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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. WHAT???? All these pics are already 2-3 months old?????? Man, the most current must look FANTASTIC!!! here, since I've been posting the images from image shack everywhere else, i'll put them all in this one post now.
  2. I didn't know you could do that. My Live Card
  3. the only reason for me to keep a 1/60 VF-1 is to sit it next to the VF0 and YF19 and QRau because they are all in scale with one another. I plan on having a 1/60 VF-1, 1/60 VF-0, 1/60 YF19, and 1/60 Q-Rau lined up next to each other just to look at the scales of how they compare. Now I just have to wait for a 1/60 VF-11.
  4. I actually like this game, just got it last week and have been playing it. Finally, I can justify the 360 purchase, because since we got this thing, all we've been playing is Halo 2 online. We've bought other games, DOA, GRAW, PREY, PERFECT DARK, but all we end up doing is going back to Halo 2 online. Now, Halo 2 what? It's zombie time. oh yeah, GT=Sarge051 I only play Halo 2 online, and will get back to it when I've had enough zombie slicing...oh, for an infinite use katana....
  5. I hate to admit this, but I have a PS3 waiting at launch. I've already set the $$ aside for it. There is no launch game I want, so I don't know why I have it preordered. I waited till March 2006 to get the 360, so I might cancel my order and spend the $$ on Macross goodies instead.
  6. Angel Bird just came in, now I have to leave for work. argh!!!
  7. ok, i resisted today! i was at walmart, and looked at them and said, nah. then i was at best buy and was looking at them, and said, nah. Lucas has enough of my money with Master Replicas.
  8. yeah, it's the CS exclusive Matte Windu. I don't like it, I just ordered a regular non-matte version to display. Now, with the DVD releases today, which version should I buy? I still have the OT on VHS. Should I get the Walmart version with graphic novel or the Best Buy version with metal tin cases?
  9. They really need to do some stormtrooper armor that's decent and not too expensive. I'd buy some, paint it all black and sew some kevlar all over the inside and wear it during drug raids. here are some sabers the same sabers on display
  10. Roy was trying to get his gunpod back while he was refueling. I missed the fact that he was refueling too when I first saw it. I was just wondering why the gunpod was so big.
  11. It's got to be the lighting. I'd still buy it if it had blue feet.
  12. think i will have to get some more stealth fast packs
  13. will do it later today, waiting for the carpet man and stove man to bring stuff to my house. i was thinking Stealth packs on my Max TV-1A custom too
  14. me too, I got Miria's red colored Fast Packs for use on my Hikaru 1S kinda in the background:
  15. Wow! Those look sweet. Think I will finally go do mine. --- Here ya go:
  16. Takatoys and Anasazi37 are the ones that do stickers. Anasazi does decals and stickers, Takatoys does stickers.
  17. yeah, tell me about it, seems bit torrent's a little faster... i hate having to join to d/l so i'm stuck with the slow ones too
  18. someone post pics of the 1S with Stealth Fast Packs! I'm too lazy to do mine, I'll do it if no one else does. I'm sure someone has already.
  19. I had two Anakin ROTS FX Sabers, I eventually destroyed LEDs in them with my son, I've since had them converted to the luxeon variants and they hold up real nice to dueling. I have the dual Maul blade converted also and it's a good fighter. I've currently converting a Luke ROTJ and Mace ROTS to luxeon conversions and an Obi-Wan TPM/AOTC Larbel hilt. You lose the UP/DOWN effect of turning the saber on and off, and the blade is not as bright as the stock MR FX, but you can fight with the luxeon conversions and I have them displayed without the blades. once i get everything set back up, I'll post some pics. I sent my maul blades out to be upgraded from stock and I tore my two Anakins apart because I am changing the color to white. Just ordered my Obi-Wan ROTS FX.
  20. Yes! We've talked about them here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ic=14722&st=580 and here's a forum dedicated to them: http://www.fx-sabers.com/forum/index.php I believe port is a member there also I've seen pics of his there. I've got three sabers coming back to me that I had modified. I'll post pics in the lightsaber thread when I get them in.
  21. Chowser

    M+ Valks

    think the 19 will be my last for awhile (and just one, must resist the urge to get more than one), things are getting too expensive and this next baby is already costing me mucho $$$ and he's not even here yet.
  22. this is why i'm swearing off the 1A Max reissue (have a 1S Max and a Kurt 1A-TV), and going to skip the kazikaki since I need to pay for the 0A. I had planned on getting at least one of each, but I just can't justify the costs anymore with another mouth to feed on the way. I didn't like the CF, I think I traded it w/i a month of getting it. i skipped the low vis 2. the hikaru 1a, the max 1J, (i just didn't like the blue, not dark enough), i had a low-vis for 3 days i have yet to transform my garland, i combined my voltron and have not touched it since, i still haven't opened up my alphas from the time they came out.... when i get the 0A, I'll probably just leave it in fighter mode. now the 19, that I will budget for and get maybe 2...
  23. 31, gonna be 32 next week, married for 11 years (will be 12 next week, right before my birthday) 14 yr old (not with wife) 3 yr old (with wife) son to be born in dec. (with wife) 6 cats 2 rabbits some fish 19 valks (more on the way this year I guess damn yamato)
  24. make it this one maybe i should sell my 1A Max-TV custom to finance these new ones....
  25. CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez, just when I figured out how to allocate some $$ for the Angel bird, VF0A, and two YF-19s, Yamato does this to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! maybe I'll skip the 0A..... gotta get'em all!! gotta get'em all!! argh! Pokeball go!
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