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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. i'll try, i dont get home till 11pm est, if i see any of you guys online, i'll send a message. i have all the skulls and terminals. i just want to get legendary out the way. i'm not worried about all the metascoring stuff. don't really need the sword on my back I picked up call of duty 4 on wednesday and i've been so busy, it's still in my trunk.
  2. woot, give me times when you're doing Legendary, I need to finish it, and it's easier with more people i'm only half way though legendary.
  3. I just wish they would make all games require the HD nowadays, or give us the option to run a game off the HD. It'll be faster and quieter. Isn't that how PC games are done now? Everything is installed to the HD? Microsoft should really let us do what Sony does and upgrade the HD ourselves if we need to. I've got an old 100gb 7200rpm notebook drive sitting around doing nothing, it would be nice if I could stick that in the 360. Guess I'll save it for the PS3 if I ever get it again.
  4. I must be lucky, my 360 pro w/hdmi (from August 2007) and Halo edition 360 w/hdmi (also August 2007) have both been working fine. The Halo edition is hooked up by HDMI, the pro is still component. The Halo edition is noisier and that's about it.
  5. whoever releases it, how about getting a license to distribute in the US? I guess that'll only happen if they release the show in the US as well.
  6. You cannot deny the beauty that is the YF-19. Well, I don't have an SV51 yet, so I can't really compare. (1/72 Hasegawa by Kurt, 1/60 Yamato by Takatoys, 1/144 Doyusha) When I get the 25th Anniversary YF-19 from VE, I'll transform it so I can have one to pose in battroid.
  7. I'd hate to say I came here by way of RT.com. Saw they were releasing the MPC #1, Found Kevin at Valkyrie-Exchange and preordered and followed a link over here to MW and have been here ever since.
  8. MP SS @ Walmart are listed at $48.88. With cost of tax + shipping, it would probably range from $60-$70. I've been selling them for $53 + shipping.
  9. anybody having laptops for sale online on friday? I need one with a decent graphics card. my usual GS just got 12 Wii's in, but they are telling people that they have none until Friday morning. Thankfully, he put one aside for me so I don't have to search too hard for Xmas. Or as we say in the hood, CRIMISS.
  10. If your other connects fall through, let me know, i might have another one left from my first batch. i'll probably hit walmart again tomorrow (need to buy formula), so i'll pick up anymore they have left. doesn't hurt me since i can always return them since i'm at walmart at least twice a week.
  11. they did make one. once i get my Walmart Starscream out of the box, I'll pose them next to each other.
  12. You can get someone to custom make you a TV Max 1A. Just snag the arms off a spare 1J that is going to be clad in GBP armor. As much demand as there is for this version, you would think Yamato could just run a repaint.
  13. What router are you using? I've used a Netgear, D-Link, and LinkSys wireless g-routers and they have all worked out of the box. I didn't have to change any settings. I've used the Netgear wired since 02/2006 with no problems until my Netgear died a few months ago, got a D-Link for free and started using that. I set my friend's Linksys up wirelessly (secured) and he bought the adapter for his 360. works great. Maybe I'll pick up an N-router if I move to a bigger house. For now, the g router goes well into my backyard. For now, I have cable internet, averaging 3-4 Mbps D/L, 256kbps U/L and my son and I can both play online at the same time with no lag issues, while my wife surfs the net and d/l's music.
  14. good, I didn't bother preordering Ass.Creed. If they put a demo online, I'll try it. For now, I guess I'll put the rest towards my Mass Effect preorder.
  15. lucky for you I kept my 1/60 VF-1J
  16. everyone has their own favorites. These three of mine get the most display and play time:
  17. That faceplate actually looks great! Anyone want my extra copy of AC6 and the F15 (original preorder) faceplate? I decided not to stick the faceplate on my system since it would clash with the fugly green
  18. I'll try again after Sunday. I'll grab what I can for some of those in Canada.
  19. $50? Hobbyfan has it for $67 for preorder, regular $80! http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?c...roducts_id=5858
  20. Chowser

    SV-51 CF!!!

    wow, it didn't take them long to milk the mold
  21. Wow, after looking at yours, I totally suck!!! http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/CareerSt...player=Sarge051
  22. Cool! I'm in, if someone sees Sarge051 is now signed in, send me an invite after you guys finish the current round. I'll wait for it.
  23. Box set first I think. The Halo game itself is done in book #2. My son has the books, except for the 5th one that just came out. The 5th one is about Sgt. Johnson, so it might do some backstory, then how he got away from the Covenant. I believe it goes The Fall of Reach The Flood First Strike Ghosts of Onyx
  24. yes, when, please post the next date and time. Big Team Battle!!! I only made it once to a Gears MW meeting, haven't made a Halo 3 or Ace Combat 6 meeting yet
  25. Max showed up as a 1S in DYRL only. In SDFM, they were both 1Js at the end.
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