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About Chowser

  • Birthday 08/05/1974

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    Seven Hills, OH
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Pineapple Eater

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  1. Definitely not an update, lol. But I'm old and approve of NIN for the soundtrack.
  2. No love for the -1D? There's so many different ones out now. I have a few of the recent 1/100 and 1/72s that were released. I miss the 1/48 scale.
  3. I recently turned 50 and I remember the good old days of waiting patiently for someone to get a VHS in and there were no subs. You just watched it and enjoyed it. I'm okay with subs if that's what Disney does in the US.
  4. My kid said no after watching the trailer. He's played the game. He said it's worse than some other video game movie he just watched recently about racing and an ice cream truck.
  5. Youngest (17) and I watched it opening night. We loved it. My oldest (33) just got back to the USA last week (he was deployed to the Europe area for awhile) and is on his way up to visit for his birthday and my birthday and the three of us are planning a boys night out to watch the movie in 3D this time.
  6. The Playmates version from Target is huge. My brother in law was able to get all Lions with help from friends. I have only been able to score the black lion locally
  7. I figured they were trying to "cannonize" their thicker hilts that they sell at the workshop at disney world with the larger lightsabers. I was at Disney awhile ago at the shop with one of my neopixel installed sabers with smooth swing. I was asked to leave. lol
  8. any major differences between the Isamu SMS 19 vs the Arcadia reissue?
  9. I think I bought the KC 1/72s but never got around to opening them. Will probably do the same with this first release. i hope they’re just doing this one for now and start releasing destroids and enemy stuff and do the other vfs later
  10. Updated and everything works. It seems to be happening everywhere where someone uses someone's old compromised account to try and rip people off. I'm just happy that the password requirement is 20+ characters like some of the gov't websites I use. lol
  11. 1/48 for me. lol. I ordered the Hikaru, Max and Milia set. We'll see what they look like.
  12. Calibre Wings is having a sale on their website. Anyone grab any of their Valk reps?
  13. decided to try a Masei motorcycle helmet for my display case. we'll see what it looks like when it gets here.
  14. Mine was in custom in cinncinnati as well. It just arrived. Now i have to go to work. I’m probably keeping mine in fighter mode most of the them.
  15. Wow! Going to have to pick up a Sunstreaker to go with my Sideswipe. My Sentinel Legioss shipped today from Japan and it's already here at Customs!
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