with bokken/iaitos/etc. i'm sure during the filming of the fight sequences, they have have smooth rounded hilts with decorations printed on.
  24. Also, you can't duel with the FXs, on opening night, I saw quite a few broken MRs because they were fighting against kids with their Hasbros. Now, if they fix that problem on the FX, I'd buy more even though I can't remove the blade,
  25. bbrain keeps selling those and people keep buying for some reason. sheesh. the knock offs keep getting funkier in color.
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