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Everything posted by altermodes

  1. Thanks for that info , i didn't know if it was or not.
  2. unsure if you are replying to my Post or anything , but I don't really like the Afterburner way "or style" ... I haven't got the new Afterburner (seen the demo) , the only one i played was the old one and IMO, i didn't like it at all. note: i am having trouble trying to explain what i am wanting to say and i must apologize for that so, i haven't touched the Afterburner series (or anything like it since) Because, i prefer something like this: Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 - 7 minutes of pure gameplay plus screenshots: i think it is in German? and i am not sure, if the Carrier take off scenes is realistic or not but, i will put up with it since, it is a Arcade Flight Sim. So, I still prefer the game play (again, mostly in regards to control-ability) styles of Ace Combat 4,5 and 0 and Hawx
  3. Yes, i do know it is a new direction that Bandai-Namco are doing Ace Combat and all.. but, my current feeling is, if the trailer is any indication of what the actual style of game-play is... Although i will still get Ace Combat, it looks like, that i am going to prefer HAWX 2 more. As, the "Gameplay Controls" in the trailer, makes it look like it is some sort of Afterburner game. So i am really hoping, it will still use the same controls, which previous Ace Combats (4,5, 0 and 6 at least) had "with" a in Cockpit View. I think there was another game called Heatseeker on PS2 (link) that used QTE , can't remember... plus, i thought it would be classed as, more of a Arcade Flight Sim , than a Flight Sim. Arcade = "IMO like Afterburner" Arcade Flight Sim = a mix of "Non- Realistic" and "Realistic" , with IMO realistic being mostly in regards to Aircraft Controls ( in Cockpit views with "Pitch", "Roll" and "Yaw" like for example: AC4, AC5, AC0, AC6 and HAWX"). Flight Sim = Realistically simulated But, i don't know where "Ace Combat:Assault Horizon" would fit in... Probably somewhere in between the "Arcade" and "Arcade Flight Sim" category.
  4. Sorry about that... I am not very good with words or sentences.
  5. Oh well, i guess we have to wait till.. "Voltron, is needed once more" you know if Peter Cullen's voice was not in the opening intro, i probably never watched it... as when i was a kid, i thought it was Optimus Prime. B))
  6. I think , i like the looks of the naval version "a" lot better than the non naval version..
  7. i was unsure about this, as there was a pic that had it horizontal (or level) with the ground as well..
  8. about the numbers on the nose looks crooked , if this pic is correct buy the looks of the frontal profile, maybe the front nose gear being higher than the rear landing gear (not sure what it is exactly called ) nose might explain it... that or a it could have a drooping nose
  9. I think it is already in ace combat, as in a way "it" kind of looks like the X02-Wyvern at some angles. anyway it looks awesome and i have to wonder, if they are going to try and put the maneuverability of the SU-37 in to this design?
  10. If i correct in assuming visual wise.. If the F35 is an eyesore what do you think of the X32? Google Images link http://images.google.com.au/images?q=x-32&...l=en&tab=wi IMO the F35 looks better visually wise ( even the X35 did ) than the X32. edit:sorry i am late with this
  11. that is, awesome honkhet
  12. You are not the only one I am concerned about these/this as well, even more when i have to consider the shipping to Australia "if" i am able to afford one and if i can not get one locally..
  13. i make it twice the amount from the last post :o, :o and double : ( that, i can get one.
  14. You are not the only one, that happened to... That is why i brought another 2 ( 1 that i added a bit to, hopefully to reinforce that window connection area and 1 to keep in box )
  15. :o i so wish, i can get one ..
  16. altermodes


    oh i see , my apologies... well the link, was about someone asking a... "Dr. Rudolph D. Deanin, founder of the graduate program in Plastics Engineering at the University of Massachusetts" why one of his NES systems turned yellow and the other one didn't. and also, something i thought might be interesting the author of the link came to some conclusion (or something): "In the case of the SNES plastic, however, the trigger of the oxidation process is clearly not UV light, but simple and unavoidable exposure oxygen in the air over time, with heat possibly accelerating the process." There is also more on the link and also, had suggestions on how to prevent yellowing to. Note: This was about, the plastics used in electronics and these are things beyond my understanding(embarrassed)
  17. From what i read, it wouldn't be 100% of the lines... as apparently, they have lost the moulds to Mirage , Aerialbots and Protectabots.
  18. altermodes


    I don't know if this applies to plastics in toys http://www.vintagecomputing.com/index.php/archives/189 but, according to this and "if" it is the type of lighting you have there (if i have read it properly) one of the reasons it could be due to ..... nice "fluorescent" lights you got there.
  19. That was cool Anyway , Sorry for talking amongst "Aviation" experts here compared to me ... ( I am, so way below "amateur enthusiast" in aviation that i will probably redefine amateur ) but, why do i think there could be a potential "Macross" like designation scenario happening here. etc... F22A = VF-1S F15E Silent Eagle = VF-1J and the average F15's = VF-1A
  20. JSI F-14A Tomcat Production Piece Revealed Wish i could get this
  21. I Downloaded the Demo over Xbox live the other day .... If i don't count the assistance off camera view , I like it And I am not adding the Voice Command Function to that , as it is a lot easier to say: "Map" to change the zoom level on the map , "Weapon" to change the weapons selection , "ON" - "OFF" to turn the Assistance mode on or off and i think "Change" to change the selected Target than pressing buttons during a battle.
  22. I personally hope it is true, and it turns out to be Jetfire and becomes a Autobot..... "And if i think about it, the Sr-71 will probably kinda match his G1 Tech Specs as well " But there is very good chance that it could become "Megatron"
  23. I like what i see.. "I can only imagine what a set of TV or GBP-1S style hands whould be like on it"
  24. Thanks winterdyne.
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