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Cannon Fodder

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  1. HEHHEY! I got it!! Its here in my hands *ggg* Weeeha! Its great. But two questions. Is there a trick with the stickers? I dont like the white edges. Youi know what I mean? When you stick it on the plain you see that its a sticker (around the sticker) The hatches around the landing gear are loose? How can repair it? Please help me! Bye Quattro
  2. I have done it. A big box is on the way to me Baught the 1/48th Scale Stealth Macross VF-1J w Super Strike parts @ ebay. See link above if you want. A really nice ebayer. My first Macross should arrive next monday or something like that. I will inform you and maybe make some picures ^^ Thanks all of you for the help!
  3. Has anyone an idea how much taxes i must pay? I live in Berlin Germany. Want to buy my stealth fighter with strike parts (177euro) @http://www.hlj.com Bart
  4. Have emailed them I hope they really have it.
  5. The problem is I cant find one in the whole internet ^^
  6. NONONO!! There is no super stealth type left! I hate it I looked nearly everywhere..The only shop which has one left is tisnic. But you all say tisnic sucks..thats bad..
  7. They have it!!! Thats for this tip Did you ever bought something from there? is it a good shop?
  8. I have seen the preorder status there.. But that doesnt help me a lot. Mh..that bullshit. after so much time I have found what I want but cant buy it. Grrrr And I would only buy an opened one if its cheaper then a new one^^
  9. Thanks to you! I will keep this one in mind. But baybe someone else will know a better offer.
  10. Where and isn't the combo better? O.o
  11. Hm that was the only shop i could find which has the Macross VF-1J Stealth Type Super Valkyrie. Anyone an idea where else I could get one?
  12. Did someone ever bought stuff at www.tisinc99.com ? Was it ok? Bart
  13. After all your comments and after I looking for many hours through all the pages and links I think I am quite sure which one I want. Thats what I want to buy. http://anymoon.com/blog/2006/10/10/yamato-...e-set/#more-467 Thanks for all the ideas where I can buy them! But nobody answered me about ebay? Is it a good idea to try it? Or is it to risky.
  14. After hours and hours I found one which looks best for me. http://anymoon.com/blog/2006/10/10/yamato-...e-set/#more-467 Bart
  15. Hm thanks to you all for the comments. What du you think about ebay O.o Some stuff is much cheaper then in the shops you mentioned.
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