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Everything posted by hutch

  1. All he needs to do is listen to "Ignition" and "Remix to Ignition" by R Kelly and he'd instantly make the director's cut. Because he'd realize that, sometimes, remixes are VASTLY superior to the original.
  2. Doesn't just want it...he got it... http://www.newsarama.com/24908-report-spider-man-star-director-announced.html
  3. It's much more rare, and only with very old stadiums, for the most part. The list of ones named after companies quickly outstrips those retaining their classic names, at least wrt US Pro Sports.
  4. I'm optimistic for a Spider-man movie with ties to the MCU. They're basically printing money at this point, and although I know some were disappointed with AoU, I think that Cap: Civil War has great potential (especially given that it's helmed by the same guys who handled Winter Soldier) and likewise (for similar reasons) Infinity War. A Netflix series for Punisher would be just about perfect. Update the origin so that he's a OEF vet instead of Vietnam and you're off. I was hoping for an older more 'veteran' Spider-man for the MCU, since we've done the teenage one to death, imo, but when I think about it, having a younger super-hero involved will be a decent contrast to the current band of heroes in the MCU, who are all vets at the top of their game at this point. And perhaps this can set Spidey up as the de-facto leader of the 'next wave' of Avengers.
  5. Just curious, is there anyplace that I can watch all of season two? I'm on business travel this weekend and may have some time to binge watch...
  6. The vast majority of people are overwhelmingly positive in their feelings about the Nolan movies. The movie will be fine. It probably won't be where Marvel is, but that's generally the story of DC these days. Getting bought by Disney >> Getting bought by WB
  7. I'll watch it on a Lufthansa flight somewhere over the Atlantic
  8. They did that, reportedly, because they didn't want any spare parts from junk yards ending up in Iran prolonging the life of their F-14 program. There's really no chance of that happening with the F-22...
  9. UAE owns the Block 60.
  10. The trailer looks fun, but I have to say I've really been stunned at what hot garbage the photoshop jobs are on all the posters for this movie. Just horrible. Whoever is making them should be fired yesterday.
  11. Adult experienced Spider-man would be a huge jump. Give us the 30 year old Spidey in the stinger at the end of Avengers II.
  12. I watched an episode of "In Search Of..." last night in his honor. Such a great career. He will be missed.
  13. Planetary is all around an amazing book, and that story was right up there with some of the best.
  14. Wow. Wow. Finally got to see a "see this thing while it's there" thing! And it was great!
  15. On base today watching SoloTurk practice before the big airshow in Eskisehir this weekend. Hope to see Turkish Stars practice this afternoon...
  16. What I wouldn't give to be able to rob those two display cases with all the G1s in them...
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