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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Ok, I don't believe we've heard anything official about 1/48 scale VF-1 releases in '07, beyond the "Urban Camo" GBP, right? So, is there any conjecture as to what MIGHT be coming out? We know they 'might' reissue the VF-1J Max and Miria and they 'might' or 'might not' be supers. Could we see a Max TV VF-1A? Non-cannon repaints?
  2. I just ordered some of these and can't WAIT to get them.
  3. I was looking at my Roy and Stealth the other night an thinking this EXACT thing. I'll have to try this tonight...
  4. Thanks for the tip. I'm ordering some Takatoys stickers for my Stealth (hopefully) and that looks much better than the red emblem.
  5. WOW! That's a heck of a process! One other question, and this is probably a NUB question, so pardon me. How did you get the original emblem off the left wing so that you could replace it with the stealth emblem?
  6. Yes. That was HORRIBLE. They completely left out his HUGE duel with Corg.
  7. I COMPLETELY agree with this. It really ticked me off how they completely left all of those characters out, especially in the shots inside Reflex Point with the Regis. Ummm...Scott was inside with the Regis and Ariel. As were Rand, Rook and a bunch of the others if I recall correctly. Anyway, that was really one of the main things I had a beef with. They already cut up 3 Japanese series to make this series, now they can't even keep their OWN continuity straight.
  9. hutch

    VF-1S Hikaru

    Where can I pick up the Takatoys stickers? The only thing I can find is an inactive geocities account and an email address...importsalexander@terra.com.pe. Is that right?
  10. To go to jenius' point here, in recent days I've seen some 0S's go pretty close to $125 or so. That's getting pretty good...
  11. I'd want 100 foot tall robots myself.
  12. Thanks guys. Much appreciated.
  13. I don't even want to think about the Alt modes... Megs looks GREAT. Awesome looking toy. Anybody know where you can get one without some stupid orange plug in the barrel (no offense to BBTS who I love).
  14. Sorry sketchley. It was a joke and not in any way meant to be taken seriously, any part of it. GEEZ.
  15. hutch

    VF-1S Hikaru

    Sounds awesome. I got my first a few weeks ago. I'm up to 4 now....
  16. That is beautiful, and I haven't even seen all of Macross Zero yet.
  17. There is no way that the UN, in those conditions, could afford to build two working prototypes of transforming jet fighters, one with nuclear engines, to combat a race of giants, genetically engineered by the same aliens that genetically engineered our ancestors, based on measurements from their battlefortress that crashed on Earth. It's just not economically viable. Especially when it ends up that we can just beat them with some teenage girls singing.
  18. Has it ever been stated whether there were any enemy mecha on the SDF when it crashed?
  19. Yes, great review, thanks for the pics and info. Also greatly appreciated the 'scale comparison' section.
  20. I wish the 0S didn't look SO GOOD in all the pictures I see in Battroid mode. It would be much easier to decide to wait it out....
  21. I was really sad. I know everybody around here hates Robotech, but it was what introduced me to anime, when I was 9 or so, and I kind of have a soft spot for it in my heart. I was very disappointed in this movie. Pretty much everything anybody has said is true. I think the most disappointing thing to me was that the story nor dialog were as mature as the 'original'. It was pretty pathetic in spots.
  22. hutch

    Please Read

    Patience is not one of my virtues.
  23. hutch

    Please Read

    I hate myself for wanting an 0S so bad right now. I REALLY want one....but I so don't want to waste $120
  24. If that was the drive, why not just do The Sentinels? All the "Macross Saga" characters with the "New Generation" and "Southern Cross" technology fighting The Invid right beside The Zentradi.
  25. hutch

    Help Me Choose

    Thanks! I'll take a look at that. Just got my Stealth last night. WHOOOA NELLY! Nice ship!
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