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Chad Dunham

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Everything posted by Chad Dunham

  1. Hi, I have the original Imai kit and its instructions. Best I can tell, the paint mixing instructions are: "Middle Red" = H-13 flat red 90% + H-14 orange 10%. "Middle Gray" = H56 medium blue 50% + H61 ? - 50% "Sea Green" = H-56 medium blue 60% + H-59 ? 40% The mixing instructions are specifically for Gunze Sangyo paint, AFAIK. Hope this helps, Chad
  2. Not quite -- the different Video Essentials editions are coded to represent either NTSC, PAL or HDTV standards, so as long as one calibrates to the same standard across the different platforms, the format of the Video Essentials media shouldn't matter.
  3. VERY nice work! I love the shade of blue you used.
  4. The old Imai and Arii kits also have paint mixing guides for Gunze Sangyo colors. For the VF-1A, the colors are as follows: "Bare White": 5% H-25 Sky Blue + 45% H-31 White-Green + 50% H-11 Flat White "Light Sepia": 50% H-44 (Don't know the color name) + 50% H-47 Red-Brown "Soft Stone": 95% H-44 (?) + a drop of H-2 Black + 5% Flat Clear The above are for the "real color". For the "anime color" they call for H-27 Light Brown for "Soft Stone", H-66 RLM Sandy Brown (?) 79 for "Light Sepia" and H-11 Flat White for "Bare White".
  5. Boinger and Gubaba are enhancing the subtitles and muxing together the video I'm running through the script, their updated subtitles and the Japanese audio for the SDFM TV series. You can download the results from here: http://rapidshare.com/users/SDLIT9 More to come. Enjoy!
  6. Thanks! An upload project is in the works
  7. Same order as before. . .
  8. I've done a test encode of about 2500 frames of the first episode of the Animeigo set of the TV show with the script, and am experimenting with some color correction processes on it. The effects of the stabilizing and degraining script is much more subdued on this footage, but it still makes some difference. The color correction is still very much a work in progress. Currently, it just takes an automated white balance filter, then merges the output of that with the original input, so you get a 50/50 blend. To me, the MKV file of the HD remaster memorial set has much better color, but the detail on the download I have seems pretty blurred out. The first frame is the Animeigo ripped video. The second frame is processed through the scripts. The final frame is from the HD MKV file.
  9. I've heard good things about Neatvideo, but haven't used it much. Here's a version for use with DVD rips of the TV series. It's largely the same, but uses a DGIndex project file as the input and has different crop and resize settings than DYRL. I'm playing around with the Animeigo footage to see if it can be redeemed at all, but there's no way the colors will ever match those of the memorial box set. And it's actually an AVISynth script, not VirtualDub ################################################################################ ####### ############################ GOUT Filter By G-force V.4.00 ############################ ################################################################################ ####### Mpeg2Source("G:\Super Dimension Fortress Macross\Animeigo Video\Episode 01 - 0xE0 - Video - MPEG-2 - 720x480 (NTSC) - 4~3.D2V") Crop(4,0,-2,-0,align=true).AddBorders(0,0,0,0) ########## global motion stabilization stage temp = last.TemporalSoften(7,255,255,25,2) Interleave(temp.Repair(last.TemporalSoften(1,255,255,25,2)),last) DePan(last,data=DePanEstimate(last,trust=0,dxmax=1,dymax=0),offset=-1) SelectEvery(2,0) ########## local motion stabilization/degrain stage source = last sigma = 5 filt = source.fft3dfilter(sigma=sigma,sigma2=sigma*.75,sigma3=sigma*.5,sigma4=sigma*.25 ,bt=5,sharpen=.3) Median1(source.RemoveGrain(12),temp,filt) fw_vec2 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=false,delta=2,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) fw_vec1 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=false,delta=1,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) bw_vec1 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=true, delta=1,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) bw_vec2 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=true, delta=2,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) source.MVDegrain2(bw_vec1,fw_vec1,bw_vec2,fw_vec2,thSAD=400,idx=2) Median1(source,last,filt,chroma="copy first") last.MVDegrain2(bw_vec1,fw_vec1,bw_vec2,fw_vec2,thSAD=300,thSCD1=150,thSCD2=75,i dx=3) ########## sharpening Contra(last,source) ########## restore stars stage prest = last prest.MT_Binarize(threshold=20,upper=true).MT_Expand() MT_Merge(prest,source,last,chroma="copy first") ########## anti-aliasing last.EEDI2().Repair(last.NNEDI(dh=true,field=1),9) Spline16Resize(640,480) ################################################################################ ####### Function Contra(clip denoised, clip orig) {# re-write of Didée's contra sharpening routine from TemporalDegrain.avs Interleave(denoised,denoised.RemoveGrain(12,-1),denoised.RemoveGrain(4,-1)) Clense(reduceflicker=false,grey=true) SelectEvery(3,1) MT_MakeDiff(last,last.RemoveGrain(12,-1).RemoveGrain(12,-1)) last.Repair(MT_MakeDiff(orig,denoised),1,-1).MT_LUTxy(last,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?") denoised.MT_AddDiff(last,chroma="copy first") Return(last) } ################################################################################ ####### Function Median1(clip input_1, clip input_2, clip input_3, string "chroma") {# median of 3 clips from Helpers.avs by G-force chroma = default(chroma,"process") #default is "process". Alternates: "copy first" or "copy second" Interleave(input_1,input_2,input_3) chroma == "process" ? Clense(reduceflicker=false) : Clense(reduceflicker=false,grey=true) SelectEvery(3,1) chroma == "copy first" ? last.MergeChroma(input_1) : chroma == "copy second" ? last.MergeChroma(input_2) : last Return(last) }
  10. I haven't had time to sit through the whole movie and watch it yes, but so far it's looking (and sounding) very impressive!
  11. Here is the script. Copy and paste the text below into Notepad and save with an .AVS extension. ################################################################################ ####### ############################ GOUT Filter By G-force V.4.00 ############################ ################################################################################ ####### ########## Set the path of the MKV file. Use DirectShowSource to work with MKV DirectShowSource("F:\Videos\Macross Do You Remember Love HD Remastered.mkv") ########## Crop the black borders from the edges of the frames for processing purposes Crop(24,24,-20,-20,align=true).AddBorders(0,0,0,0) ########## global motion stabilization stage temp = last.TemporalSoften(7,255,255,25,2) Interleave(temp.Repair(last.TemporalSoften(1,255,255,25,2)),last) DePan(last,data=DePanEstimate(last,trust=0,dxmax=1,dymax=0),offset=-1) SelectEvery(2,0) ########## local motion stabilization/degrain stage source = last sigma = 5 filt = source.fft3dfilter(sigma=sigma,sigma2=sigma*.75,sigma3=sigma*.5,sigma4=sigma*.25 ,bt=5,sharpen=.3) Median1(source.RemoveGrain(12),temp,filt) fw_vec2 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=false,delta=2,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) fw_vec1 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=false,delta=1,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) bw_vec1 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=true, delta=1,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) bw_vec2 = last.MVAnalyse(isb=true, delta=2,pel=2,sharp=1,overlap=4,plevel=0,idx=1,dct=1) source.MVDegrain2(bw_vec1,fw_vec1,bw_vec2,fw_vec2,thSAD=400,idx=2) Median1(source,last,filt,chroma="copy first") last.MVDegrain2(bw_vec1,fw_vec1,bw_vec2,fw_vec2,thSAD=300,thSCD1=150,thSCD2=75,i dx=3) ########## sharpening Contra(last,source) ########## restore stars stage prest = last prest.MT_Binarize(threshold=20,upper=true).MT_Expand() MT_Merge(prest,source,last,chroma="copy first") ########## anti-aliasing last.EEDI2().Repair(last.NNEDI(dh=true,field=1),9) ########## Resize for DVD resolution Spline16Resize(718,436).AddBorders(2,22,0,22) ################################################################################ ####### Function Contra(clip denoised, clip orig) {# re-write of Didée's contra sharpening routine from TemporalDegrain.avs Interleave(denoised,denoised.RemoveGrain(12,-1),denoised.RemoveGrain(4,-1)) Clense(reduceflicker=false,grey=true) SelectEvery(3,1) MT_MakeDiff(last,last.RemoveGrain(12,-1).RemoveGrain(12,-1)) last.Repair(MT_MakeDiff(orig,denoised),1,-1).MT_LUTxy(last,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?") denoised.MT_AddDiff(last,chroma="copy first") Return(last) } ################################################################################ ####### Function Median1(clip input_1, clip input_2, clip input_3, string "chroma") {# median of 3 clips from Helpers.avs by G-force chroma = default(chroma,"process") #default is "process". Alternates: "copy first" or "copy second" Interleave(input_1,input_2,input_3) chroma == "process" ? Clense(reduceflicker=false) : Clense(reduceflicker=false,grey=true) SelectEvery(3,1) chroma == "copy first" ? last.MergeChroma(input_1) : chroma == "copy second" ? last.MergeChroma(input_2) : last Return(last) }
  12. More comparisons. . .
  13. I'm a fan of both Macross and Star Wars, and have just finished a project related to both. I love the clarity of the HD Remaster version of DYRL, but the grain is awful! Over at http://originaltrilogy.com, a forum contributor named G-Force has developed an AVISynth script to cleanup the original unaltered trilogy DVD release from a few years ago, with the aim of eliminating excess film grain and "wobble" from the footage. I took his stabilization script and modified it to work on the MKV file of DYRL. After processing this, I then combined the footage with the Japanese audio, Hikuro's English dub audio, and two subtitle tracks into an "ultimate edition" DYRL. I never realized how bad the FX bootleg of DYRL looked until comparing it to the output of this script. I don't have any web storage available to share the output, but will be happy to provide it to anyone who can offer it for download. I will post the AVS script here as well, if anyone is interested in using it. Here are a couple of comparison shots:
  14. I'm having a different problem -- I was able to download the file, but when I try to corrupt it I get a message that the archive is corrupt.
  15. I had the old Imai release of this kit for the VF-1J. My modelling skills weren't up to the challenge (I was about 10), but it was a cool little kit! BTW, I don't think elbows bend, but the knees definitely do, and the arms can swivel around. For the size, these are pretty articulated! And I agree with Jardan, these put the 1/170 kits to shame. Go here on the MW site to see pics. Look for the 4-type kits: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models...i/imai_orig.htm
  16. It didn't scan very well, but here you go.
  17. Very, very cool. To me, it's easier to see the basic shapes and proportions from your models than from the schematics, which are almost too detailed. Hope it's not too demanding of me, but could you post a rear and bottom view, and maybe some shots of the storm attacker mode? Thanks again! Chad
  18. That would be awesome, thanks!
  19. Very, very nice work! Any chance of a set of 4-view images?
  20. Sorry, don't own that kit, but if you can scan the page from the manual that has the paint information on it I can try to dope it out for you.
  21. Oh. . . my. . . God!!! That's amazing work. Is there any possiblity you could post some three-view shots. It would be cool to try and modify or scratchbuild a plastic model based on your 3d one!
  22. Sorry, those weren't provided in this source, and the colors used aren't military colors, for the most part. I think some of the colors used on the Hasegawa kits have military numbers, but they aren't the same colors as these.
  23. If it's a kit I happen to own, I can do it for you. Which ones are you interested in?
  24. * SDF-1 (This one is a little strange. The cruiser mode and attack mode have different colors) ** Middle Red - H3 Red 60% + H7 Brown 20% + H1 White 15% + H40 Flat Base 5% ** Middle Blue (cruiser mode): H5 Blue 63% + H4 Yellow 15% + H1 White 15% + H2 Black 3% + H40 Flat Base 4% ** Sea Green (attack mode): H5 Blue 56% + H4 Yellow 30% + H1 White 5% + H2 Black 5% + H40 Flat Base 4% ** Middle Gray: H75 Dark Sea Gray 93% + H5 Blue 5% + H1 White 1% + H40 Flat Base 1% * Destroid Defender ** Middle Khaki: H81 Khaki 96% + H8 Silver 8% + H1 White 1 or 2 drops ** Dark Green: H68 RLM Dark Gray 84% + H7 Brown 6% + H8 Silver 5% + H40 Flat Base 5% ** Gun Black: H77 Tire Black 96% + H8 Silver 4% * Destroid Tomahawk ** Hawk Gray: H53 Neutral Gray 90% + H1 White 10% + H5 Blue 1 or 2 drops ** Middle Ash(?): H84 Mahogany 90% + H1 White 10% ** Soft Black (Refer to VF-1S in prior post) * Destroid Phalanx ** Soft Black (see VF-1S instructions) ** Black-Green: H59 IJN Green 90% + H4 Yellow 5% + H1 White 1% + H40 Flat Base 4% ** Middle Sand: H34 Cream Yellow 77% + H4 Yellow 15% + H7 Brown 2% + H2 Black 4% + H40 Flat Base 2% * Destroid Spartan ** Sea Gray: H62 IJA Gray 95% + H1 White 5% ** Middle Red (Refer to SDF-1) ** Soft Green: H59 IJN Green 85% + H1 White 10% + H40 Flat Base 5% * Quadrano ** Hawk Gray (Refer to Tomahawk) ** Middle Purple: H39 Purple 88% + H2 Black 10% + H40 Flat Base 2% ** Soft Green: (Refer to Destroid Spartan) * Armored Valkyrie ** Bare Gray: H1 White 95% + H2 Black 1 or 2 drops + H4 Yellow 1 or 2 drops + H5 Blue 1 or 2 drops + H40 Flat Base 4% ** Dark Blue: H54 Navy Blue 88% + H2 Black 5% + H5 Blue 5% + H40 Flat Base 2% * Regult ** Soft Gray: H75 Dark Sea Gray 89% + H1 White 10% + H8 Silver 1% ** Pearl(?) White: H1 White 94% + H2 Black 1 or 2 drops + H4 Yellow 1 or 2 drops + H40 Flat Base 4% ** Metal Blue: H54 Navy Blue 57% + H5 Blue 40% + H8 Silver 1 or 2 drops + H40 Flat Base 2%
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