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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. Microsoft received my 360 on August 16th. On August 28th, I received a replacement unit, MFR date on the new unit was 08/15/07. I received my updated warranty policy with the new serial number yesterday. (I purchased the $29 two year warranty from MS when I first got my 360, this warranty does not cover the 3ROD, but covers other stuff). My new unit is quiet and runs like a champ. It does not have an HDMI port.
  2. I'm skipping the puke green 360. The manager at Gamestop is going to hold the first two Falcon equipped Elites for me and a co-worker. I work 9/24, I'm off work at 10:30pm, I will go plink on the range till 11:50, then I will drive over to Gamestop and be there before midnight, pick up my copy of Halo 3 and be home. I've already taken off the 25th and 26th, and my normal days off are the 27th and 28th, so that's at least four days of Halo 3 for me. ---- ok, just paid off Halo 3 LE, and put some $$$ down on Ace Combat!
  3. haha, funny, he's a bit short to be Master Chief, but he's lucky he's not doing that here, someone would definitely beat up and steal the costume. Anyone getting the Halo 3 edition 360? I'm still holding out for a Falcon equipped Elite. The manager at my usual gamestop is going to a conference where they'll have some time with the final edition of Halo 3. Hope it's worth the wait.
  4. I agree about the achievements thing. For Halo 2 PC, my son spent over an hour trying to get one achievement worth 20 points! It was the King of the Scarab achievement. I watched him do part of it and I'm not even going to waste my time. Bioshock just finised downloading, I'm gonna try it and decide whether to get it or put some money down and reserve Ace Combat 6.
  5. Yeah, I wouldn't bother with some of those outrageous achievements, I don't have that much time to spend trying to get it. Just my got 360 back from MS repair today, it looks brand new. Not a scratch or fingerprint on it. It has a manufacture date of 08/15/07. It's REAL quiet as well. No HDMI though. Different serial number. I'm d/l'ing the Bioshock demo now.
  6. Certain Gamestops will look at the date of manufacture for you, I know Target and Walmart won't open up the cases and let me look. All Best Buys have them sitting out and I just poke all the boxes and look at the date. All the Elites they had were made in June 2007. All the Premiums, none had HDMI, were made in NOVEMBER 2005!!!!! They are trying to push the old ones out I guess. --- Chowser : Sarge051
  7. I'm on the west side of Cleveland off Clifton Blvd. next to Lakewood, my wife works at the Federal Building on E. 9th Street. It's a 10 minute ride in to work for her. Avon is pretty nice, Westlake is one of the premier west side suburbs (pay $$$$). If we ever win this residency ruling, I'll probably move to Westlake. Any further and it's going to be too long to drive to work. My brother works at the Federal Building too and he is looking for apartments downtown so he can walk, but the cheapest he's found is $950/month. With Avon, even Westlake (and especially Elyria), you have to factor in rush hour if you work the normal 8-4 shift. It takes about 30 minutes to get downtown from Westlake and that's not during rush hour. There's not much chance to exceed the speed limit because you have Rocky River and Lakewood PD who patrol 90, and once you get into Cleveland, during the warmer months, they have motorcycle cops out there with a guy standing on a bridge shooting laser. Rocky River cops are real pr1cks when it comes to traffic. I can't count how many times they've pulled me over for stupid stuff (not speed either). Coming from Elyria/Lorain is even worse because of the bottleneck once you hit Cuyahoga County. Parking downtown is uberexpensive. My wife parks at the muni-lot which is $3/day and about 15 minutes walk. Places closer to 9th street will run $8 and up per day. Where on E.9th is the company? South end? North End? Parking will be cheaper towards the south end. If I have a court case downtown (felonies/juvies), I usually take the bus downtown which is 10 minutes for me, but I don't know what it costs because cops ride buses for free. I think it's $1.50. I just traded in some games to pay towards Halo 3 and I got an extra 20% for trading games in. It still sucks with the value, I got $26 for some PS2 games: Xenosaga I and II, Gundam Encounters in Space, some old fighting game, and some other racing game. That sucks, but it's $26 off Halo 3 LE. They gave me $6 for Gundam and they put it back on the shelf for $19.99. What a load of crap. They won't take PS1 games so I'll have to hock those on ebay or something. They laughed when I tried to trade in my import IQ and IQ Final. We've got Gamestop and EB Games like everywhere. I could probably find a CD Game Exchange or something, but it's not worth the gas cost. I go to the Gamestop in the next city over from my job while on my lunch break. I'll be there at midnight on Sept. 25th to get my Halo 3. I get my game first and they get free security. Which is good because when WoW expansion came out, there were some disgruntled people that didn't get theirs. I ended up selling my Xbox and some games for $100. Beats the $47 I was going to get at Gamestop. I guess I can pay off Halo 3 now. I'm still debating preordering Ace Combat 6 and the flight sticks.
  8. Good luck with Cleveland, we'll have to hang out or something. You can give them my address in Cleveland if you want to send it in before your move, they can send me your refurb and I'll get it to you. I'm not moving for at least two more years. Trade in values suck at Gamestop. They were going to give me $20 for my original Xbox. I think they said it was about $90 for a core 360 when I asked when the Elites first came out.
  9. Is there an option menu on the TV to change the output on the speakers?
  10. Yeah, they tell you to keep your HDD, and if you have another faceplate on to put the original back on. They said send only the unit back, no cords, no accessories, etc. They got mine on the 16th, I'm hoping to have to refurb back this week. ---- Has anyone gotten their 360 to talk to their PC over a network? I have had trouble getting Vista (Home Premium) to talk to the 360. This is the setup: Vista Home Premium Intel Core2 6600 @ 2.4Ghz 2 GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS (256mb) 250x2 SATA Raid 0 setup 500gb external My netgear WGR614 just died so I grabbed an old DI-524 I had in my locker at work. With the Netgear I always had communication problems connecting to the 360. The 360 was wired in to the Netgear by ethernet. The PC is connected to the Netgear by Ethernet. I switched to the DLink while the 360 is away at MS, so when the refurb 360 gets back, I will try again with the Dlink, but I don't expect anything to change. Never had this problem with Windows MCE. Vista sees the 360, it tells me it's there, but it won't connect. I guess I will have the refurb 360 with new codes and will try that, else I am giving up on this.
  11. Is Gears of War a classic? It's still uber expensive. Used copies are selling for $55. New for $60 still. Lost Planet is down to $35 and I still haven't picked that up yet. I think Dead Rising finally went down recently too. If MS ever sends my kid's 360 back, I think the only game we're getting is Halo 3 for the foreseeable future. Gotta get that helmet for my cat. Maybe Ace Combat 6 for Xmas...
  12. I did, right before I sent the 360 back in, I liked it. There's some problems with it, but it's a demo, I got stuck on some scaffolding when I went up, and couldn't get out and ended up dying. Had to restart, but I was able to finish it.
  13. Well, hopefully they'll record that and transfer my warranty over to the refurb. I wish I could d/l the bioshock demo, no 360. My internet is finally stabilized at 4.8 Mbps for D/L and I can't even use it.
  14. Did the refurb come back with a different serial number? Or do they slap your original serial number on it? I still have my $29 360 warranty which is good till Feb. 2009. Time to sell the original Xbox to fund my 360 Elite purchase... .... was at Best Buy today dropping off my notebook for repair, stopped by the 360 aisle, they had 8 elites and 4 premiums. All Elites were made in 6/2007. None of the Premiums had HDMI, they were all made in 11/2005. So I am guessing Microsoft still has plenty of stock of old Premium systems.
  15. yeah, here in OH, it's too hot and humid also. When I was a kid, I used to sleep during the afternoon and was up and out during the evening when it's a little cooler. I asked for a transfer to night shift for the summer but was told no. It's hot and humid enough outside without having to wear body armor all afternoon. Well, MS sent me a box, I will send my 360 back on Monday and hopefully they will fix it right.
  16. confirmed, the two Elites at my nearest Target were made in May. So no 65nm processor.
  17. I think all Elites got the GPU heatsink from the get go with the 90nm processors. I know all Elites made during/after July 2007 will have the Falcon boards (65nm processors). The premiums and cores will be awhile until all old stock of the 90nm processor sell out. The price drop is supposed to happen tomorrow (the 8th), so I'll stop at Target tomorrow and ask if I can look under the tabs of the two Elites they've had in stock since the store opened (July 29th).
  18. Ok, tried Dead Rising for 30 minutes, got the 2 ring of death for overheating. called MS again and said I had the extended warranty and got tired of it crapping out constantly and scratching up my discs, so they are now sending me a return box out with a one month free trial for live (woopdedo, whatever, i already have a 12 month live account) and a 360 Elite data transfer kit. yeah ok, maybe i'll buy an elite.
  19. what a load of crap, son was playing online 20 minutes ago and the system crashed; called Service, I even bought one of those stupid $20 service contracts from Microsoft directly way back when I first got it, and they told me to take the HD off and play a game and see if it locks up again. The service contract is irrelevant since they expanded the warranty to three years, well, then can I get my $20 back???? They are saying it's a corrupt save crashing the system. How does a corrupt save crash the system when playing online?????? They want me to duplicate the conditions of the last crash. Ummm, excuse me, I can't duplicate it if I can't go online without the HD??????? Come on, gimme someone who speaks English. Sheesh.
  20. OK, my kid's 360 keeps locking up on Gears. I checked his disc and there are scratches on it now. It does this only with Gears, no other games that I can see. I tried blowing compressed air throughout to clear anything, but it still locks up. Should I get another Gears disc and try it, or should I just call MS and get it fixed? It's only had the RROD once and that was months ago. This system was made in Feb. 06. I know the price drop is coming and we were thinking of getting an Elite for the HDMI (his birthday is coming up, mine just passed, etc.), but does the Elite come with a transfer kit so we can move our gamesaves, etc. over?
  21. You can't go wrong with a 1/48 VF-1S. Especially with one of Anasazi's sticker/decal sets or a Takatoys sticker set on it! Here's my 1/48 VF-1S with Anasazi stickers next to a 1/60 YF-19 Takatoys custom. All my VFs have either Anasazi or Takatoys stickers on it. I rarely use Yamato's. If you look at my avatar, that was my 1/48 VF-1A Max TV custom by Kurt with Anasazi water decals. Long since sold.
  22. My son has the same problems while playing Gears, he gets alot of the clean disk error, then the drive door won't open, the game just locks up, etc. Only with Gears so far, he's having no problems with Dead Rising. The system was made in Feb. 06.
  23. Well, I hope that's true. $349 for the 20gb Premium. Hopefully that means $399 for the 120 gb Elite with 65nm processor if it ever comes out. I'd definitely pick up an Elite for $399. Not the Halo 3 edition, it looks yucky.
  24. Wow, can't believe people are still having problems with the new ones. I will wait for a repaint and get that one for battroid mode. I only transform my 1/48s nowadays anyways. I've got a VF0S in fighter mode, I will get a reissue to put in battroid mode. I just found out my son and wife got me Takatoys custom YF-19 for my birthday (kinda hard to hide when I have access to all paypal accounts, thankfully, I was too busy or else I would've ended up in a bidding war with my own son ), so that will stay in fighter mode to best display the flaps and other mods. My first YF-19, I never transformed for fear of breaking it.
  25. Here, before Hasegawa removes the pics and yells at us, I moved them to a free image server Anyone know if these will be molded in color yet? I still have my original Hasegawa YF-19 built by Kurt. It still looks fabulous, it is the centerpiece of my collection.
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