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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Looks good to me. Cover it it mud and nazi blood and you've got something.
  2. lol @ Joe Don Baker
  3. ebay
  4. hutch

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    Sometimes (often?) one of the members on here that is located in Japan or has contacts in that country will organize a 'group buy' for exclusives. Usually involves a down payment and then waiting a long time for it to come. Oh and it will obviously be much more expensive than the standard VF-1. I believe the VF-1A Angel Birds is expected to run around $200+ for example. Don't know what impact this being a magazine exclusive instead of a webshop exclusive will have...maybe make a group buy impossible? I'm sure as the time gets closer we'll get more info on that possibility. For my part, I'll sit and hope that there will be a group buy, because this thing is beautiful.
  5. That is good, beautiful and clear, but you don't have to tear down one thing to build another thing up. Frontier was beautifully animated, imo.
  6. hutch

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    Yeah, I'm in for a group buy on this. Fantastic looking toy and couldn't agree more, it's a fantastic looking color scheme.
  7. JSF money woes
  8. Agree. That's a HUGE zipper. It's like they didn't try.
  9. In for 1.
  10. I don't think the "BAF" principle applies well in this genre.
  11. Because the paint job is much better.
  12. Holy CRAP is that beautiful. Just amazing stuff. I'm amazed at some of the modeling talent on this site.
  13. That is unbelievable. I hope once we get the Kai Yamato milks the mold like crazy.
  14. Want TV Version
  15. THIS Yamato's testing the market with the 1/2000 resin kit SDF has apparently led to the 1/3000 that we'll be able to possibly purchase sometime soon in toy form. Given that, it's entirely possible that this Regult kit with soldier may lead to being able to buy the soldier and/or the Regult, albeit with maybe less detail, at some point in the future. With the number of toy companies that are just going out of business, not producing anything new, etc right now, I'm perfectly happy with what's going on with Yamato. They're at least giving the appearance of trying new things in order to move forward.
  16. CAD pics of the upper part of the chest of something we've known was coming already for more than 3 months are never going to garner as much interest as actual pictures of a toy that nobody knew was coming and is in a scale it's never been built in.
  17. Soooooo happy to hear this. Can't wait for details.
  18. I didn't buy any QRau's because they're technically DYRL mecha. Also, every review says they're a pretty crappy toy. If they made SDFM enemy mecha, I'd be all over them.
  19. hutch

    VF-1A Max TV

    I could be wrong, but I believe the only real problem TV white valk has been the Hikaru 1J.
  20. Do they? I've seen more people talking about it being the 1/60 scale outfit for the VF-1A TV Max.
  21. hutch

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    I'll buy it if it's a new/altered mold. If it's just a non transformable VF-1 fuggetaboutit.
  22. Totally excited for this. CAD looks good from the minimal detail I can see. Hope it comes to fruition in time to order before the end of the year.
  23. I'd pay that for it if it's finished, sufficiently large and sufficiently detailed. Although I may find myself waiting for the hope that a SDFM version shows up.
  24. It's exciting to see Yamato doing new things. I'm disappointed that it's a web exclusive and a kit but just seeing them test the waters is really encouraging. I'd love to see close up pics of that thing, I bet fully finished it looks amazing.
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