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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. auction states: approx Jan 2005 release. i'm sure it's a typo.
  2. ok, ultra saber conversions: both are Anakin ROTS FX originals. left one is Luxeon Red, right one is Luxeon Blue. without flash with flash ok, gotta get to work now. will take some outdoor evening/night shots later when I get a chance.
  3. 2006 sneak peek out at the MR Blog, MR 2006 SNEAK PEEK I'll post pics of my red Luxeon Anakin ROTS FX next to the blue Luxeon when I buy a new digicam after payday next week. argh. Limited Editions still on sale, and I still have coupons to use before 2005 ends, oh well, guess i'll lose out. Hey, BSU_Legato, don't know if you're still looking for blasters, Han Solo Ep. V blaster on sale for $449, I have a $50 coupon, but the problem would be getting it to you in Canada, i don't think I'm making any trips into Canada till next spring and probably only as far north as Toronto, I was just in Windsor for a day on Thursday. would it be illegal for me to drive blaster replicas into Canada? haha.
  4. I'll say this about a Casio G-Shock I had. Lasted two months, it could not take the abuse of my job. Now, my cheap $15 Casio and my cheap Banpresto Macross watch has been taking abuse like crazy, I've had to replace the band on the cheap Casio once, but other than that, these things take a beating. I know my Macross watch has made a few imprints upon people.
  5. I hope the missiles are prepainted too.
  6. Thanks, I kept telling my wife and son that was the location used because I recognized it from Highlander. Now I've got someone else saying the same thing!
  7. bundle only huh? Best Buy did that last Christmas with the Xbox systems, most places were selling out and they were only selling bundles. The cheapest had a 2 year product replacement warranty, an extra controller, a memory card, and a DVD remote. Which sucked, I bought the stinking bundle, stood outside the store and auctioned off all the extras with the Halo edition Xbox I had in my trunk. The city next to the one I work at has a Target, and there is a line outside the door, Target had to call the PD to kick people out of the store. I just drove by a half hour ago on my way home, there's at least a dozen people in line, this Target was only going to have 10 systems, and most were picked up by employees. well, the scalpers have already started. auction items are sold out in the country, is what it states auction auction
  8. Chowser

    Other 1/48's

    i'd be happy with a 1/60 YF-19.
  9. watched it with the family yesterday, other than the stuff you pointed out that they cut out, pretty much the best of all the films so far. can't ask my wife or son now since they're not home, i'll ask you did they cut out the part where Hagrid asks the big lady about her parentage? or is that in the OotP or HBP book? they better get started on the next few movies, the kids are getting older. showing OotP in '07, with HBP in '08. maybe they'll try to film both movies at the same time.
  10. i've been wearing the blue one constantly since i got it back when Valkyrie-Exchange first had them in the store. Hasn't turned my skin green or anything, the plating is find. Has a scratch on the back, but that was from me trying to get the cover off to change the battery.
  11. saw it today too, looks good. i guess like Batman Begins, they are going to start it from the beginning with the origin story.
  12. they've been on ebay off and on. about $20 shipped. not my auctions: style C style A style D looks like he's sold out of style B (the blueprint one) here's a closeup of my opened watches:
  13. sorry, lost track, the armor on the Hikaru 1S is from a Miria set with DYRL arm armors, I'm trying to get a Max 1J armor set for my 1S Max, it's just a preference for me. the armor on Roy has been taken from a Hikaru 1J and pilot as well. the armor on Max 1S is standard DYRL armor with blue stickers placed onto the arm armors. the yf-19a skull was off ebay from someone in France. it was almost a missed shipment since the post office couldn't read his handwriting and thought a 4 was a 6 and delivered it to the wrong house, i had to go two streets over and knock on a few doors but i was able to track it down.
  14. here's the black face one here's my extras
  15. i've been wearing the one watch i posted constantly since they came out, haven't had any problems with it going bad, i wear it in the rain, in the snow, it's gotten pepper spray on it a few times, no blood thankfully, but i find if i bought a watch for work, it gets messed up, cheap watches for some reason, takes all the abuse i can dish it at work. trying to add pics...
  16. Yes, that's an idea! I need a wak to match my Yashima LL Katana. Thanks for reminding me I need that! wow, it looks nice on the Dell. wonder how it would look on a 61" DLP. I took the Xbox over to a friend's house when he got his DLP, and it looked wonderful. even at 480
  17. whew, it's cold outside today. think i need a 3rd coat on. or i should go buy some long johns... ok, i'll try to stop posting supersize pics. we just finished a building search today and we were being goofy, so my partner took some pics of the saber outside, approx 8pm EST. left one is with flash, right one is w/o flash. this is the converted saber with luxeon led.
  18. ok, probably shouldn't give away my secret here: but on PS2 launch day, this is what I did. I was still working night shift, so I got someone on dayshift to come in at 5:30 am for me. He gave me $330 cash and said if I could get him one, get him one. at 6am, my wife and son had already hit Best Buy and Walmart and the lines were way too long, I had hit two Super KMarts and a Walmart on my way to meet her, and all had lines that formed at 9:30 or so the night before. I called them all suckers... so at 7am, we were debating calling it quits. Then we decided, let's try Sears since we're near the mall. We drove by Walmart again and could see local police dragging some people away who were fighting at the door. Best Buy had PD on scene to prevent muggings. etc. we arrived at Sears. It was closed. Well, lo and behold, at the service entrance, there was a sign posted, PS2 line starts here. There was one kid sitting there. So we got in line behind him. An employee came out at 8 and said that the PS2 sale would start at 10am and can we tell people to just line up at this door. by 9am, every other place had sold out and people were driving around like crazy, we had a line of 25 people already. at 9:15, some thugs decided to PUSH their way to the front of the line until they encountered me. I still had my uniform on underneath my coat as i left straight from work and did not head home and we have regs about leaving our duty gear in our car. needless to say, the thugs left the area somewhat blinded and burning and did not return. at 9:30, an employee came out and handed out 15 slips of paper to the first 15 in line and said that that was all they had. they didn't figure out that me, chinese, my wife, white, my son, half-chinese-1/4white-1/4black-looks different from me and my wife, were all one party, so we got #2, #3, and #4. now people showing up late started offering cash to people with tickets. yeah right. well, we bought 3 that morning, (I had over $1000 cash on me, thankfully, I had guns, body armor, pepper spray-now spent, etc.) we bought one for us, one for my buddy, and one we decided to ebay and that payed for everything. anyways, I'm not doing Xbox 360 launch or PS3 launch, so try your local Sears. I don't think any of them around me is doing preorders for the 360, they said First Come First Served. My son says he doesn't want a 360 either so I just saved $400 this Xmas...
  19. in the Anakin, there is approx 4" of blade that goes in the hilt. It's pretty sturdy so I don't bother to put the screw back in. It is still a tight fit, i have to work the blade in and work it out, so it's not a snap in affair. I like having a blue light showing there anyway.
  20. how much space do you have in the Mace before the it stops? there's actually like 6 or 7 inches on the Anakin, after I removed the screw and took the blade off, I haven't bothered to put the blade back on, I just swing it around as is, it seems to stay in there pretty tight.
  21. yes, the original MR is brighter, but then again, all the LEDs are in the blade, so I assumed it would be this way. still, I'm pretty happy with it, my buddies and I can actually goof around at work on night shift now. hopefully no one with a night vision camera is watching. can you imagine, cops in full uniform chasing each other through a cemetary at 3 in the morning waving lightsabers around?
  22. yes, the power up and down of the blade feature is gone.
  23. Wow, I thought I was the only one who was considering changing the color. Been thinking about green or blue for my Vader. 344768[/snapback] ok, just got back from the post office, sent my second Anakin off to get a red blade. decided on red, so i can have one blue light and one red light (i'm a cop).
  24. dang! ok, guess i'll send my spare anakin off to get a red blade... or should i do orange?
  25. whoops, here's custom saber shops site http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/sabers/S...sp?idproduct=82 and here are pics of the blade with inards removed thank heavens for imageshack! hahaha.
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