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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Awesome pic DND. I love my MP05. Great toy.
  2. I'd buy FIVE...wait, got caught up there. I would buy an anime accurate Starscream for sure. And that MP UM is INCREDIBLE.
  3. I paid $44 shipped for series 2 on ebay.
  4. Thanks man! Those are hott. Hope we get them. Is there some way to get a replacement cup for my stand on my 1s? It broke in 1 day without me moving it at all.
  5. Just curious, would you or anyone around here happen to have pics of 1/100's w/FAST packs? I would assume they're protos but I'd still like to see them.
  6. This is one of the things I'd really like to see. How did we get to the 'Lord of the Flies' type thing they had going on? Did they ever explain where/when they got their Six? Yes, it's horrible that we have to speculate for 9 months without any hints of: Is Starbuck REALLY back? Are those 4 REALLY Cylons, and if so...who's #5?
  7. Was the picture of Earth at the end of the ep the actual first time they've really acknowledged it's existence within the continuity of the show?
  8. I would like to third Deathhammer's thoughts.
  9. If it were to end up as a Pegasus story, that could be pretty sweet. Watching the Pegasus fight its way out and then watching the characters degenerate into the condition we see them when they showed up on BSG would be cool. I also agree that it was perfectly legitimate for Lee to do what he did. He is pretty idealistic and often takes it too far, alienating everybody around him. I'm REALLY looking forward to Sunday Night for sure.
  10. Those spoilers have officially driven me insane.
  11. My understanding is that Takara/Hasbro doesn't own the Shockwave mold. So, for much the same reasons as Jetfire and Whirl, he will never be reissued.
  12. If you watch on ebay you can get them for ~$13 each. I got all of series two for about that much. I LOVE these things. I've got the Max and Miria in CRAZY fighting poses and have no worry of them falling. If they do, no biggie.
  13. I will definitely have one of these. I do hope that the tread will combine with the legioss in soldier mode. I always thought that looked particularly awesome, and with a flexi-stand, it could look wild. I hope that "Summer" = June and not August. I really like the looks of this.
  14. If anybody is dumping them wants to dump a Roy 1S at a low low price, PM me!
  15. This, quite simply, sounds like the greatest game of all time.
  16. I got one at lunch. I called Target and they had four, so I drove to the store in seven minutes and got the last one.
  17. Ohio is a black hole of Wiis. What other explanation is there?
  18. If I could have a second issue 0S without the QC issues and this armor I'd easily, EASILY pay $280 for it.
  19. I'm seriously going to snap if I don't find one of these soon...
  20. Really nice looking!
  21. I always want one of these until I look at that picture in Jenius review with the saggy back. I'm bringing saggy back Them other toys don't know how to act I think you're special whats behind your back So turn around and I'll pick up the slack. Take em' to the bridge
  22. I'm thinking of picking it up without the FP if the prices drop when the sets hit... But it would be nice to have the FP...
  23. hutch


    My ideal collection would be 1x Yamato 1/48's. 1x Yamato YF-19 1x Yamato VF-0S 1x Miria QR I'm a good portion of the way there. I still need a Low Vis 1 and the DYRL 1A's and Hikaru's 1S. I also would like to have a couple alphas at SOME point.
  24. If they fix most/all of the MPC Alpha issues I will definitely buy one. Heck, I've been tempted to buy the Stik one even with the problems. I love that mech.
  25. I hope it has the fixes for the problems people have been finding. I really want one of these but it seems like there are enough QC issues that I'm unwilling to drop that much money on one. It's a similar situation to the 0s.
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