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Everything posted by hutch

  1. I would have about a thousand of that toys babies.
  2. Picked up Movie Premium Ironhide and Blackout. These, along with DD Brawl are my first movie toys. I was 'meh' on the whole prospect but picked them up on the recommendation of a friend. I have to say, I'm very impressed. Solid construction, innovative transformations, decent posability. All in all I'd recommend them for sure, and I have to say I think kids have got to love them. Also got TFA Ratchet and Blackarachnia in the mail. Two more great figs. Ratchet is excellent in every way. I wish the 'magnet' gimmick more closely resembled what is on the show but in the real world there are concessions, I understand this. Only real drawback to Blackarachnia is being able to see her hands in her spider mode. Other than that, her little 'spinner' accessory is an excellent gimmick and it will actually hold her above the ground if you desire to hang her from something. Grimlock should be here today or tomorrow.
  3. As opposed to here...lol
  4. The complaining has a little to do with the ill trained reps who were telling people they'd be shipping tomorrow instead of in 3 months.
  5. Got Voyager Prime today. He is awesome. Love everything about the figure.
  6. Got Animated Deluxe Prime and Bumblebee today. Very nice figs. I've not got Megs, SS, Bulkhead and those two. Voyager Prime is on the way, along with Prowl, Lockdown, Ratchet and Blackarachnia. Can't wait to have them in hand...
  7. Season 2 will have more Decepticon involvement. Shin is dead on with the nature of the 2 parter at the end of this season.
  8. QFT. People jumped on this very clearly with the knowledge that the price could be wrong. It was implied throughout the thread.
  9. What country do you live in?
  10. I'm sticking with mine.
  11. Meh, I'd pay $150 for it.
  12. Ummmm...why would you do that when you can buy it off Robotech.com for $60?
  13. Thanks much for the great pics!
  14. The blue Beta is the only one shown with any regularity in the show, right? I just rewatched the whole thing and don't remember red or green having them...
  15. FYI everybody, canceling a pre-order (IF NEEDED, I try not to be 'that guy') is as easy as a single click on BBTS so long as you do it before the item arrives and they charge your card.
  16. Thanks guys! Preordered! BBTS RULES. Even if it's not real, oh well.
  17. It's mistransformed. His head flips up onto his back when transformed correctly.
  18. He's definitely mistransformed. I got Animated Cybertron mode Megatron and Starscream in the mail today. Holy crap are these awesome figs. Full of win.
  19. What you gon’ do with all that junk? All that junk inside your trunk? I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk, Get you love drunk off my hump. My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps. (Check it out)
  20. CM got something wrong with their design??? The hell you say!!! :lol: :lol:
  21. If they make it, I will buy at least one.
  22. hutch

    Macross Revoltech

    Thanks! I now have some Regult's preordered...
  23. Nice one len! I have Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Prime, Megs, and Starscream on the way. CAN'T WAIT to get them.
  24. hutch

    Macross Revoltech

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