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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Thanks Veritas! That deal that LAFToys has is very tempting to me. I thought I'd post this because some might find it funny, with the anger at Botcon going on, which I am right there with... It's stolen shamelessly from a sig on some TF messageboard that I stumbled onto last night while looking for reviews of the revoltech figs...
  2. Completely off track: Has anybody purchased Revoltech Optimus or Megatron? Worth $22?
  3. Yeah, but to me the Alt Hot Rod kind of fills that bill. Although being more Anime Accurate would be cool. Except for the Titanium we've never really had a decent RP.
  4. Mr. March, I bow to you. That is absolutely amazing. This game is so much ridiculous fun.
  5. I would DEFINITELY go for a MP Rodimus Prime. Make him as big as OP and you've got a sale for sure. I'd love to have him be posable and not a unmovable stick of plastic like the original.
  6. I assume that's from DYRL?
  7. I just got done taking out my first enemy base, after aquiring Blaster Launchers (I restarted over the weekend). The best is "Muton Soldier Has Panicked" That's the best feeling EVER.
  8. You're exactly right. The only caveat is that it's edited for time.
  9. If Alt Rodimus is real I'll buy it in a stone cold minute. If I can get it for a reasonable price that is.
  10. I just hope SOMETHING happens!!
  11. I wouldn't necessarily count on anything that Timm did with STAS and JLU having any effect whatsoever on this movie, other than no yellow "S" on the cape and that's strictly for animation purposes.
  12. HA! It's funny you should mention this. That's pretty much how I feel about guys who go into a UFO, spot a Floater 3 squares away, and can't hit him with Autoshot. I'll usually go Autoshot again, to give them a second chance, and if they don't hit again, I only feel pangs of pain if they have a Flying Suit on. Otherwise my thought is pretty much "You deserved to die".
  13. Because Bruce Timm has said it's not. Different designs, different VA's. Different Universe. BT has said this in every interview about any of the upcoming DC DTV's.
  14. Not tied into the Timmverse in any way. For now, there is no more Timmverse on the horizon. But THIS still looks AWESOME. And I can't WAIT for New Frontier.
  15. I got SOOOO lucky last night. I was playing and my hyperwave decoder picked up a small UFO, manned by ethereals, my first this game. So I shot it down, and got in close...and then the b@stards mind started mind controlling. However, I only lost one guy, and I recovered a LIVE ethereal leader!!! I've already got Psi Labs and Mind Sheilds going up, and I'm researching the Psi Amp now. And have yet to go up against any more ethereals yet. Perhaps by the time I encounter them again, I'll have SOME sort of protection. Also, I HEART shooting Mutons. Filthy animals.
  16. Thanks for the very productive advice, guys. I'm playing through it. Didn't get a chance to play much tonight, but tomorrow I'm going home from work early and that means some serious sectoid destructivity. I did some stupid stuff with organizing my bases wrt research and manufacture, but I'll get that straightened out soon.
  17. Well, last night I started encountering Mutons, and haven't even gotten close to a Sectoid Leader with a small launcher yet, so I think I may have to start over, because I know Ethereals are next and without any Psi training it's Mind Control City. I'll probably play it out, get demolished by Ethereal beings and then start over using Mr. March's excellent advice and probably be much the better for it. I hate feeling like everything is going so well and then remembering the h311 that's coming and thinking "I'm screwed". Ah well. Everything old is new again.
  18. Excellent advice, Mr. March. Really great stuff. I will have to try out your recommendations on smoke grenades and stun rods. I've honestly never used either and always thought they were useless. I'm a little past that point in my current game, but when I start again I'll give it a whirl. Thanks!
  19. Man, those new designs look GREAT. If there is something new in the works, BRING ON THE TOYS! Also, forgive me for not keeping up, has there been a release date or preorders posted for the CM Legioss and TREAD?
  20. I got DOSBOX to run X-Com UFO on my machine and sweet Lord I'd forgotten how much I love this game. So much fun. I love the smell of dead Sectoids in the morning.
  21. That video is AWESOME.
  22. Thanks for save me fitty man!
  23. If I may ask, what are peoples general opinion of MP Starscream? I don't have him, but am very pleased with both the MP Prime and MP Megs.
  24. Anybody by any chance play the TMNT game yet?
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