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Everything posted by T.V.

  1. A case of mixed priorities and lack of foresight. The gun has lost it's usefulness.. as an air-to-air weapon in full scale combat. For (low intensity) air-to-ground work against soft targets and as a deterrent it's still unsurpassed and the most cost-effective method of precision required destruction and show of force. Especially in scenarios where targets are likely to be time sensitive, since the gun allows you to postpone commitment to weapon deployement to the last possible moment (pulling the trigger) and is near instant in its delivery. I wouldn't be suprised if A-10s, F/A-18s and F-16s would be kept in service past their current planned out of service dates, simply because they may prove to be more useful and cost effective than JSFs in Afghan-like theaters of war, if such scenarios remain prevalent. They already saved the A-10 from retirement time and again due to its sheer usefulness, while constantly being percieved as too slow and low tech. I suspect though that the A-10 will remain at the forefront until 2028 and probably beyond that. The B-52 isn't kept in service way beyond its intended out of service date(s) for nothing as well.
  2. I don't think it's a stupid decision. Infact, it might be a smart one. The mecha franchise is largely dependant on those 14-16 year old school goers and is bound to have to apeal to their sentiments in some fashion. There are always recurring themes in mecha franchises, be it Gundam (UC up to CE), Macross, Fafner, or otherwise. Some of the attracting elements change over time, based on what's fashionable, but others won't, simply because teenagers will be teenagers and they like to see certain themes explored. Most notably the "coming of age" element of the angsty indecisive hero becoming determined, wiser and more responsible and mature. (Angsty teen leads aren't neccesary, but they tend to work depending on execution, of course.) For example, elements that were found in Gundam SEED were copied and translated from Gundam 0079, Zeta, etc. and some were original. As for Macross: Flyer and KISS DUM, gaining experience and using that in the next project that's meant to appeal the same kind of audience isn't unwise. Macross has failed to attract the attention the type of audience, which Gundam SEED did, in recent years. Coupled with the lack of experience, the learning curve will be rather steep for the Macross: Flyer team. What this shows most of all though, is that the ambition behind this project is considerable and this kind of planning reeks of the kind of thoroughness and determination that is definitely needed to make this a success. They reckognize that talent has to be developed and recent experience is needed, as well as team cohesion. Let's hope they have enough talent to pull it off. Edit: Originality counts for something for sure. There's a reason why Code Geass is such a hit. It also hinges on the quality of the writing and animation though and of course the attractiveness of the (mecha) designs. I doubt Macross:Flyer is intended as a more or less direct KISS DUM extrapolation, but they can definitely learn from it in terms of production and appeal towards audiences.
  3. *tries visiting MW* The following error has occured: # 404 File Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Is Kawaromi really that bad?
  4. I'm liking it actually. I'm wondering wether the NES-2 walker can dock with NES-1 and vice versa, despite not being optimized for it. At least it looks possible. Perhaps this kind of interchangability will be shown in the series.
  5. Even Mac II takes place in the main universe in sofar it connects with the original SDF Macross series. However, given the time, history and role model, I dare say that an AU story isn't unlikely. Who'd have thought that Gundam Wing would've been an AU from its inception, for example?\ The chance that the Macross Flyer project is an AU is IMO around 70% (based on gut instinct). Most current 14 year old Japanese schoolgoers aren't familiar with the intricacies of Macross history..
  6. What part of "lead main heroine" did you not get?
  7. Sure, the chance is remote, but I wouldn´t find it unlikely given past anime projects and the associated angelified (placeholder) names. For a title the double meaning is pretty funny though and very aptly chosen. Edit: Perhaps Kawamori is going all heavenly on us and is making this about a friar.
  8. I was thinking along similar lines "a flyer for the Macross brand," then a noted your post in this thread.
  9. It's doubtful it'll be solely or primarely aimed at old school Macross fanatics. That would like make the target market too narrow, when Macross needs a broader support base if it wants to grow significantly. I'd like to think that BW is hoping for a Gundam SEED like reignignition of the franchise, therefore their project and bussiness model might be inspired by it and it's success. Macross Flyer almost sounds like a placeholder name. As if this new project is meant as a flyer for the Macross brand. The leaflet one.. not the one that soares in the air. P.S. Thanks for the clarification on the Tatsunoko deal, JBO.
  10. Tatsunoko?! Isn't that the animation studio from way back during the '80s? Is there any problem circulating the use of the SDF Macross character designs or story? If already mentioned somewhere here, could you point me towards it? Thanks in advance.
  11. Casting will normally happen after principle animation has been done as well. All in all, they're bound to do something in time for the 25th anniversary.
  12. Meh, I half expect some Stunticon themed repaints..
  13. Having watched this up to ep 9, I have to say this series is more compelling than I thought it would be. Too bad Youtube or other shareware sites don't have ep 10 and up subbed.. I'm not going to DL or torrent it, simply because my old PC would die on me if I did. Currently perhaps there isn't.. but I suspect M^3 could be expanded upon in the future.
  14. Very cool indeed!
  15. Lol. What would be the cheapest? Buying a refitted Enterprise, joining the CV(F) programme or a new one?
  16. Looking at the wing I'd say VF-19XL. Perhaps as an interim to a a VF-19MAXL..
  17. I think a fair amount of it is filled with strengthening material. The hips have to bear a hefty load, so I imagine the hipjoints being the most robust out of all the joints on a VF/SV. Seeing the VF-19 makes me believe that Yamato intends to uphold the illusion of inset fan disk if possible, though they can't do it for some reason on the VF-0 and SV-51. What I'm wondering though, is why the fandisks are so low set instead of being more centralised in the intake? When the illusion of depth is already destroyed, there isn't much reason to put them on the exact same axis as the engine cores are meant to be. Aesthetic considerations should be more prevalent, I feel.
  18. The Sub and "Ekranoplan" are the same thing by the looks of it. It's transformable, unlike the fighter which isn't.
  19. Heh.. Was thinking the same thing. Without even a hint of his name, you can definitely see these are Kawamori made designs. Although I like the concept of cockpit pod mecha, the design seem too ornamental, like much of his AC work. I'm still interested to see how this works out.
  20. Tolerances like that will be more prevalent in the future. Using such tolerances, means that aircraft can be built with more predictable behaviourisms and higher built in performance. Advancement comes through refinement in a lot of cases. The Eurofighter is actually meant to be a lot less maintainance intensive than the Panavia Tornado. Maintainance cost/time is actually a bigger factor than production cost for through life support of aircraft, and other product. The F-14 was decommissioned not because it was too outdated in terms of combat potential, but too expensive and maintainance intensive to operate.
  21. Nice image grabs. Don Figueroa actually did the concept designs for much (or all) of the Classics...
  22. The Charles de Gaulle actually has the same steamcatapult system as the US carriers do. It's simply easier to operate the US style launchbar than the old cable launch attachment as used on the (Super) Etendard.
  23. They'll be pretty similar. They're both based on the earlier K and M series and have certain structural and systems commonalities. Infact, the commonality is one of the selling points for the MiG-35, since India is already slated to operate the MiG-33. They're as much alike as the basic Su-27 and the Su-33 (Su-27K) are.
  24. Dookie?.. I suspect this project is different from the Kissdum and Jenius Party ones. Kawamori probably doesn't handle the direction, storyboarding and mechanical designs to the same extend as with Zero and Plus. Didn't he state somewhere he was 'tired' of revisiting Macross? He's free to change his mind of course, and I think it'd be stupid to not reconcile yourself with the product your most famous for. After all, he's in his late forties, so I expect him to do so in some degree. The chance that other talent will be more involved with Kawamori restricting himself to creative direction is very likely IMO.
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