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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. I'm sure you'll see the regular e-tailers who ship to the US offering preorders soon enough. I live in the US and have ordered from the following: Samurai-Monkey (Japan) Twin Moons Anime (US) Anime Punch (US) Big Bad Toy Store (US) Neova (HK I think) there's more i can't think of right off the bat, and my dsl is about to go down again, argh... keep looking at the FS forum, someone will post something once they have confirmation from their suppliers.
  2. images copied to imageshack 1 vf-1 2nv or a mod, edit these links in before hobby stock finds out
  3. got my VF0S set a couple of days ago, just got broadband back online. woot
  4. Thanks Yamato! More stuff I don't have money for!?!?!?!?@#@)U@(*&*~@(@*!( Now I have to plan for the VF0A and the Angel Bird.... Guess I can reuse the 3 yr. old crib instead of buying a new one. if we were only having a girl instead of a boy, i wouldn't have to buy new clothes... hmmm...... baby boy in girl clothes all rit dyed blue or new valks...... decisions decisions.....
  5. most of my friends think i'm nuts for spending the amount of money I do, but I just point out to them, ummm, i don't drink or smoke like you guys, that's alot of money saved. i don't buy a new car every two years, in fact, i just paid off my car, what about you? once i had everything in fighter mode and no one said anything, they just figured i was collecting model planes, until the next time they came over and everything was in battroid mode., i get the usual, WTFs? you're 31 years old, what are you doing playing with Transformers? I have to correct them, and walk them over to where I have the Transformers displayed and then I get the, "Hey, where I can get one of those???" Masterpiece Convoy once again steals the show... oh, and my wife is ok with it, as long as i keep them displayed in the office of in the curio caibnet. but in the cabinet which is visible to everyone, i need to keep it looking neat.
  6. with shipping, it would put it over $110 US, when you can preorder the new MP04 for around $160+ at some places, it's the same thing with the trailer.
  7. well, i'm planning on getting a PS3 eventually, so if they rerelease DYRL? on blu-ray, (highly doubtful), then i would buy it. i'm not getting the HD-DVD drive for my 360 though.
  8. Yeah, I saw that. I already have a Darth Maul FX that's been converted to Luxeons. I don't think I'll pick up this one. Got a CS membership and have not bought a thing yet.
  9. yes, english instructions please. took me a little bit to figure out how to get the arms out on the VF0S. arghh... doing my best not to break stuff.
  10. not that good? well, court got cancelled today, moron took a plea, got my OT anyways, so now, i'm on my way now to go watch it at 1pm, for $3, i'd watch anything moron already ruined my day off, since i'm already paying for a babysitter, might as well go do something before i have to pick up the lil' one. the movie theather is on the way to the babysitter's. hmmm....so is circuit city, bestbuy, compusa....need to buy my wife a notebook for her birthday....
  11. i actually prefer the instant on/off anyways, more like the OT. with the Mauls, i actually use the allen screw that comes on it to secure the blades since there isn't much blade in the hilt to keep it in, but on my Anakin conversions, I don't even bother with the screw because about 4-5" of the blade goes into the hilt and it stays in there pretty tight. on the last page, i posted pics of a stock MR Vader next to a converted Maul. Somewhere in this thread are pics of the original Anakins I had converted to red and blue, but the blades didn't have mirror tips back then, now, i've changed the red Anakin over to green and then i shortened one blade and put mirrors in the tips of both, they look much better. if you order from Ultra, you can just ask him to put a mirror in the blade. i'm debating ordering a Mace conversion from him, they just don't make a purple luxeon led yet, so i am searching around to see how the purple filter works on a white luxeon. you can build them yourself too if you're confident enough in your skills, parts can be bought from the custom saber shop. you will have to solder. when i replaced the red luxeon led with the green one, i hadn't soldered in over 15 years, but it came back quick
  12. the green and blue light up real fast, with the red, you get a small fade in/out. you don't get the on/off effect that comes on the original, but, after fighting with these, you don't have burned out LEDs either. my son and I have battled hard with these and they still work fine, the newer releases have better looking blades, it's more uniform throughout, NOT uniform though, look at the pics i've posted of my Maul, that's one of his more recent conversions. with the red, you can kinda see the fade on/off. i also asked for mirrors to be put in the tips of the blades. here's a quick video i made of the maul showing how it lights up and fades out
  13. make a Hayao Kakizaki, DYRL or TV, leave TV Max VF-1A for a full run
  14. I bought one of the earlier models for my daugther, when they were $45. it's an ok thing to start with, no sound, and my blade was not removable. just keep an eye on it, sometimes the tip will come off with HEAVY dueling and will need to be reglued. the rest of his stuff, the MR FX conversions, I have also, and I love them.
  15. What was the one that Yamato? had back whenever? wasn't it these? or was it TV version?
  16. not getting one
  17. Go Here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=19382 The 2nd coming
  18. just got mine from twin moons, gotta say, i was surprised, i was expecting another Humongous box from Yamato, this one seems just right
  19. what a nice christmas present hopefully, no delays. guess i will need to scrounge up a few 1/60s VF-1s again so I can have a line of planes to scale
  20. not sure, I think Max is next on the list, I saw proto pics somewhere.
  21. well, he is a MR dealer, so I guess maybe he knows someone at the warehouse. I know MR found some more TPM Obi-Wan's after the sale, but I still couldn't buy a second one from them because I already bought one during the original sale. $590 ain't bad for another one, seeing as they went for $525. hmm............. that is my favorite saber...
  22. is the email from JD?
  23. who built it? was it ultrasabers on ebay? here is my STOCK MR Vader next to my Ultrasabers converted Maul FX. this converted Maul is using a 3watt luxeon. has all the sounds still. with flash with slow flash with no flash
  24. i just charged shipping when i gave away my boxes. if you ebay them, make sure you put BOX only, or someone's going to get upset when all the get is the box
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