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Everything posted by hutch

  1. "I CAN'T DEAL WITH THAT RIGHT NOW" The timeless words of a great leader.
  2. LOL! +1 Seriously though, I enjoyed Battletech when it was all hex maps and cardboard, but I was never enamored of the designs that weren't stolen from other sources. Very clunky. Some of the clunkiness was 'believable' within the universe that they created, but by that same thread, transforming mechs wouldn't fit into that universe as well. Thanks for the narrative though, Redwolf.
  3. Yes, the man who brought us "I'm the GD Batman" has plenty of room to be high on his dialogue capabilities...
  4. Aurora and rumors of Aurora.
  5. That was fun. Thanks for the link!
  6. Actually didn't like half of starfleet get blown up early in the first one and the remnants were all in the "Lorentian" (sp?) system or something?
  7. LOL so awful
  8. Yeah, sucks that we lost a B-1 the other day. Beautiful bird
  9. I saw the longer theatrical preview before Pacific Rim last night. Looks really good. I'm fairly excited for it at this point. Certainly has a great cast and great source material to work from.
  10. Yeah, I had owned the Donner Cut of 2 for forever and never watched it. I finally watched it right before going to see MoS. Other than removing the "kiss of forgetfulness" it was pretty much complete garbage.
  11. I finally saw it. It had everything in it that should make me love a movie, but the whole thing fell flat for me. I found the universe that Del Toro created to be pretty interesting, and it seems like there would be a lot of good stories to tell, but the mediocre writing mixed with the mediocre acting made me wish that I'd waited to see it on DVD/Blu-ray. There just wasn't a single actor in the movie capable of carrying their part in such a way that made me care about anyone. I never felt any attachment to the characters. Fights were pretty fun, but again, since I didn't give a crap, it was just empty eye candy.
  12. The new Jor El fig from Hot Toys looks pretty freaking amazing, imho... http://toynewsi.com/news.php?catid=10&itemid=20684
  13. What the heck, I'm in. I always end up watching the first one whenever I run across it on cable. The first one was a poorly veiled thievery of War of the Worlds...so what classic movie will Roland and Emmerich rip off for the sequel?
  14. Is there something that has conclusively said that the Masterpiece Bumblebee is G1? Because I can only think it's going to be a revamp of the movie "masterpiece" that was issued a few years back...
  15. Honestly, WGAS? These guys are adults. They're making their choices and making their millions. If The Rock dies at 55, I'm sure his wife and kids (if he has some) and some other folks will be sad, but he knew what he was doing to his body.
  16. Finally saw the first one on my flight from Paris last month...really looking forward to this now.
  17. Agree. And the Inbit were great enemies.
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