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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Well, that tells me how long I have to save for it! Thanks for the pic, BlueMax! Also, I still think that VF-25 looks like there have been improvements made. In the pics that have come out, GERWALK mode looks better and in that pic the crotch is much more angled (like the lineart) than it has in any of the previous gen 25's. I know, I know, I'm probably too hopeful.
  2. I just wish I could find some that had some consistent quality wrt the video.
  3. Lita. Ford.
  4. Is it just me, or does it look like in GERWALK mode the VF-25 has more forward bend than the previous releases? It looks like the intakes may still be 'locked' but the nose is pointed far more below the horizontal than the anime Alto. I'm probably just hoping too much since that was my major complaint about the VF-25.
  5. Yes, those look like Predettes to me. A concept that I never felt the need to explore..."What are female Predators like?" honestly never popped into my head.
  6. Domino's is still open everywhere. They're running a huge ad campaign right now how they're improving their pizza after negative customer feedback.
  7. I assume this is the VF-25 with the tornado pack? Were there any other potential changes/improvements reported for that release?
  8. I'm interested to see what you come up with! The transformation is so radically different I'm curious to see how you retool it.
  9. Hot DAMN that looks nice. Still expensive, but it's beautiful. I'll have to see how they continue the line past the VF-1 which really doesn't interest me all this much.
  10. I think this is now my new favorite cartoon. It's SOOOO bad!!!
  11. Graham, did you succeed in "ungaying" the VF-11C pilot?
  12. There's just no...art to those jets. Really bad lines, imo. No flow whatsoever.
  13. On a DVD by DVD basis, if you use the 'used' option, you can get the ADV set on Amazon dirt cheap. I recently got all 7 DVDs for less than $80 shipped and all the disks were in great shape. They also sell the Animeigo release.
  14. To paraphrase Frank Costanza quoting his Korean girlfriend's dad... "This valk...is not my kind of valk" As always, of course, thanks for the pics ff95gj. I always look forward to your picture posts.
  15. We should have a thread that's exclusively for "What is Sempai Drinking?"
  16. Just got done watching the clips from above... It looks like the South Park guys made a mecha cartoon, from the looks of the animation...although that might be giving it too much credit. WOW. I agree. I hope HG latches onto this...
  17. The quarter certainly looks great. I may eventually have to invest in one. The only thing I find myself wishing it had is a voice chip with Bobby screaming in righteous anger mode.
  18. Don't forget Professor Obfuscate. He's always lurking in the shadows, planning some sort of monkeyshines.
  19. If I may ask, what did you do to modify the knee joint? The fiddly GERWALK mode is my only major complaint about this toy.
  20. I thought it was so funny that they insisted that it was MORE believable that a guy would mutate to have spinnerets where NO CREATURE ACTUALLY HAS SPINNERETS rather than the concept that a kid could invent something cool. BAH Hollywood. BAH!
  21. I'd love to put it on my shelf in 'linked up' diver mode...It'd look like some sort of centaur or weird space/mecha/cow... Great review and pics Jenius
  22. That's AMAZING!!
  23. I'm fine with this I guess, but if it means I get subjected to ANOTHER origin movie, I'M OUT! I don't need Spidey's origin repeated to me, even in short form.
  24. I'm sticking with M7 and saying it's VF-17 and VF-19. Both of which would be AWESOME. Now if Bandai would just make a 171!!
  25. Thanks for all the details! Can't wait to find out the next two molds they will use to drain my wallet. I'm glad they're at least open to the prospect of future releases of destroids once we see a real economic turnaround.
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