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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. argh, sold. the dude that owns a the harley shop and atv/jetski shop in my city offered me and the k9 guy $$$ for our systems for his newphews. never even made it home. that sucks. but now my wife can take 2 months off work for the baby and we won't be hurting. drop in the bucket for this guy, $3k each, cash. SOLD. i'm sorry, but for that much, i can't say no. so now we're both out PS3s. guess the 360 will tide me over.
  2. mine's in my locker, and i probably wont get to it till sunday, tomorrow morning i have a promotional exam to take, then i have to work the afternoon. i bought R:FOM with it. someone offered 2k for it all. man, i'm tempted, i have gears of war to keep me happy. my wife will kill me if she found out someone offered me that.
  3. geez, even though i am going to have two handguns on me, and a shotgun and rifle in the cruiser, when i go pick this thing up, i am not paying with cash. it's called debit card or credit card. the $$ is in the bank, take it off my card. who goes around carrying that much cash on them???? most i ever have on me is $200 and that's because that's the most my ATM will let me take out in a day. and that $200 is only in my pocket for less than an hour because my wife's gonna take some, my kids will take some, etc. guess i could pick mine up at gamestop when they open just in case someone decides to rob them and my system will be gone before i get to work in the afternoon.
  4. what???? dang, i'm gonna be stuck in the hospital on the 4th!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! why can't my son wait another day to be born??? guess i will just have to d/l it. already preordered my Lengendary Collection of Halo 3 at Gamestop. ouch, $25 down, for something that is possibly going to be released next November.
  5. 500? wow, that's like nothing. about 37 hours before I pick mine up. I really should get it when Gamestop opens, but that's like an extra hour of driving. The k9 guy and I are planning on taking our break at 3pm and picking it up then. doubt anyone would try to rob us since we're in uniform maybe we should bring shotguns and rifles with us... what games should I get??? i know i'm getting Resistence and Gundam. now i guess i gotta get some HDMI cables for this thing.
  6. Yamato should give ver. 1 buyers a refit kit with the new figures as an apology. I have not even transformed mine since I got it. I doubt that I ever will. which sucks because the robot mode looks bada$$.
  7. haha, i actually have one of those in the basement that i never opened. i dont even touch my chunky monkeys anymore.
  8. Gamestop by me has a Wii on display. No PS3 yet. You have to leave an ID with the cashier if you want to use the controller. I didn't have time to wait in line, but it had a driving game on demo that was interesting to watch people use the controller to drive.
  9. Hikaru was lost at the time, hence Max being promoted to 001.
  10. I still have my launch PS which I use to play IQ and IQ Final among other things. I still have a PS2 (one old, one slim) and will probably keep them both once the PS3 gets here in November. Still can't figure out which launch game to get, I will still probably be playing FFXII. two more days of school and I will be back home playing!!!! my FFXII is waiting for me 157 miles away....
  11. don't forgot the Yoda FX and Obi-Wan TPM/AOTC FX (FINALLY!!!!!! as much as I love my Larbel Obi-Wan FX, I wish it had sound)
  12. Resistence is futile! I didn't give in early when the 360 came out, but I ended up getting a 360 in Feb. 07 when the 2nd run was released. I got the PS1 on launch day, and since I stood in line for four hours to get the PS2 on launch day, I will get the PS3 on launch day just to be consistent. No line for PS3 since I was first at Gamestop when they started taking preorders.
  13. are these reissues molded in color? i know my original imai 1/72 kits were molded in color.
  14. one was for me, and one was for our k9 guy, we were both on our way there and he got called in to do a search and the people at GS were nice enough to let my 4 yr old order and pay for him They sold four by 10:05, I had the first two. As I was walking about, 10 people walked in. I went back later in the day and they told me they sold out by 10:10. The good thing about that GS is that if you look it up on yahoo or mapquest, it gives you wrong directions. hahaha it's about 1.5 miles down the road where it's all residential.
  15. wow, my GS is only getting 8 in. possibly only 4, but they were only allowed to guarantee and take preorders for 8.
  16. oh well, local Gamestop manager called and said they were starting preorders today at 10am. so, what did i do in my infinite non-wisdom? i drove my a$$ out there at opening time and plunked down $200 on two preorders for the premium system. that means one less YF-19 for me. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why.......do.......i.......do.......stuff......like......this........ but when I got home, my VF-0A from Samurai_M was in! woohoo!
  17. I'd rather be online in Hello Kitty's Island Adventure!!!!! hahaha, this episode cracked me up so much, I kept calling the dude with no life Tim since a coworker talks, breathes WOW all day. haha. he's gonna be so mad when I put up some wallpaper with his name on it when I get to work tonight...
  18. Cool outfit! I have an Obi-Wan I need to shrink alittle, I got it a bit large, so now I have to figure out how to shrink it. The robe is also way too big, but I'm afraid to try and shrink it since it's all wool. i'll post pics come halloween.
  19. if you've got a Borders nearby, definately check them out, I was just at one last week, they had Maul, $99, buy one get one free. If I didn't already spend all my $$ on valks, I would've picked an extra set up. So far, the only stock MR FX I have is my Obi-Wan ROTS, everything else has been converted. I just got my ESB Vader changed into something close to Anakin's AOTC, but with an orange blade, this one was done by Ultrasabers.
  20. I was #6, then they had to kill the list and can't start one till after the 3rd. Each Game Stop store in my area will know how many units they are getting, then they can start preorders. Luckily for me, I got pushed to day shift next week for a few days, I can stop the guy on his way to opening the store and if they know the numbers, I can be first in the store j/k, won't abuse my powers that way. I will be first in the store though. That I can do.
  21. who are they marketing these to??????? Wow, wonder if these are "officially" licensed..
  22. guess there is some big meeting on the 3rd. a buddy at GS said to call and see how many each store is getting on that day. looking to be a sparse PS3 christmas.
  23. If Hasbro does recolor it when they release it, please make it his normal cartoon colors. I want to place it next to my WST and reissue starscreams.
  24. The 360. 2nd release (made in Feb. 2006)
  25. Problem with 360. I know MS had to replace a bunch of cords with the original older Xboxes, but I have a 2nd release Xbox (made in Feb. 06) and I just got home from school and was putting it back together. I noticed that on the power cord, where it goes into the console, it looks like the rubber/plastic got burned. anyone else have this problem?
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