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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Didn't the Regis take the form of the "Phoenix of Mindstuff" (to steal a RT novel term) in the original conclusion to RT:NG/Mospaeda??
  2. I'm right there with you. I got my Angel Birds and LV2 today and those are two AWESOME schemes. I'm totally psyched. I would definitely buy additional paint schemes. In addition to what SM said, I'd go for: Arctic Camo 1A (Non-Cannon Alaska Base??) Marine Camo 1A (Dk. Gray/Green Combo like a Harrier) Solid Grey (No markings, great for customizing) Also, I can't wait for my birthday so I can get Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki DYRL 1A's....
  3. But they weren't even IN Reflex Point!! They were there! I have it on DVD as incontravertable proof!! And what about Scotts battle with Corg??!? In SC he was just sitting outside RP twiddling his thumbs!
  4. Thanks for the paint/apps tips and the pics. That looks HOTT.
  5. A VF-1D 1/100 would be pretty swoot. I could go with Kakizaki 1A TV Max 1A TV VF-1D They should make some 1/100 Zent mechs just to stick it all up in our grill.
  6. I can't find one to save my life in central Ohio.
  7. 1st Border, thanks for the scans. Great stuff. Those Haydonite mechs look so...bad. You can hardly see them, the shapes are lost in the blackness. I always wanted to see one of those Invid Cats animated but all I ever got was the half-@$$ed Sentinels animation... Terry, I will say that part of my disappointment came from how incomplete this felt. If there is some culmination, that would help it greatly in my book. There was also the bad CGI, plot holes you could drive a truck through and the disrespect for even their own continuity, but it also just kind of...ended... Jenius, wrt the Cyclone transform, I swear I remember that too, but it didn't take long...
  8. Classics Jetfire is, IMHO, superior to all Jetfires but the original. That said, I would have loved to have a boxy, cartoon accurate Skyfire. I mean, why not?
  9. I've been told that series two is vastly superior to series one. I should get them in the next couple of days, so we'll see...
  10. WHAAAA??!!! Are you KIDDING? PLEASE tell me you're kidding!
  11. Do you have any pics of the mecha? The screen I saw it on had an illumination problem (it was pretty dark) but the Haydonite mecha looked pretty bad on that.
  12. Thanks much for the tips and the pics. Looks GREAT with the custom stickers.
  13. I don't know why they didn't make it look MORE like Skyfire and just call it that.
  14. Sorry, I didn't at all mean it to come off that way. I took your original comments to be quite demeaning (incorrectly, obviously) to me "paint is paint, colored plastic is colored plastic" didn't seem to me to really answer my question in any way at all. I think even a caveman could figure out that I could mix the paint to match the plastic. I guess I thought somebody might be able to say "I used testors #004 and #007, try mixing those and see if you can get it right" or "try using a little bit of thinner x" or share some other starting point but again, as I said maybe this particular custom is not as common as I thought. I did try the search function and it didn't return any hits. Once I had done that I put up this topic. Perhaps I misused the search function. I sincerely apologize to all involved, especially dnd. Takatoys solution will work perfectly well for the section of the skull on the black portion of the tail fin, but not so much the gray. I will attempt to use the search function again to try to find an answer for paint removal or paint matching. Somebody turn out the lights.
  15. Edited because I'm an idiot.
  16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a Stealth. Part of the skull is on the gray leading edge of the tail fin. If someone who has customized a Stealth could answer back and let me know what they might have used to remove the painted skull emblem from that part, or perhaps covered it up with a paint, perhaps they would be willing to share the type of paint they used.
  17. Thanks for the tip. I thought that maybe someone who had customized a Stealth had used something and could give me some help. I wouldn't think I'm the first person who's customized a stealth for the Takatoys stickers, but I guess I could be. If nobody did it, why are there custom stickers out there for it? Takatoys and Robographix both have LV1 sets...I can't be the first person who thought about putting custom stickers on a LV1, can I? Maybe I'm wrong and everybody is just customizing their entire valks... I guess when I look at it there's SIGNIFICANTLY less work (and money) involved. I can learn how to customize an entire valk, and then do it, ruin a couple (or more)(probably $130 each) until I'm finally good, OR I could paint part of a tail fin and put a custom sticker on it. In the end, I'd end up spending probably $450 going that route. Not to mention spending the money on an airbrush and all the other tools to customize... Is there such a thing as a 'cheap valk'? I haven't run into one of those yet. Most people are charging $80+ even for loose CF's...
  18. I'm editing out a question I had on here because it seemed to be the only thing people were concerned about talking about.
  19. Thanks for the reply! Some of my skull is on the grey. What should i do about that part?
  20. Is there an easy way to do this without removing the paint underneath? I'm looking to apply some Takatoys stickers and don't want the skull logos anymore... Thanks in advance.
  21. And the new mecha (Haydonite) are just MoSUCKa.
  22. Man, that really surprises me. I understand about the head, but just figured they'd use the DYRL 1A head like they did on the Angel Birds (TV valk). I would think that a lot of people would be all over a cannon color scheme that's never been had in 1/60 or 1/48 from Yamato. However, that being said, I'm new to this and do not have much of a grasp on the marketing philosophy at work here. Personally I hope it happens, and I know I'd pick up the Max and Kakizaki TV versions were they ever to be released.
  23. I don't disagree with this. Robotech was my first real exposure on a major basis to Anime. Sure I'd seen Star Blazers, BotP and some others, but Robotech was what really hooked me. I only had 5 TV channels when I was a kid, and no internet or anything like that, so I just had no opportunity for exposure. Until Robotech. As a kid, I LOVED that show. It really is what got me started on Anime at all.
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