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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. luke is still a 6 battery version, but has the updated sound and LED blade. don't know what best buy is charging, but selling my Luke and Vader here: vader for sale still
  2. here's the usual psychopath and 3-yr old Minmei (yes, my wife chose that spelling, it was our compromise) i need a haircut. you can actually grab a handful up top, that's not good....
  3. 31, pushing 50, feels like. married 10 years, got a 3 yr old, and a 14 yr old, maybe one on the way, and it'll be the last one!
  4. well, hopefully, they'll crank out a few more in the future. this wasn't a limited run or anything was it?
  5. geez man! THANKS ALOT! NOW I have to go get me one! It looks awesom! Guess I gotta get a Hot Rod to stick in the back too!
  6. haha, same here, i already paid for one back in december, i have the $$ for the 2nd one, just trying not to touch it, hopefully, they'll ask for payment soon.
  7. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! They've had enough parts in the entirety (is that even a real word?) of the series... maybe a few episodes on Thrawn???? or how about Outbound Flight? isn't Zahn writing a novel on that?
  8. anyone guess at the size of the Starscream? on par with the MP01 and 02?
  9. gamestop had the wrong version for me on hold, and they were out of the special edition, so i got the regular edition and an extra 25% off for my troubles. i'll live without the movie. I usually play on the Snake server as well, name is the same as Halo 2, Sarge051
  10. TV Valkyries 1/48: VF-1J Super Hikaru GBP Armor Parts VF-1J Super Millia VF-1A CF ---- VF-1A Max TV Custom DYRL Valkyries 1/48: VF-1S Hikaru VF-1S Focker 1/48 Super and Strike parts x 4 ---- VF-1S Max DYRL Custom Others 1/72 VF-19A 1/100 Koenig VB-6 1/60 VF-0S x 2 (on the way) 1/48 Super Stealth (on the way)
  11. my favorite personal defense weapon is a shotgun i don't think i can carry a p90 around the house that well. i currently have a Benelli M1 Super 90 with a 14" barrel and a surefire light grip. granted, it doesn't have the psychological factor of hearing a shotgun being pumped, but it's still the easiest one for my family to get used to. don't get me wrong, i like the look and feel of the P90 and wish my dept. would get at least one just for the fun factor, but ammo costs would prohibit it. the chief is already getting on us for all the ammo we order now, this year, we are supposed to keep track of all the ammo that is bought, the cost of each case, etc., he's gonna flip when he sees how much .357 SIG ammo I just ordered, but i figured it evens out since we no longer allow revolvers, i don't have to order .38 or .357 magnum rounds, i can just order .357 SIG ammo. two gone balances out to the one. and we're getting rid of .380s as well soon. we have more .223 ammo than we have anything else and we haven't even put the M16s in the cars yet, they've been sitting in the safe for over two years. now if I try and push a new caliber with expensive ammo. i never liked the fiveseven. i just didn't like the way it felt in my hand. --- in case anyone's wondering: our dept: issues Glock 22s and 23s. issue ammo: Federal .40 Hydrashok 180gr. Federal .40 HiShokII (HST) 165gr. Winchester .40 Ranger SXT 180gr. - Benelli M1 Super 90s, 12 ga. 5 rd mag, 14" barrel. (pushing pistol grips and ghost ring sights since that is what i have on my home gun) Federal 12 ga. Low Recoil Rifled Slug Winchester Super X 12ga. 00 buck - Colt AR-15/M16 military surplus .223 (pieces of garbage, but they were free) Federal 55 gr. softtip HPs ---edit-backups-- for 2006, backups/offduty weapons allowed: any semi-auto that is not single action only. (Chief prefers Glock 23s/27s, but he's not going to buy us guns, so we buy what we like; the original plan 3 years ago when we switched to Glocks were that the dept. would buy everyone a Glock 27, but of course, that money disappeared) allowed calibers: 9mm, .40, .45, .357 SIG.
  12. Average Grunt You are 75% of a gun nut! You've been trained in the art of the rifle. When you're handed a firearm, you can generally use it competently. The local firing range knows you on a first-name basis.
  13. ok, i'm finally getting used to the 360 controller. here's my question: anyone else having trouble with the 360 headphone/mic on Halo 2? mine is all scratchy, goes in and out. sometimes i don't hear, i can't transmit, etc. tried the one that came with the second 360 and i have the same problem, is it not set up to work with xbox games?
  14. oh, now i remember that movie, i try not to. haha. what was the 2005 version?
  15. well, now that BSG is gone for a few months, I'll start watching Doctor Who. 9th, 10th? i don't know, these are the ones I recall. William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18131
  17. Boy i love it when they do that. Makes it look you're getting a real deal until you realize you have to eat it in the shipping costs. 379675[/snapback] seller is just trying to avoid ebay fees.
  18. mine is just what was picked for me when I started my police career. after i got out of training, they were deciding on nick names for me and it came down to Chowser and Chow Mein. Guess which stuck? I'll explain my Halo 2 Gamertag, it's Sarge051. I wanted Sarge51 because in Red vs. Blue, the red character named Sarge is #51. but it was taken, so I made it Sarge051. Sarge because one day when all the suck-ups get promoted, it'll finally be my turn to because a Seargant, and I'll be promoted based on skill/merit, not suck-ass-ness. and my badge # is 51.
  19. mine starting taking pictures of my stuff so she can compare them from month to month. she just asked me this morning what happened to by brown one and then here comes in the mail the milia i traded the cf for. so, she's now keeping tabs on me. but i tell her, hey, i don't drink or smoke, and i only buy what i work part-time jobs for.
  20. check out http://www.robotechmuseum.com/modelsindex.html for the other schemes
  21. parts of you.... that's actually a good idea!!! I was planning on having a clear headstone with my valks in it with my swords stuck through all of them. ok, i'm probably going to give them to my daughter since she is 3 and already likes them all.
  22. well, just used up another Anasazi sticker sheet on my Focker 1S. The TV Max-1A has Anasazi decals on it. the Max-1S has Yamato stickers on it... guess I am going to order an M&M sheet for my 1J along with the GBP. I'm going to send you a pm on a request...because I don't want to get hit here because it deals with robote........ whoops, forgot to attach
  23. wonder what that cost!
  24. ok, it is windvd that is screwing up, it plays all my regular dvds fine. i just started playing it and the dual layer version that i thought was bad, and it all works fine. THANKS! i'm stupid
  25. here ya go i just did it again and chapter 19 and up have no sound.
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