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Everything posted by hutch

  1. I'm aware this has probably been discussed, but does anyone know if any of the companies have any plans at all to make Yellow or Houquet models?
  2. Good point. Maybe they'll trot the Beta out again too to "gauge interest".... Toynami = Jerkstore. If I don't here a release date for these soon, I think I'm going to dump my 1/100's on ebay...
  3. Thanks man, much appreciated.
  4. Nice review. Very thorough and great pics as always. So since you can get the Rook and Lancer both in Aoshima and MPC versions from places that accept the returns, would you recommend the MPC, especially for a line-art stickler? TIA
  5. I echo these sentiments. Knowing your batting average will help me decide whether or not to order the other two...
  6. I can't figure out how to cancel through LAF...I didn't see any way to do it from the 'my orders' screen at least...
  7. I'm very depressed I pre-ordered this now...
  8. All coloration, I believe. Maybe some weaponry?
  9. Always look forward to your reviews jenius. Agree that either one would be welcomed as I'm curious about the CMs and your batting percentage with the Aoshimas.
  10. If my statistics are right, you should get at least 1 good one. Seriously though, I'm curious to see how yours turn out. Based on my experience with the toy and BBTS, I'll probably order the other 2 this week.
  11. I'm really sorry about your experience eriku. I agree, if it was as bad as what you describe, it's definitely not worth it. Honestly, have there been a lot of reports about the Aoshima Legioss? I've seen a few people in this thread get 'unlucky' and I got 'lucky'...I'm just trying to figure out if that's enough of a statistical sample to decide 'luck' vs. 'unluck'... Is there an overwhelming multitude of negative reviews out there that I missed?
  12. Got it. Not overly unimpressed. I've definitely had worse toys. Nothing broken. Hands seem fine so long as I was careful. There are some paint issues, yes. Only transformed once to Soldier. I was really careful with it, thanks to all the advice on here. All in all I would not be afraid to switch it back to ArmoDiver or Figher mode. Based on this it's entirely likely I will pick up some of the Toynami's from robotech.com in order to have a display of one in each mode. Not bad at all. To me, it was worth the $65 from BBTS, YMMV. If you can get it for $40 it's DEFINITELY worth it, IMO.
  13. AHHHHH! Cool, thanks for the heads up! Much appreciated. Great model then!
  14. I can't speak to durability or QC from the pictures, but just looking at them, the Aoshima looks about 100x better than the Toynami. I have a Stick one coming from BBTS. We'll see how that turns out I guess. I only plan on posing it on the shelf and rarely transforming it. If it's good enough for that I may order the other two and the Shadow from Toynami.
  15. My own fault for hemming and hawing too long. Anyplace else I can get these?
  16. It says the Stick pre-order is closed... :-(
  17. They just added it, thanks for the heads up. My mind is now unmade up.
  18. The quandry here becomes, will I like the CMS so much I cancel my pre-order, or will I end up with both and keep one in cycle mode and one in armor mode for each character? --- EDIT: Well, the decision was made for me...looks like the Stick pre-order is sold out...
  19. Agreed. I already have the MH's preordered from BBTS, but these look good, and LAF has them as being in stock on 2.5....dang.
  20. Seriously THANK YOU for the pics. It's not great, but I've seen worse... Again, thank you. Does help to see them side by side.
  21. I'm pulling a Pokemon on this whole line.
  22. eriku, thanks much for the recommendations. I was probably going that direction, but it's nice to have it reinforced. jenius I looke forward to your reviews.
  23. So...has anybody else purchased these or has it pretty much been concluded that these are junk?
  24. I can see how people like these, and happy for those that do. Thanks to everybody for all the price and release info and also the high quality pictures and scans.
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