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Everything posted by Chowser

  1. Wow, thanks for the pics, unfortunately for me, I'm only going to pick up the Focker 1S. Unless they release variants that haven't been out yet (TV Max-1A, Max-1S) etc.
  2. Not airing till next week in my part of town, argh!!! Anyone see The Sarah Jane Adventures? Is it worth it for me to Tivo it?
  3. Just picked up a new PSP slim to play Crisis Core. I'm going to concentrate on doing all available missions. Guess I better get my $200 worth out of it. Wonder if Gamestop will take Jak and Family Guy as trade-ins, since I only bought the PSP to play Crisis Core. I like it so far, I finally got used to the controls.
  4. anyword on if Toynami will release the weapon set in the US once they start distributing the MH ride armors?
  5. that means i have to search the net since i don't see it on SciFi or BBCA here in the states...
  6. The Elite editions were basically limited editions made of better materials and sold for more money. Hopefully eFx will put out some decent props for decent prices and not limited editions.
  7. Master Replicas did the 1:1 scale props, the limited and elite editions. eFx will be doing the 1:1 scale props. All of the Force FX sabers from MR were slightly oversized, as to not compete with their limited edition line. My Larbel was almost the same size as my Limited Edition, so those are the ones that people are looking to get conversions on for 1:1 scale FX props. Larbel, Parks, and a few others out their had decent sabers out. My sabersmith said my Larbel should be done soon, so I'll post pics once I get it.
  8. Hasbro took over the line, for now, they are reissuing the last ones that just came out, then I don't know if they are going to redo the line, or make them better and smaller, closer to 1:1 scale is what I'm hoping for. For now, if you get a chance, I'd pick up a green Luke ROTJ hero version from ultrasabers. unless he already ran out.
  9. not using anything for grips. here's two customs, the black one is done, the blue one will be done this weekend, it'll be amber with jedi sounds. the black one has sith sounds. both will have MR soundcards. The center one is an MR Luke ANH converted by Ultrasabers. I ran into a snag, so there'll be a few changes made to both sabers. I'm making a small one for a coworker. After two years of foster care, he was finally able to adopt, so it'll be an adoption present for a 3-yr old.
  10. Well my MH figures come in tomorrow, I'll transform one, so I can have both modes displayed. Who should I leave in bike mode? Stick? I'm thinking Stick since he doesn't have a gun built into the bike. I'm not too worried about the stickers. I'll probably skip Yellow from MH since there are just too many toys coming out this year and I'm trying to move...
  11. It's a beat up Obi-Wan Larbel I picked up from someone from CA. I originally sent a Maul FX with it and it was getting the on/off switch and soundboard from the Maul. I picked up an MR jedi sound board (from an Anakin ROTS) that I am getting put in instead, so the Maul will get it's sound back. The Maul is going to be a Seoul white LED so I can make it pink with some Lee filters for my daughter. The Obi-Wan is going to be either a Seoul or Rebel blue (I can't remember). It's going to use a rechargeable 123 battery setup. I'm not sure if my sabersmith is taking pics or not, he'll probably put a video up on youtube when he's done. He's done it with quite a few of his customs. I wanted to put a CF sound board in it, but there was no room, and an Ultrasound 1.0 would barely fit, but I wasn't happy with the hum from the Ultrasound. I'll see what happens when Ultrasound 2.0 comes out, but I've spent over $400 on parts from TCSS and other places to put three custom sabers together, so I think I need to take a break from lightsabers after I get this batch all done. I'm Chowser over at TCSS as well. I'll post pics here once it's done and I'll figure out how to do a youtube video.
  12. nice collection robodragon! I'm just waiting on my Larbel Obi-Wan to get converted. I've got some parts on order from TCSS for three customs I'm working on for me, a coworker, and another coworker's kid.
  13. Beagle = wow! I bought the MH ones just to leave in motorcycle mode, I doubt I'll ever try to transform them (I haven't even transformed my YF-19 yet...)
  14. Hasbro took over the Force-FX line of sabers. EFX is doing more of the prop stuff. I believe they are going to offer stuff that MR hasn't done yet. At least to begin with. They are doing their debut this summer at comic con in July. If I find the thread from another forum, I'll cut and paste it here. --- here's the blurb from January: eFX and Hasbro If you were upset over Master Replicas losing the prop replicas license for Star Wars, fear no more because two companies have stepped up. Hasbro and a new company, eFX, will both be putting out replicas. eFX is a new company headed by former MR employees and will be doing studio scale vehicles and helmets while Hasbro will pick up the FX lightsaber line. Check out the press release: Lucas Licensing Teams With Hasbro and eFX to Bring High-End Star Wars Collectibles to Fans New Agreements Begin This Month for Collectible Prop Replicas, Vehicles and Popular Electronic Lightsabers SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Star Wars fans and collectors will find new lines of collectibles from Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE:HAS) and newcomer eFX in 2008, it was announced today by Lucas Licensing, a division of Lucasfilm Ltd. Hasbro, Lucas Licensing’s master Star Wars toy and game licensee, will assume the design and production of the high-end, collectible electronic lightsabers line, called “Force FX” Lightsabers, which was previously made by Master Replicas. Hasbro’s Force FX lightsaber line will debut in the spring and continues the remarkable popularity of electronic replica lightsabers among Star Wars enthusiasts. The line will feature replicas of the iconic weapons used by Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul and Yoda. Newly formed eFX will develop, manufacture and distribute collectible, limited-edition replicas of both full-sized and scaled props; studio- and reduced-scale vehicles and ships; full-sized helmets; and high-end, die-cast vehicles and ships that encompass the entire Star Wars universe. “Working with both Hasbro and eFX allows us to bring Star Wars fans some of the best collectibles we have ever offered,” said Howard Roffman, President of Lucas Licensing. “These are incredibly creative, innovative companies with a real passion for Star Wars, and we think it’s going to show in the products they offer.” Hasbro expects the first Force FX lightsabers to be available in the spring, while eFX plans to unveil its first products at Comic Con International in San Diego in July. Lucasfilm, STAR WARS, “lightsaber” and related character names, vehicle names and properties are trademarks and/or copyrights, in the United States and other countries, of Lucasfilm Ltd. and/or its affiliates. TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners. It sounds like Hasbro will kick off the line with re-packs of some of the more recent MR lightsabers but I'm hoping for some Episode 1 versions of both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's lightsabers. ----
  15. ok, so I am assuming if I get the MGS4 PS3 console, I will have to shell out again for the limited edition stuff? Great...decisions decisions....
  16. My stock com unit (from Feb 06) is still working. My Halo edition 360 com unit is still working. My coworkers Halo edition 360 com unit stopped working within 3 weeks. My wireless 360 com unit sucks. We pretty much gave up on talking to each other when playing COD4. Now, we just three way call our cellulars (all free airtime) and use our bluetooth headsets to communicate. I still use my com unit to talk to other people online, but I have my bluetooth on as well. So if I'm playing with you guys and you hear me having another conversation, someone called my phone. I haven't gone back to Mass Effect yet, I really need to go finish it, but my son has been playing it. I never got around to Assasin's Creed or Blue Dragon yet. Picked up Blue Dragon at Target on clearance for $15. I've just been doing some COD4 multiplayer lately, tried to go back to Halo 3, but kept using COD4 control layout. My son wants to d/l the Mass Effect content, is it worth spending my points on it?
  17. Yamato, milk the mold! People want to buy. Send the 1/48 line out with a bang!
  18. it's gotta be because of Lucasfilm marketing rights or something. Anyone know if Blue Dragon was any good? I just picked it up at Target for $7.48 clearance. Guess I'll try it, if I don't like it, Gamestop will probably give me more for it in trade. (like I have time for another RPG, I'm still at the Citadel in Mass Effect looking for keepers)
  19. I know I have a bad scan of the rear view somewhere... not exactly canon, but you can kinda see where it goes:
  20. I agree, first, I'm watching it, and thinking it's Torchwood because of the sound effects (I know, I know, it's a generic sound effect, but Torchwood uses it alot), and then I see the fight and I'm also thinking Equilibrium. The show is just jumping around too much from plot to plot. My wife gave up trying to figure out the story and stopped watching it.
  21. oh good, there's a video, I have not transformed my Takatoys custom Ravens YF-19 out of fighter mode since I got it. I've been afraid. I still haven't opened my 25th anni YF-19 I got from Kevin yet. But I'll open that up and transform it this weekend.
  22. I might get the 1/48. I'm definitely getting the 1/60 Tomahawk. I'll skip the 1/200s. I've got a few Doyusha 1/144s I haven't bothered to open.
  23. Ok, so we're looking at Focker's Strike VF-1S in August, then the two separately in September. Ok, gives me time to save.
  24. Ditto, looks like I'll be picking Megahouse over CM. Looks like alot of work for transformation, but I don't transform my stuff that often, so it'll stay in certain modes for months. Still debating the Legioss though.
  25. I too wished I didn't download Undertow, what a waste of five minutes! I'm going to have to look into Burnout Paradise, I've been trying to find a video game that does crash physics as close to real as possible. I just want to see the damage, test the times, etc. It'll just be for fun to see how it compares to real life and if I wasted all those weeks in Crash Reconstruction school when I could just test stuff with a video game Then again, they had broadband in the rooms at the academy so I always brought my notebook and 360.
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