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Everything posted by Corrinald

  1. I would definitely like to get one too. Looks great Hopefully it will be available somewhere
  2. Never thought I would see the day this showed up in my FromJapan account. Of course they want a small fortune to ship it so it may still be 3 months of surface shipping until I get it haha
  3. Holy crap it's about time. I can get the toy I paid for two years ago lol. Hopefully it's flawless
  4. Imagine how large of a toy the VF-0 would be in 1/48 scale 😳
  5. Nice! Just got the processing notice from them too
  6. I haven't heard from Hobby Genki yet. Hopefully in the next couple days?
  7. Nice to see some positive movement on this. I wonder if my buying service will even remember what it is when it arrives.
  8. First batch. They posted an update to their Facebook page asking us to be patient as they are having pandemic difficulty and their factory had a fire
  9. The God of Flame looks great and I am excited to get mine. I emailed KC customer service and asked if mine shipped but its been radio silence
  10. I am in agreement with you and really dont care for the changes they made to the VF-1. Hoping they will make another revision to it for future releases. If not, kinda doubting I will buy any more of their VF-1 figures. Also a little annoyed with the number of items I have put money up front on and have heard no updates about for long periods of time.
  11. The colors look great . I wonder when Jetfire will start shipping. Or the Heavy Armor Set....or the fancy Rick Hunter.
  12. Corrinald

    Macross figures

    Still waiting on the Heavy Armor set too.
  13. It looks great I am definitely going to pick one up. I loved the original gold and black release and was happy to see they added matching fast packs. Thanks for the pics!
  14. HLJ has these in stock now but I haven't heard from Amiami about my order yet. Should be soon
  15. It looks great, I am excited to get mine. Here's hoping Bandai makes an entire line of Macross Zero figures. It would make sense since they can release them all worldwide In reality they will maybe make one more VF-0 variant and then never mention these again.
  16. Good point I hadn't considered the taxes if you are buying in the US. I really enjoyed the original gold and black version (and red and black) so will probably cave and get this set.
  17. Unfortunately it's no better directly from Kitzconcept. They want 209 + 54 shipping (unless you do slow boat I think that was 28ish). At least if you order from BBTS you don't have to pay until it comes in.
  18. Jetfire VF-1 is unexpected. Definitely ordering one
  19. They are still available. Kinda want one but afraid of the shipping cost
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