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Everything posted by Mac

  1. If anyone has an extra set of super parts they want to sell please let me know. NY also screwed me after I contacted them about changing my shipping method. Worst online store to buy from.
  2. which is the preferred site to PO. Amiami, NY, or CDJapan?
  3. NY said if I don't pay for my PO they can cancel all of my payed PO and lock my account. Anyone else get this email? Can they cancel POs that have already been paid?
  4. The release date is at the end of December 2019. Did they speed up the release date? I swear it was releasing around first quarter of 2020.
  5. Anybody else that got one from HLJ during PO night able to see their order? I can't see mine...
  6. Do you think NY would have it for pre-order?
  7. What was the price on NY for the first round of PO?
  8. Same here. Just got my email from HLJ and also the gateway time out page turned into a confirmation page... Hopefully they have enough stock to fulfill these orders.
  9. ami ami keeps saying "on sale soon"
  10. Mac

    Hi-Metal R

    Very nice! Did you use a clear coat after you panel lined it?
  11. Mac

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got one from NY. I also got the maintenance page at the end but received a confirmation email that I got one.
  12. Mac

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just stick with it on NY, I'm getting through slowly...
  13. Mac

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Anybody else get to the shipping page on NY?
  14. Mac

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have it in my cart on NY....
  15. Still no email for payment from HLJ. Anyone else order from them in the month of October?
  16. I'm getting a little worried that my open order from HLJ is going to get cancelled.... I sent them an email regarding my order and no response. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  17. I emailed hlj a couple of times. No response. Anyone else get a response from them? My order still says open status.
  18. What date did you all PO from HLJ? I ordered on 10/31 and still haven't received a payment email from HLJ.
  19. Can anyone check and see if the missiles from a YF-19 fits on the VF-1J?
  20. I've never PO from HLJ but was able to snag one this time. I see that some of you are getting emails from HLJ to pay. Do I just wait for them to send me an email or am I supposed to request for payment from them?
  21. What gundam came out today?
  22. Anyone get an email from HLJ for the VF payment yet?
  23. Thanks for the heads up on big in japan!
  24. So the PO for the missile set is 12/20 at 12am PST?
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