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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I’m ready to be disappointed as well. Just one site.
  2. Wow just as I was thinking about my SSP preorder for 4/30/20 for the 1/48. I’ve emailed NY 2x and got an open ticket with them but haven’t got an reply yet. Hopefully they get back to me soon! i bought my VF1-S hikaru from them and it was an easy transaction. No problems. But with all the delays from the pandemic everything is up in the air. Should I upgrade my shipping?! I just did ems.
  3. This happened to me last year when I bought a macross vf31 alto custom model kit. Same verbage. 3 months later I get charged. And delivered. Just looking at the error message pisses me off.
  4. Trying to figure out what this means on hlj. Says “will be charged when available”.
  5. I did ami/glitch/cdjapan and all failed. This is just like buying some hyped adidas and Nike’s. Bots and scalpers ruin everything.
  6. I have a 1/48 super/strike stealth VF-1J. Not going to sell it for awhile, but wondering how much this is worth. TIA http://cgi.ebay.com.sg/YAMATO-MACROSS-1-48-VF-1J-STEALTH-SUPERSTRIKE-PART-/140416646883?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_216&hash=item20b17bfee3
  7. this thread is useless without pics!!!!
  8. This thread really helped me out on making a decision to buy the HG re-release of the Animego's SDFM. I can remember watching the Robotech Series when I was a kid on channel 13 early in the moring before school. Ever since then I couldnt shake the addiction of this series. I then learned about the original series in Japan ever since then I have been collecting M+ dvd's, the some Yamato's 1/60 YF-21, 1/72 VF-1S with Strike Fast Packs, 1/72 Armored VF-1J, and a 1/48 Stealth with Super and Strike Parts. OMG..can you say addiction? My next buy will be the YF-19. I remember in the early 2000's I saw the frist release. Back then i was broke as a joke and didnt have the funds back then. Anyways, thanks for all the info guys!
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