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Everything posted by hutch

  1. "The series is buzzword buzzword buzzword, buzzword buzzword buzzword"
  2. FWIW rumor is that rotors will be added to the batcopter in post production, so it's not just floating there.
  3. Saw this tonight. What a great film. Thoroughly impressed with the effects, actors and plot. I may go see it again.
  4. New Ridley Scott Alien movie? Sign me up.
  5. Yes. Knightfall was actually a really great Batbook crossover story. I think I'll reread it at some point soon.
  6. I hope there's some magic in the works...I boo midget Bane... My link
  7. Preordered mine from HLJ. Can't wait.
  8. Can someone please tell me why the heck they're not repeating this at all?
  9. Thanks for the pic and link. Looks awesome.
  10. Agree with this assessment and yes I did see the Spider-man trailer. It looked better on the big screen than it did on my computer. I was disappointed...there were only TWO trailers before my showing of Cap. I almost asked for my money back!
  11. GERWALK mode looks INCREDIBLE in that review.
  12. IMO the Tartakovsky series was great. Well worth watching. It's on Netflix, but not instant.
  13. Time to start saving. No real interest in the 29, even though it looks great, but a 25 with a good GERWALK mode and other improvements? Sold. Thanks for passing along this news. I appreciate it.
  14. I would watch every episode and buy every DVD the moment it came out if they made an animated series set either during Episode IV - VI or in the time period following. Give me a "Shadows of the Empire" series in the style we have now and I'd be in love.
  15. Mine seems to be fine. I've only changed it up to battroid though but not back. Probably do that within the next week or so.
  16. End of the year would be insane. Wowza. Still, I'll take it. I can't wait to see this thing.
  17. Just got mine and transformed from F to G. As odd as it may sound (maybe this is somewhere in the thread but I couldn't find it) rotating the upper thigh about 10 - 15 deg away from the body made it REALLY easy to rotate the hip joint down for G mode. It wouldn't even budge before I did that, but as soon as I rotated it just slightly it made all the difference in the world. Might even characterize it as 'loose'. The only complaint I could possibly imagine so far would be that the right ankle joint is SUPER tight on mine but loosening the screws on the foot fixed that. All in all this is as good as the VF-1 V2.0.
  18. Stupid cc company refused the charge from HLJ. Called them and hopefully it's straightened out now. Jerks.
  19. Least floppy valk outside of the VF-1. Looks like they hit a homerun with the locking mechanisms there.
  20. Okay, I'm pre-ordering this now.
  21. Looks like a SLIGHTLY better costume than Italian Spiderman, but not by much.
  22. Cannot Wait So awesome that they're making this. Can't believe that they're going for another brand new mold this soon. PICS! My kingdom for some pics!
  23. Saw it tonight. Could not have been more pleased. Casting was solid. Effects were great. Story was very good. Enjoyed it all around. Also, Natalie Portman is PREPOSTEROUSLY hot.
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