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Everything posted by hutch

  1. yes whoever posted the video, thanks. Great stuff.
  2. Hey! It looks like Ahmadinejad found a place to keep his "out of season clothes" plastic tote!
  3. That trailer looks great. Really enjoyed the first one and looking forward to this now.
  4. That singing, dancing alien is hilariously bad programming. I could have understood that like 20 years ago, but come on, man.
  5. Well, Boeing learned from their mold-line error on the X-32...at least at this stage.
  6. I'm not too keen on the aesthetic of the mecha designs, but that doesn't mean they're "bad" it just means I don't like them. Eager to see the movie.
  7. F-35s cleared for service http://www.f-16.net/news_article4705.html US buys A-29 Super Toscano's for Afghanistan http://defense-update.com/20130228_las_a-29_super_tucano.html
  8. All JSF Operations suspended http://www.f-16.net/news_article4704.html
  9. Was in Turkey this last week, got to hang around a bunch of F-16s and F-4s and see a lot of F-4s in flight. Was a blast.
  10. I only kept my TV VF-1S of all my valks, but dang glad I did. Don't think this can bode well. Guess I wish I'd kept my other stuff now.
  11. Great scene. Love that bird. I love the 16 but the 14 will always be my favorite.
  12. How often do you fly?
  13. Agree. Looks cool but the two pilot system just seems like a really dumb idea that I cannot imagine a rational explanation for.
  14. It shouldn't be called "The Bat". It should be called "The This Isn't A Car".
  15. Sadly this hobby is just getting too rich for me.
  16. In it to win it. Looks great.
  17. Have any cost and schedule details about the armor pack for Ozma been announced yet?
  18. Thanks man! Appreciate the info Also, LOVE how this thing looks in GERWALK mode. Just unbelievably slick. I've had it sitting there like that for 3 days. Still haven't even put it in battroid mode...
  19. I wish they would announce something about the armor and super parts...
  20. Wow. That's gorgeous. I'm glad to see the progress. Can't wait to hold it in my hands.
  21. Holy Crap this looks amazing. I cannot wait for the armored version.
  22. This season has actually been pretty good. Favorite line, from "Tip of the Zoidberg" "I'll be damned. It did make him a double yeti!"
  23. Die in a Fire George Lucas. Die in a Fire.
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