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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Is ~$100 a decent price for the Max and Milla Supers? (1/60)
  2. Now finding them becomes the primary issue...
  3. Thanks man. I'll take a look at your 1/60 reviews. I've seen your site before, it was what convinced me to buy my first 1/48 and then to go on and buy 3 more! Thinking about it now, I don't know if I should be thanking you or not
  4. I saw SC a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty bad. There were good parts, but the new mecha shown were BAD and the rendered fights were BAD. I'm probably going to cancel my preorder at Amazon.
  5. I've not found nearly as much information/reviews about these than the 1/48's. I was considering buying a couple (probably the Max/Milla Supers since I can't hope to own the 1/48's unless they reissue them) next to a 1/60 VF-19 and VF-0 series. Are they decent toys? What are the major issues with the 1/60 1's? If this is covered somewhere else, just direct me there and accept my apologies for a redundant thread. THANKS!
  7. The resolution must not be there, the pilots look similar in size but they're so small already. Thanks for the reply. I'll have to pick up a 1/60 VF-1 to pose next to my GIANT VF-0!
  8. Bear with me for a kind of 'n00b' question here... I was looking at some of the 'collection pics' in the thread below and it looks to me as if the 1/60 0A's are IN SCALE with the 1/48 VF-1's. Is this right? It can be, can it? There are one or two pics with 1/60 VF-1's in the same frame as 1/60 VF-0s and those look like different scales to me. HELP! If I buy a 1/60 VF-0 will it look correct or wonky next to my 1/48 VF-1s?
  9. Thanks for the pics. I'm getting a good education around here. I didn't mean that CF's didn't exist in DYRL? I was just thinking that since the CF comes with the TV style hands (I believe) that would insinuate taht it's a TV style mech. Guess Yamato is doing a little mixing and matching with us... Regardless, they have 99% of the mold to do a TV style Max 1A, so it's probably a viable option.
  10. hutch

    Please Read

    Would all you guys rousingly endorsed NOT getting a VF-0?
  11. kensei, I hope you're right. Lonewolf, wouldn't the head for the TV 1A Max and Kakizake be the same as the CF head? Or is that the same as the DYRL head? I'm confused. I thought the CF was a TV Style Valk...
  12. If we got a proper Alpha/Beta from Mospeada I'd go criminally insane. I've wanted these since I was 9. (I'm 32 now)
  13. I would buy a TV style Max or Kakizaki VF-1A in a heartbeat. The lack of both of those is mystifying to me, as I said previously I just got into these and figured that I'd be able to get TV style Roy 1S, Hikaru 1J, Max and Kakizaki 1A's. I was really surprised they didn't have the latter two.
  14. hutch

    Help Me Choose

    Thanks for the help! I'm leaning toward the Hikaru 1S, as that seems to be the one he uses more... The DYRL Roy isn't the only one I have. I also have: Hikaru VF-1J Standard Color GBP set And 'on the way' I have: Super Stealth CF VF-1A Sorry I wan't clear...I'm totally obsessed with these things. I'd been debating the Roy 1/48 for like 2 years and finally buckled after getting some Christmas money. Glad I did and SURE glad I found this place. The knowledge base around here has been VERY helpful.
  15. hutch

    Help Me Choose

    Just got into the 1/48 Valks. Also just saw DYRL for the first time. I already have the 1/48 Roy with FAST/Strike Pack. If you only had money for 2 Valks (right now) would you get: VF-1A Hikaru and VF-1A Max OR VF-1S Hikaru and VF-1A Max with 1 Fast Pack. Also, are the DYRL VF-1A's '1st' or '2nd' Generation? THANKS!
  16. Forgot about the second time kensei. Thanks. I really would love to see those reissued, but it's not like I don't have enough catching up to do already.
  17. First post. As someone who JUST got into the 1/48 Valks (THIS MONTH) I REALLY hope they are not going to shy away from making new ones. I would love to be able to get a Max and Millia Supers, but I'd also be satisfied with non-super versions, since they only used the FAST Packs like once in the show. I just hope I don't have to switch over to the 1/60's. But if I do, I do. That's what the NEXT shelf is for I guess.
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