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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. usually with custom stickers (and or custom decals), you will have to cut the stickers out yourself. not too hard, just take your time with a sharp knife.
  2. hey all, are 360s still hard to get? no one local has one, but i can order one from a distributor that is going to have them in stock and was wondering if i should just wait locally or order it?
  3. ok, so that's what gerwalk looks like. guess i'm gonna save up for a garland too!
  4. bump from page 5. my MR Obi-Wan TPM Elite Edition came in this morning, it's in the low 80s (out of 1250). now that I have the Obi-Wan, I am going to try and convert my Larbel Obi-Wan into an LED based one, looking at Hyperdyne blades now, but I need to get someone's broken bladed FX so I can rip out the sound board and see if it will fit in my Larbel. also, some more pics of the converted Luxeons next to stock MR. (no flash) the converted Luxeons are in the middle. ok, i'd take more pics, but the body shop just called and I have to find a way to go get my car since my wife didn't wake me this morning and took her car to work. how inconsiderate.....
  5. been a cop in a suburb of Cleveland, OH since 1998. too old to start another job, have documented back injuries, oh well....pay's ok, hours suck, work is fun, hey, i'm getting paid now to surf
  6. Master Replicas crap.
  7. depending on final cost, i'd be down for 1 set of hands and 3 sets of side pieces if they come in the whitish color
  8. ok, got mine from VE today. Thanks! well, no fingerprints on mine, so Toynami QC actually got that. everything seems tight right now, none of the loose floppiness that started with the Robotech MPCs. I have #1134/15000. no stickers, everything looks to be painted on. The paint job on mine is quite nice. This thing is pretty heavy also. heavier than the Bandai 1/55s. the only gripes right now are that the black lion tail likes to fall down and it's not as sturdy as my knock off Devastator. It's standing, but is a little wobbly. The arms connect through very short stubs, so I'm wondering what the weight of the green/red lions are going to do over time. The back wings are too small. This thing is huge, bigger than a 1/48 valk. the paint on mine as i said is quite nice, everything fits where it's supposed to. all joints are tight and ratchet nicely. sword feels a little dainty. hang on, baby girl is crying about something now, let me post the pics and get back. don't know what's up with imageshack, i'll try photobucket...
  9. yes, if it was $100, I'd buy 3, one for each mode. if it's $125-$150, I'd only buy one.
  10. mybad, here's more pics then... i saw the challenger and didn't see the camaro, looked like a mustang at quick glance. http://www.camaroz28.com/camaroconcept/
  11. oh crap, that's right, it's tonight, guess i better dvr it since i have to work.
  12. i got the Luke EP6 rerelease when they first came out a few months back, Borders Books had them for $109.99.
  13. oh yeah, the phaser is heavy. i mean, i can probably whack someone upside their head and not leave a mark on the phaser. i'll say this about MR, their limited edition stuff is pretty heavy and well built. my only complaint on the phaser is that the sound isn't loud enough, and no holster
  14. i think all they did was remove the EL stuff and put in the LED electronics, if i recall correctly, it does have better sound than the original. the original EL stuff has long sold out, it's just a way for MR to milk more $$$. hopefully, the Collector's Editions they are coming out with don't cost too much, I'm just waiting for my Obi Wan TPM EE saber and I'm probably done with the 1:1 stuff, I bought Anakin's ROTS saber, opened it, looked at it, and said, ok, back in the box, doesn't do much for me. Why I keep buying the things, I'll never know, the only ones I like are the Obi Wan's TPM and AOTC ones. I really wish they would do the Obi Wan AOTC in CE since the originals are hard to find and expensive. My Larbel one will hold me over until the EE gets here. here's some of my MR stuff that I do have out: two Obi Wan Minis, an AOTC and a ANH as first built an artist proof Phaser, and my Larbel on an MR stand.
  15. are you sure MR is selling the old EL blade one? it says power-up and power-down effect which the new one has, and the new one still uses 6 batteries.
  16. MR still has them in stock on their site for $119 http://masterreplicas.com/customer/starwar...il.php?pid=8536 and Saber Vault will be restocking at $110 http://www.thesabervault.com/MasterReplicasLukeFX.html I haven't been to my local Borders lately, but they might still have them in stock as well.
  17. isn't this the same trailer that came out from Just Toys awhile back? I don't remember, I never bothered to open mine before I got rid of it.
  18. not much, family got me a bunch of clothes and video games for the PS2 and Xbox, wife got me and the kid an Xbox 360. and i didn't know it, but she used some of her xmas bonus to get me an '89 Camaro IROC Z that her co-worker was selling, thing is in pretty good shape and only got 65K on it (old man drove it), so i got a few things to work on (first thing to replace is the radio, then it's time for some deep tint), other than that, quiet xmas at home. short xmas, unfortunately, i have to work today, i'm at work right now, it's quiet right now, already had one domestic where someone went to jail (all that xmas eggnog doesn't mean it's time to beat on the family), had one psycho-nut job who was so drunk, she kept dropping the n-bombs on me and i kept telling her to get her races correct, she went to jail for continuously calling 9-1-1 with BS. and another nut that keeps calling 9-1-1 just got put in the slammer because she kept calling and saying Ramona Robinson keeps breaking in and stealing her stuff. then after we took Ramona to jail, she called back and said Al Pacino was there beating her up, so that was it. we need to get a shrink on staff for these people. ya know, if you're drunk, don't call 9-1-1 because we'll find ya. merry xmas everyone, here's hoping no one else goes to jail tonight, drive carefully, i've been trying not to write any traffic tickets just to prove a point, so don't run into me last ticket I wrote was on Nov. 2nd. only a week or so left and I will hit two months! i hope i can beat the record!!!
  19. it could still be the 2006 Collector's Society membership bonus. i hope the CEs are alot less, less than $100 hopefully.
  20. don't buy the DVD from SundevilDVD, it is the AnimeCartoon version, not the FX version that they have a picture of. Their response when confronted on that is: It is the same movie. anyone have the VTS_01_04.vob file from the FX edition they can send me somehow? my FX disc skips during that section and i've tried 6 different DVD drives to rip that file. thanks.
  21. i just use a hobby knife to shave a little nub off the arm armors to get my gunpods to attach right, i only have this problem with the TV version arm armors. for the missiles, i just use some sticky tack that you use to hang posters with,
  22. ok, power went out, so first thing i did was use the lightsabers for light, took a few pics of them in a darkened room. here are the luxeon conversions. my goal now is to take my non-EL Larbel Obi-Wan TPM saber and do a luxeon led blade on it, just gotta figure out how to rip an MR sound board and stuff out of on of my FXs.
  23. that's my favorite so far, I printed it out on a 4x6 and have it posted in my mailbox at work, everyone else has pics of their family, but I have pics of misc. valks.
  24. these are the only two i have. right click and save as http://www.geocities.com/chowser51/yf19a1.jpg http://www.geocities.com/chowser51/yf-19_cg.jpg
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