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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Now, back to the VF-11... Given the rate of production for the Bandai Hi-Metals, isn't it still highly we'll get such a unique figure (MAXL) through that line? Maybe in like 3 years but by then the line will almost assuredly be dead, right?
  2. And...they're also generally complete pieces of crap...your point being?
  3. Yes. So long as you tighten them correctly, I've never had a problem with them supporting any valk.
  4. All 1/60 SV-51 Nora VF-0S with Ghost VF-27 VF-25F Alto Super VF-25S Ozma Armored VF-22S Gamlin VF-11B VF-1J Max - Super, Milia - Super, Hikaru VF-1S Roy - Super/Strike VF-1A CF, Max TV, Kakizaki TV VF-1D Destroids - Tomahawk, Defender (en route) 15 total not counting the ground pounders
  5. VF-25s without Super or Armor parts are cake and a TON of fun, imo. VF-11 is a blast, imo. Love that valk. No problems with the VF-1 V2s. VF-22 is the only one that drives me genuinely nuts.
  6. This is good news. I bought a couple through BBTS a short while ago but nice to go to the source.
  7. Yup, from the MMM... I'm not up for the 11C as it stands...too plain IMO...but if they do M&M 11's it's an amazing combo of paint jobs and quality toy that would probably lure me to buy both. The Milia M7 11B and VFX-11 from M3 are significantly different as well...
  8. Super Glue did the trick and I figured out what I did wrong and that I forced it. Now that I figured out the trick to get it in fighter, I'm 18x happier with this toy. VERY glad I got one, especially with the price I paid through AmiAmi.
  9. So...I got my DX armored Ozma in fighter mode (thanks for the 'angling' tip, Graham) but while I was converting it...the chest armor piece broke! Luckily it broke along a seam, so hopefully Super Glue will do the job but I was surprised what with the reputation the Bandai's have for being pretty sturdy. I am not having good luck with this toy!
  10. Thanks for the advice guys. It's close enough to time for bed that I don't need the frustration so I'll just leave it in Battroid tonight and hit it again tomorrow.
  11. Okay...I got my armored DX Ozma today... I must have sat for 45 minutes trying to get it to go together in fighter mode with the Armor on and could NOT get the leg armor to lock into the wings. Any tips or is this just how it is?
  12. Just a question... I just got my first V2 Flexistands today...does anybody else not like them nearly as much as the V1's? The tips aren't nearly as gummy and it makes it more difficult to stick poses, imo. Anybody have any tips on 'gummying' up the new, harder tips?
  13. Amiami gets HUGE props from me. Not just for sending my Lucifer in the blink of an eye but also because they restocked on Friday with the Armored Ozma Messiah and, obviously, it's not going to go out until Monday (March 1) but they still gave me the half off shipping. SO I'm waiting for a Armored Ozma that I'm getting for $177 total including EMS shipping. Also waiting on 3 Flexistands from BBTS.
  14. There are about a million currency converters online...google is your friend... Here's one... Currency Conversion
  15. hutch

    1/100 Toynami Regult

    BBTS has them in stock.
  16. My browser does the cropping automatically...the pics just take forever to load, that's all.
  17. Agree with you Pete about Animated being the last G1 hoorah...hope the rest of the Animated figs come out.
  18. Man I really want the Grace version, especially now that I've realized how awesome the Brera version is.
  19. Agree completely. Great transformation on the 25 and 27.
  20. Ok, this 11b pose isn't epic, but the VF-11 has just an amazing GERWALK stance... VF-25 is hard to pose in GERWALK, the Flexistand makes it a little easier...I love this bird, I wish they had done a little better by it with a better toy... And now for some Super 1's...with Max helping Milia do some aiming...
  21. LOVE. THIS. TOY. I was having a really sucky week until I went to the post office today and got this.
  22. I got mine, opened it, put it in GERWALK mode and immediately berated my VF-25 saying "WHY CAN'T YOU STAND LIKE THAT!?!?!?" SOOOO aggressive. I love this toy.
  23. I found that a pair of tweezers with tissue paper over the ends it works quite well
  24. As soon as I saw the news in the "Scoopda" thread about the green 27, my FIRST thought was "oooooh, man, David's gonna be TICKED." I'd be up for one as well if the price was kept below about 130% of the original (I've never tried to get an exclusive before so I don't even know if that's possible).
  25. I lost a wager with myself...said if AmiAmi still had the 11C in stock when I got home from work, I'd get one...they were out. Fate has spoken...until the next time somebody has a deal on shipping.
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