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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. just got my 360 back temporarily since my brother is in the process of moving out of my parent's place (finally, he's only 27), and am attempting the download now. ok, just played 2 quick games, now it's off to work, but it seems ok so far, i'm just used to Halo 2. Gotta get used to H3 now. To pick up weapons, you hit the RB or LB buttons now, and to reload, you tap the RB or LB buttons. I haven't had time to figure out what the X button does yet. I'll try more tonight. I really like the spike grenades. Seems they kinda stole them from Gears. I haven't tried to stick a spike grenade on someone yet.
  2. Oh it bothered me big time, but I sold the 360 to my brother a while back, so I'll get a new Elite around November. I'll play it when I'm at his house and it's still doing the same thing. I still have MS extended warranty through Feb. 08, so I'm sure around November, my brother is going to need it repaired.
  3. Got any screen shots of it in Battroid mode? I think maybe the Toynami version, the cockpit folds in somehow.
  4. My 360 was made in 02/06, I only get the red rings of death after playing Dead Rising for over 2 hours. I can sit and play Gears of War or Halo 2 for 6+ hours straight and have no problems.
  5. Thankfully, I didn't see any at Gamestop while I was in there today. I too am waiting for the 65 nm version.
  6. Whoa! Done! Preordered! I am there! I love B5!
  7. there are bootlegs of The Source out now, Panzer/Davis has stated that the bootlegs are not what the final version is going to be.
  8. what's the recommended specs for Stalker? well, first off, is it even VISTA compatible since I'm stuck with VISTA. --- ok, just looked it up at Best Buy. I guess I exceed all the specs except for the Windows 2000/XP part. I've been having one heck of time getting old games to work right on VISTA and I doubt any new games will work right unless it specifies VISTA compatible. My notebook is still XP Home SP2, but it's only got a 64 mb video card. Oh well.
  9. The feet do look like Toynami MPCs. I thought Beagle was going to be imported the Toynami MPCs, not Aoshima. Crap, hopefully there will be more pics. I'll hold off on canceling my HLJ preorder.
  10. Three weeks, that's it? argh. I'm on vacation from the 25th till the 12th with no high-speed internet..... ARGH!!!! What a rip! Anyone want my Crackdown with Beta invite for $45 shipped? It's still sealed.
  11. All Toynami would have to do is reissue the alpha as a Shadow Chronicles version with no limit. They can even keep Scott on the bookend since he is shown flying his blue alpha and beta in it. Shadow Chronicles Scott Bernard Alpha + Beta Masterpiece. All you suckas (me included) that bought the first Scott Alpha, too bad, you don't get a seperate Beta.
  12. Doesn't even have to be a toy gun, I've arrested people with real guns that they painted bright orange tips on. I told them, I don't care if I see an orange tip on your gun or not, I don't care if it's NEON GREEN and twice the size of a normal gun, if you had point anything at me that even looks like a gun, you would've been shot. I don't play, I have a family to go home to. If someone pointed Megatron at me, guess what. Looks real enough to me. Bang Bang, Three Day Lotto. (That's three days off with pay). Megs looks good. I just wish they would do Starscream in his anime colors. ---edit---grammar--
  13. That's not a bad price. I was selling sets one and two + hikaru 1S for $135 shipped.
  14. Three lucky people in Japan who applied for the Macross credit cards got them. These came out before the Stealth did.
  15. I'm keeping the old one, it'll go into the basement for my son to use, the noise won't bother him down there. I really don't even need the Elite since I'm not doing much d/l'ing. The 360's 20 gb HD is mostly full of music. I still need to figure out how to get the 360 to talk to the new VISTA PC, it's got 500+ GB of music/movies/etc, I think my router is blocking something. They see each other, but they refuse to talk. But if the Elite comes out in the fall with the cooler processor and quieter drive, then I'm getting one for the living room. I was saving for this for April, guess I will just go buy another gun or something.
  16. Well, 90nm processor, guess I will wait since my 360 is running fine. I hope the new units will come with the cable to do the transfer since I'd rather not d/l everything again.
  17. The VF in fighter mode looks FAT with that paint scheme. ARgh, no, Supernova and Stealth please...
  18. You should be ok, I've gotten three lights before, after shutting off the system and letting it cool, it seems to be working. In fact, I have not seen the ring of death since I stopped playing Dead Rising. Granted, I only play Gears, Halo 2, UNO, and Billairds nowadays. I'm not taxing the system that much. I'm just waiting for the Halo 3 beta to come out. I wasted my money preordering Crackdown to get the invite for my son (I got my invite through the Rule of Three) since he said to let his Live account expire next month since he isn't really interested in playing online anymore. Wonder if GS would let me return it since I haven't opened it yet.
  19. i think it's about $40 shiping. 4700 yen.
  20. I want a wireless flight stick with no lag time. They should make one that's 360 and PS3 compatible.
  21. Here's a tip, don't move your system while it's plugged in and on. I was at the academy last summer for a few weeks taking a class and since they now have hi-speed internet in the dorms, I brought my 360. I was playing Dead Rising and a bunch of guys came in so I had to move the system around. I didn't bother turning it off, I just picked it up and moved it. I guess the power cord wasn't pushed in all the way and the power cord actually got burned from being moved. At first, MS told me that they weren't going to cover it because that's the usual damage from the Intercooler. I advised them that I did not have an Intercooler and they asked if I moved the system while it was turned on. They said that might have caused it if I didn't have the cord pushed in all the way. They sent me a new power cord and brick right away. Nothing was wrong except for the scorch marks but they wanted to replace it anyway.
  22. Ok, no elite for me, I can wait for the 65nm one, besides, it will be in white again to match all the controllers I have already. My 360 was made in Feb. 2006, I have only had the 3 red rings when playing certain parts of Dead Rising. I've never had a problem with it with any other 360 game I have (Gears, DOA, Star Wars, Perfect Dark, GRAW). I don't have any extra cooling things for it, it sits with at least a foot on the left and right side and 6 inches of open air above. It gets hot and it's noisy, but it hasn't overheated yet. My brother had one of those cooling systems where it has the power plug passthrough and it ruined his system, thankfully, he had a warranty through Best Buy and they just replaced it.
  23. wish they would rerelease the Max in a darker color. Anyone want to sell a Max without the Armor???
  24. Now I have to wait till 2008???? Can't believe this show started in 2004. Anyone know who did the cover of All Along The Watchtower for this ep? My credits were not recorded by tivo.
  25. GS by me told me $150 on my premium, so i told them to take a hike, i'll give my old 360 to my son and get the elite for myself, only if it has the 65nm processor, else, i'll wait until the new processor comes out and get the elite then. i don't really need a black 360 just to have one. i'm sure there will be a green Halo 3 360 coming out in November...
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