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Everything posted by Corrinald

  1. Ahh okay I will try that next time. Thanks!
  2. I ended up empty handed and am seriously reconsidering doing this any more.
  3. I gave up a night's sleep and still managed to miss the late additions at NY and Bandaionline. Collecting Bandai DX is fun. Also I can't figure out how to keep this from auto filling my last message I typed. (My last post quoted somebody)
  4. No thanks!
  5. This was stupidly brutal. Guess I will go back to bed disappointed
  6. No success anywhere yet. Wow
  7. The DX YF-19 was the late one. I remember getting up just before 5am for work and it going online. It was nice
  8. Definitely going to try to get one of these. Still on the fence about multiples though...running out of space for 1/48 stuff quickly.
  9. Yay proxy says it's in!
  10. I am hoping they will ship the VF-0S I ordered from that February sale one of these weeks. Got delayed a bit
  11. Max VF-1A?! That's awesome and totally unexpected. I figured Roy was a sure shot for the next release with maybe a 1A Mass Production and 1D to follow to represent each of the models. Glad to see they are sticking with SDFM.
  12. Corrinald

    Hi-Metal R

    I am going to have an extra Hmr VF-4 I will sell if there's somebody that still needs one.
  13. You held off for as long as you could. To be fair, they are awesome VF-1 toys. I never owned the original Yamato versions or regular Arcadia releases so I jumped on the PFs when they came out. The struggle to resist buying too much Macross is real.
  14. That's my thought too. I would really like to get one, but for the price waiting for a Premium that hopefully corrects the issues seems the better bet.
  15. @Rogueload that display looks great!
  16. Corrinald

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks good! Did you brush paint it?
  17. Ah okay I totally missed that bit of information. Thank you!
  18. Has anyone ordered directly from Arcadia before? I am wondering what their turn around time is. I ordered something from them on Feb 6 with a proxy but they haven't received it or a shipping date estimate yet. Just curious.
  19. Even though I shouldn't have - decided to get a VF-0S Roy PF in hopes they will release a PF 0A Shin to go with it in the future.
  20. Ugh. Yep....I got one into my cart at least.. but it sold out before I could click to payment info.
  21. Same here...glad I'm not the only one these days
  22. I am glad to see more Dougram figures coming. Hope to see the Ironfoot and Bigfoot down the line! The Dougram stuff is what drew me to Hi Metal R in the first place
  23. Wonder how long before it shows up at other stores for pre-order. The sudden announcement of this figure pleases me; I have been getting blown out of the water on Yamato VE-1 auctions for awhile now.
  24. No kidding? This is not one I imagined we would see rereleased. Doesn't seem like it would be a guaranteed money maker for Arcadia. Good for people like me who never got a Yamato one and don't want to pay massive secondary market prices for a nice one. Then again if this pushes $300 what's the difference, haha. I like their premium stuff and will definitely get one. Wonder if the GBP is still in the pipe?
  25. I promised myself I wouldn't....so inevitably yep, mostly likely me.
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